What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Aug 5, 2020
For Me it was House Of the Dead, Used to complete the game in one go...was easy and only possible game to run(apart from roadrash) on my new pc with 256 mb ram, 80 gb hdd and xp
Aug 5, 2020
lol I'm extremely new to gaming (I was born mid 2000-2010)

first gaming device ? iPad 1

first game would be talking tom. that damn striped cat was my best friend for a year or two, well at least till the company that developed him created multiple carbon copies.
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Feb 16, 2020
I think it was an original Master System that came with a port of Hang-On and Safari Hunt! It was a bundle cartridge.

I remember really enjoying the shooting game with the light gun, but I think Hang-On was a bit advanced for my four-year old self.

It was very soon after my dad returned it to the store and got a Mega Drive instead (with Alex Kidd, Altered Beast).
Jan 14, 2020
My first game that I remember is Where in the world is carmen sandiego in an old XT with a yellow monochrome monitor in the house of my cousins. My older cousin would play and I would look at her play for what it looked hours. When I was a little older I would help her play with a dictionary and/or enciclopaedia to find the flags and whatnot. Later she would let me play by myself. At that time I learned the flags by memory :p
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Aug 4, 2020
The first game I remember playing could have been on a colecovision at a friends, I think it was pong but the depths I have to sink to is lost in the mist and darkness at the bottom of my memory lol. Then there were the handhelds when I was about ten Astrowars, Galaxy invader that are very vague memories. I may of had pocket watch donkey Kong at the same time but they didn't really grip until I played on the Spectrum 48k at a neighbours house. Wheelie was the game and then that was it I was hooked I had to have one. I remember the feeling of people talking about the spectrum in class before register saying how good Knightlore was and the sadness in my soul of not having one as I wasn't one of these rich kids in my class :D. Then Xmas 84 came round. I'll never forget the smell of that glossy box and it's polystyrene. I still have it but I'm the one who smell's now :D
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Aug 13, 2020
I am a classic gamer. Just to give my age a little the first game I played was Pong. First gaming system I played was an Odyssey 3. First game I played on it was Pick Axe Pete. First PC game I played was U Rogue. So I am very old school.
Aug 14, 2020
This is a very hard question indeed since there are lots of games that I played back then but let me see if I'll be able to add more details to it.

If Tetris and Tamagochi are being considered video games then it would probably suffice to answer the given question.

The first RPG thatI played in PlayStation was Thousand Arms ~ this really gave me all the love that I have for video games. :)
Aug 17, 2020
The first game I ever played, huh. I played a saga game. But as for a computer game, I believe the first ever computer game I played with Minecraft (free edition - java) but nowadays I don't use Minecraft for nothing except a benchmark. Heh, Soon after that I got into roblox. It seemed more promising to me at least, it had many games. And many different things. My first computer is a computer I always loved. Though I never built it, I had great performance. Though when I was younger I used to mainly just watch stuff via Hard Drive. Like Hamtaro or other stuff. My stats (I think) were:

cpu - pentium 4
ram - 4 gig
psu - ?
case - basic gateway case
hdd - 160 gigs + 500gigs (movie drive)
optical drive - DVD rom burner
windows - vista

Thats all I really remember about it.
Aug 19, 2020
The first game I remember playing was Turok: Rage Wars for the N64 when I was 3 or 4. It was a big deal because my mom was pissed at my dad because he just bought games he wanted to play. Ironically that and Gauntlet were my mom and I's favorite co-op games lol.
Aug 18, 2020
The first video game I remember playing is Snake on my dad's Nokia phone lol! Classic. That has to be the earliest. p.s i bought Age of Empires when I was 8/9 on my dad's phone without knowing it costed xD That's another early game I remember playing.
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Aug 23, 2020
I have very vague memories of playing a Backyardigans and maybe even a generic carnival game in the basement of the house I lived in when I was really little. We moved sometime before I was six, so I don't remember the layout of the house, which makes it even harder to tell if I'm remembering things correctly. If I am remembering correctly though, they were minigame based, and were mainly point-and-click, and one of the mini-games was where you filled in colors into line art.

The first video game I remember playing is Snake on my dad's Nokia phone lol!
I almost forgot this one, but I remember playing this bubble pop game, on my dad's old Nokia phone. You would shoot a bubble at the top, and it cleared if the color matched. I was actually just thinking about this because I just found what I believe to be the same phone in storage and I'm trying to take it apart just for fun, but I don't have the right screw size, so I'm trying to work around that.

I also remember taking around a Leapfrog handheld in the car and playing on it. My favorite games on it were a Cars game(I used to watch the movie at least once a day lol) and an archaeology game, which I remember had a digging minigame that didn't involve any learning that I played the most lol. I also recently found the case for a Leapfrog Spongebob game that I vaguely remember playing, even though I wasn't even allowed to watch Spongebob.

My first relatively clear gaming memory was playing Super Mario Bros. Wii with my dad. This is also my first memory of playing a "real" video game.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
My first vid game was Four-in-a-row, which I used to see what that Basic programming thing was all about. I had fun typing the code in from a magazine article, and being amazed it worked—'errata' were an essential part of mags then, where they'd correct the previous month's typos while we all waited non-patiently!

I don't know what my first PC game was, but the first one which stuck in my memory was the original Prince of Persia—it had the first somewhat realistic human motion character I'd seen.
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Aug 25, 2020
I remember when I finally got my gaming pc. I don't remember specs but it was quite big (obviously for me because I was a kid). anyways, I remember playing F1 1987. I just have a fragment of its memory but I remember the graphics. it was a great joy playing that game!
Jan 13, 2020
The Legend of Zelda on NES. And it stands out because it was befuddling to my 5 yr old mind. I watched in vain as my older brother played thru the game mapping out the secrets on grid paper wondering what new treasures hed find. then id play and die to the simplest of monsters and goldfish attentionspan id be off out pretending tobe zelda because i didnt know better that the hero was actually named Link. imagine my surprise when snes Link to the Past blew up my world years later.
Aug 25, 2020
Wolfenstein 3d so very long ago was my first game I played on the PC and also my first love. Then Halo. And it was all history from their. Still playing Wolfenstein today - glad to see it last through the times