I want to experience the game world, explore all the nooks and crannies of the map, I've always loved world-building in RPG games so that is what I am most excited about.
Having WHOLLY CONSUMED The Witcher 3 I'm most looking forward to getting lost in people's little life stories, bumbling their problems and accidentally turning them into a sentient toaster.
I want to get into a new game and the anticipation for this is overwhelming. i want to experience ALL Cyberpunk has to offer and get my friends into it too.
I want to be able to explore an immersive world where the limits are only of the imagination. This game was one of the biggest contributing factors for me deciding to build a PC!
Just having the chance to have Keanu Reeves helping me in an RPG is a chance I can not pass up. It would look AH-MAZE-ING on the pc with graphics card powering the beautiful world CDProject Red has created for us. CAN NOT WAIT!!
I just want to immerse my self in Night City. From what I have seen of Cyberpunk it's going to set a whole new bar for RPG's and I cannot wait to play it!