What was the first video game you remember playing?

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Apr 22, 2020
Captain Skyhawk for the NES was the first game I ever remember playing. My big brother had an NES and at the time my favorite movie was Top Gun (I was quite young). He got this game for me and I was totally in love with it. The semi-3d sections were awe-inspiring to me and docking after missions is one of the most aggravating things I remember doing at that time.

I dreamed of flying a space-worthy F14 Tomcat when I got older because of this game. Hell, I STILL want to do that.
Apr 21, 2020
I think the first games were the Atari 2600 games arcade in the mid 1980's. The first PC games were the Red Baron linear game on the 80286 processor . The first FPS (my favorite kind) was Wolfenstein 3D. I remember how the original DOOM became so immersive and atmospheric, when my character turned a corner down a dark corridor, I would careen my neck out of centerline to try to get a better view thru my monitor of what was around the corner.
Those were the days... When it was all new!
Thanks for asking that question!
65 y/o/kid.
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Apr 22, 2020
My first game was Wii Sports Resort. I was pretty young and didn't have a pc yet, so I played on my parents Wii. Its still one of my favorite consoles.
Apr 25, 2020
My dad played games on our Intel 80486. Probably the first game I played was Patience or Minesweeper. What I remember most is watching my dad play Doom. Het got in on a floppie disc from the pastor of our church.
Apr 21, 2020
I might be one of the older geezers here.... the first video game I remember playing is "Below the Root".
It came out in 1984 from Windham Classics on the Commodore 64.

This is the cover - Cover Art
Game graphics - Screenshot

Man we have come a LONG way since.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Welcome @Mister_Bumbles. We have come a long way, but at the same time, some of the games from the '80s are still to this day very much playable and enjoyable. Games like: Arkanoid, Wizball, Black Lamp, Buggy Boy & Beyond the Ice Palace. I could keep going! Just listen to this soundtrack made from an angels harpy, would you not like to play it?;)

Speaking of Commadore 64, I remember having a blast playing Winter Games with my childhood friend. I was a beast at shooting, not so good at the other stuff. Summer games were ok, but the bloody loading error killed that game! If the cassette errored, you had to reset and wait for around 20 minutes for the game to successfully load!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc2yGJzaa_I
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Apr 26, 2020
I usually suffer from having a half decent memory but I can vividly remember the night my dad brought home a NES with Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt. I fired up Duck Hunt first.
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Nov 25, 2019
Pong. It was oddly mesmerizing.
Duck Hunt was the next I played, when game consoles became rentable from our local video store.
The first modern video game I played was Myst. It was beautiful and annoying.

We've sure come a long way since then!
Apr 28, 2020
Call of Duty 2 on PC. This was my "initiation" in FPS genre of games and I have been playing only this type of games. But, after 13 years, it gets little bit boring to play FPS games every single day.
Apr 29, 2020
We had this knockoff NES when I was a kid and it came with a cartridge that says 9000 games in 1! It turned out it was more like 10 games with 900 slightly different names but one of them was a tank game called Battle City and it was the first video game I remember playing. Very good game!


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