What was the first video game you remember playing?

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May 2, 2020
My first games series: Mortal Kombat 4 , Resident Evil 2 (1999) , Comandos , Max Payne 1 , Fifa 98 , Delta Force..what a childhood.Thanks!
May 2, 2020
Hi, one of the first games which i was playing was 'BARBARIAN'. That time i had my first PC IBM with hercules graphic and huge black and yellow colour monitor. Good old times
May 2, 2020
I remember playing Horace Goes Skiing back in 1982, I was 8 years old.

My teacher had bought a ZX81 and it was my first experience with a home computer. Up till that point, I'd only played an Atari console.

A new world was opened up to me from that point.
May 1, 2020
First thing i recall playing was Gaia from SNES. A hidden ARPG.
That game so dang fun and memorable. I played it many times from beginning to end and i was always missing one jewel which i could not figure out where it was. I had no PC back then and gamefaqs was still fresh lol (not that i knew what that was atm anyway). Second was Super Street Fighters 2 ( i used to get beat in that game)
May 2, 2020
River raid on Atari, in 1988. There were such computer game saloons appearing in USSR, 1 ruble for 10 minutes of play, my grandmother let me have the pleasure.
May 2, 2020
Damn, the first game I played was so long ago, probably Virtua Cop or Spiderman. I had never played any videogames before in my life, watched only a precious little of cartoons so when the first time I saw and heard Black Cat sauntering upto Spiderman or Carnage pursuing me through the corridors or figuring out where to put the bomb, that became a turning point in my whole life. Here I am today, 16 years of gaming and counting.
May 2, 2020
Cyberia Mission Norway demo that came with our first ever pc. Although it was pre-rendered, it was pretty amazing playing stuff like that back then and the only thing I was familiar with at the time was Tetris that came on cheap portables.

It was split into a Telltale games section where you interact with the environment like talk to characters, disarm bombs(with a really cool cyberpunk UI) and a on-rails section where you're in a futuristic stealth fighter taking on an aircraft carrier then a hidden sub base and finally a sprawling military base with everything shooting at you.

Great stuff back then.
May 2, 2020
Pong, my parents had a Pong game and an Atari 2600 when I was born and Pong was the first game we played, then a bunch of classic Atari games before moving on to a Colecovision and NES.
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May 2, 2020
My first games were Wallace & Gromit: Project Zoo on PC when I was eight and Super Mario 64 on DS when I got one.
May 2, 2020
One of the 1st games i ever remembered playing was Super Mario bros! I would spend all day with my cousins playing that. Waiting for them to die so I could play as Luigi! One of my all time favorite video game characters. Just trying to beat King Koppa " before he was bowser" and just dying. Spy hunter was another favorite driving those cars, I can't remember how many times we died lol. Every time we just tried to make it into the back of the 18 wheeler to get that upgraded!
May 1, 2020
I don't know if games like Pong or the Atari Asteroid games count but at least I've succeeded in dating myself--so there's that. Then there were the educational games like Oregon Trail and the ever so popular Donkey Kong. After a very long hiatus, last summer/fall I upgraded my PC in a major way, and went all-in -- at least for me. I ended up purchasing an RTX-2080 graphics card which came with two games: Control and Wolfenstein: Youngblood. I felt obliged to give them both a whirl. After mastering both of those games (insert long, and sustained wink, here), I then purchased Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds. Outer Wilds was a great game but introduced me to one of the frustrations that can occur when I was near finishing and my progress settings disappeared--sigh.

In summary, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually enjoyed gaming. I always had imagined it was not for me but I quickly got hooked--even at my not so young age.
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May 2, 2020
My cousin introduced me to the world of gaming. I didn't own a PC at the time and he had a pentium 1 computer. I played "Dangerous Dave" and got instantly hooked. i was very little and couldn't get pass lvl 4. Later I played games like Pac man, Hercules and project IGI on my friend's computer. IGI was very popular at the time and i was obsessed. since then i've played many games over many years. I am thankful to my cousin for introducing me to the world of gaming.
May 2, 2020
The earliest one that I can recall would have to be Super Mario Bros. for the NES. I was either three or four years old at the time, and one of my Dad's friends had brought it over to play.

The first PC game that I recall would have to be a kids activity suite called Tink Tonk that came out on the Commodore 64.

Edit: After looking it up on YouTube, it was specifically Tonk In The Land of Buddy-Bots. I think my Dad got me the collection of Tink! Tonk! games, but Buddy-Bots was the one I most remembered.
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