I'm looking forward to the cyborg-ness of everything. I've even created a few infomercial ideas:
"You don't like the color of your eyes? Change them! It's 2077; plastic surgery is for your grandparents, stop on down by Earl's Eye Mods located in Downtown's Studio City! We've got blue, brown, hazel, green, cat, dragon, Iron Man, Three-Eyed Raven, and more! But wait, call now, and we'll throw in the CrazyEye Kit by Yacko's Emporium of Quirks and Oddities! Confuse all of your friends and family by having both of your eyes looking everywhere but where they should be!
"Have you tried bench pressing a dump truck, and it just won't budge? Try out the new Boston Dynamics hydraulic power arms! Once they're installed, you'll finally be able to achieve your dream of becoming the lift at your local mechanic!"
"It's 3 a.m, you're leaving the club, you've had a few to drink, and then someone approaches you. They ask what your plans are tonight before you have a chance to answer you're being taken for ransom! --Cut to the studio and pan towards the narrator's face-- How do you get out of this? You owe the corp's a bunch of money already, how can you possibly pay these people? Well, no need to worry any longer! The wait is over, and it is finally here, the Crotch Cannon! The Crotch Cannon is installed directly inside your pelvis! Whenever you are under intense stress, the Crotch Cannon automatically activates to deter any would-be or current attackers. Through advanced firearm emulation, it has several functions. Including 9mm, .22 Calibre, .50 Cal Sniper Rifle, Smooth Bore Musket for those pesky Colonials, Deringer for those discrete occasions, Howitzer when you want to make a good impression in their torso, and last but not least, the Groin System 6000, firing 10,000 watts of pure defense in your assailant's eye sockets!"