What was the first video game you remember playing?

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May 4, 2020
Hard to tell, I remember getting a ps one back in the day, I was 4 years old I think. It was a cheap slim model even though the PS2 was out and well. Anyway, my first games were Gran Turismo, Rayman and Astérix & Obélix Maxi Delirium (a party game). I still love and revisit these games sometimes. Believe it or not, as old as my console is, it still work (most of the times) compared to my old ps2 or ps3.
May 4, 2020
This is still a very clear memory in my mind. I not only remember the first video game I played, but when and where I played it. The game: Super Mario World, the age 3-4 years old. I was at a pool party with my parents (obviously), and very, very bored. They stuck me in a room with one of the children. We had never met before, so instead of talking he fired up his SNES. The second I touched the controller a radical transformation took place. I no longer was just a boy: I was a gamer. And that my friends is what we call history!

I'm totally coming in late to this thread but Super Mario World was the first game I remember playing on a SNES that my brother and I got as a joint present when I was 6 years old in '96 (Shout out to all those with an easy to remember birthday!)

Honestly though that game was my life for so long and the fact that we could both play was a lifesaver for the parental units. I've still got the SNES somewhere, just need to connect it all up again to the TV :LOL::love:
May 1, 2020
It was wolfenstein 3D and I knew it was a begging of a new whole world! I was 6 years old yet that's what I thought.

The next game was my uncles Leisure suit Larry but he didn't let me to play long enough to understand what was game like :) :)
May 4, 2020
It's not my first memory playing videogames, but it is the first time that I played on PC. My parents bought a brand new Intel @ 150 Mhz, 16 MB RAM, 2 GB Hard Disk, no graphic card...and the videogame which I inaugurated this PC was Duke Nukem 3D. It was just glorious
May 3, 2020
Aside from Pong and the Atari 2600, the first game I remember playing on something resembling a personal computer was Parsec on the Texas Instruments TI-99 my school had in Grade 6 (1981-ish). The TI-99/4A had a keyboard and BASIC programming environment. It also had a cartridge slot. So it was a hybrid between a game machine and something capable of office work. I remember learning PRINT commands and writing my first software (such as it was) on that machine and saving to a cassette tape (IIRC).
May 1, 2020
Maybe in Master System II , no remember the name, only the main character was a ninja in vertical scroll... Or Alex Kidd in miracle world.
May 4, 2020
It was Contra I think and I played it on those bootleg nes that came with a keyboard instead of controller. wild
May 2, 2020
Virtual cop, House of the dead and DX ball. These three were literally the first pc games that I played in my first pc.
May 3, 2020
The first PC game i really fell in love with was Star Wars Rebel Assault II. I remember i had to convince my dad to get me joystick just so i could steer the damn ships haha.
Apr 1, 2020
Would be my C64 games but that was so long ago it's hard to order them. Dizzy? Kwik Snax? Wizball? Newzealand story? Difficult to remember!
May 4, 2020
For me, it was Project I.G.I. 2. It was not an easy game! I remember I had 256 MB of ram, 128 MB of GPU, running on Pentium 4. Man, those were the days!
May 1, 2020
The first I remember playing was probably pong. My dad bought an Atari console. That and then playing lunar lander. Incredible experience that I still remember lucidly
May 5, 2020

The first game I owned was Reel Bass Fishing for ps, lol. My family are very outdoorsy and also kinda bible-beltish, so they didn't want video games to rot my brain and turn me violent. First game I ever played was Super Mario 64.​
May 5, 2020
So it was either this plane game called 1945 or Lemmings. All I know is, this was the first computer in our household and we actually got diskettes with games!
Ah, all those papers containing all the badly handwritten level codes for the Lemmings...
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May 5, 2020
God damn I just can't remember exactly because there were so many, but my best guess would be Rogue squadron II on my cousin's gamecube. But the first game of my very own would be Pokémon Ruby on the gameboy, so many great memories...
May 3, 2020
I don't know what the first game I ever played was. Probably pong or a variant as we had cheap TV games back in the 70's. I know a friend had an Atari VHS but I cannot remember playing it.

First game I remember playing a great deal with WIzardry - Knight of Diamonds, or perhaps the original Castle Wolfenstein (not the 3d one) on an Apple iie in early 80's I guess - would have had to be as I didn't see a computer until 1982.

Yep, Fellow OGG here. Old Grey Gamer. :) PONG here too on a giant wood frame console TV! Atari 2600 after that. And Wolfenstein on the Apple. Too funny!
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