Watcha playin' this weekend? (16 - 17 Oct)

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I'm going to be working on the most miserable crafting recipe (Craftopia) in the history of gaming. Here's a picture:


Yes, that's a damn crafting recipe, and that may not even be the whole thing. I have to wait until I get the last thing on this list to see if there is any more that I need. Not only do you need ridiculous amounts of these items, but some of these items are incredibly difficult to craft even one of, much less 100. I'm so close, though, I can't give up now, but there have been times the last couple of evenings when I've wanted to just quit the game rather than continue this. What is this recipe for? An oil rig so that you can fuel your vehicles, including a jetpack.
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^ Can you make me baklava with them ingredients? LOL! I got lost in crafting recipes...made my brains into spaghetti in Diablo II LoD, finding items that I wanted were what made me go bonkers. No I didn't know the full mechanics of the game back then, just had an end goal of finishing the game.

Also, never give up!!!
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Wasteland 3 and X4 again, I'm sure.
I'm going to be working on the most miserable crafting recipe (Craftopia) in the history of gaming....
Oh, I don't know about that. Kinda depends on the semantics of "crafting." X3: Terran Conflict's HUB mission had you repairing a giant space station by feeding (very literal) tons of materials into it. Some were raw materials like silicon and ore but most were manufactured things. It was very much like a guided crafting recipe. At first, the ingredients were small enough that you could simply buy them around the galaxy and truck them over to the station but it quickly escalated to where you needed to build entire factories to supply what was needed. You'll need to build an entire manufacturing empire to finish the station!

X4 has its terraforming, which also requires huge piles of materials, but those are divided into 7 distinct planets to terraform. I believe its harder to do all 7 than the old HUB mission, but the only reason to do all 7 would be for an achievement.


Community Contributor
Wasteland 3 and X4 again, I'm sure.
Oh, I don't know about that. Kinda depends on the semantics of "crafting." X3: Terran Conflict's HUB mission had you repairing a giant space station by feeding (very literal) tons of materials into it. Some were raw materials like silicon and ore but most were manufactured things. It was very much like a guided crafting recipe. At first, the ingredients were small enough that you could simply buy them around the galaxy and truck them over to the station but it quickly escalated to where you needed to build entire factories to supply what was needed. You'll need to build an entire manufacturing empire to finish the station!

X4 has its terraforming, which also requires huge piles of materials, but those are divided into 7 distinct planets to terraform. I believe its harder to do all 7 than the old HUB mission, but the only reason to do all 7 would be for an achievement.

I was just being hyperbolic. The mission in Warframe to craft your railjack was far worse and would have literally taken most players real world years to complete. They did eventually change it, though.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Geez, and I used to ***** about needing 4 rhino skins to upgrade my wallet in Far Cry 3 :rolleyes:

I'll keep toodling along in Far Cry 5. I have all the GFH specialists now except for Sharky Boshaw the pyromaniac and Nick Rye the plane guy, Rye's aviation. After I cleared Nick's home base, the task was to retrieve his plane from a baddie base. Of course I had no shortage of tasks, so I put Nick's on the long finger.

When I pulled the long finger out of my… hang on, let me rephrase.
When I got back the mission, there was no sign of Nick's plane. Either I left it too long, or it was one of the many baddie planes I shot down in the interim. I went back after a reboot, but still no sign of his plane—dunno :unsure:

There sure is a whole lot to do in this game! When I fire it up and open the map, there are still loads of mission diamonds scattered around, and people requiring meeting, who no doubt will each give another side mission. Then there are about 6 different collectibles—ciggy lighters, comic books, plastic containers, whiskey barrels etc. I have the maps for each and pick 'em up while going to the next objective.

Going to the next objective almost always on foot means ~10 encounters with baddies and hostile wildlife. I don't avoid these, I look for trouble—full stealth is only for taking down a stronghold. So it can take an hour to get from a Fast Travel point to the nearby objective.

I have ~$60K now, where an ammo refill is $200-500, and a big-ticket item like a chopper is $7K. So rolling in it, all my loot is full—but I still loot anyway, gotta serve that addiction! Got all the perks I need, picking up secondary ones now as the points become available.

Some of the Prepper Stash—best hidden loot—puzzles are pretty good, had to come back to a couple with fresh eyes before I got 'em.

The important thing is, I'm enjoying it all. I get 1-2 hours play most days, so I shouldn't burn out. The random mayhem out in the wild is the most fun—one time it's a wolverine who hasn't taken his meds, next it's a couple of trucks of baddies with another couple showing up in the middle of the combat. And all that's with the encounter frequency turned down to 50% in the Resistance mod I'm using.

Pretty sure this has taken over from FC4 as my fav FC.
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The random mayhem out in the wild is the most fun—one time it's a wolverine who hasn't taken his meds

It's hilarious. You'll be standing somewhere going through your inventory or something and you'll hear people start screaming and guns firing. You come out of your inventory to find that the gun merchant you were getting ready to visit has been killed by a skunk.

You know, I'm still really early in 6, but I don't think I'm enjoying it as much. There's no humor so far. It's all deadly serious. I've already heard two speeches about racism in America. I dunno. Maybe it will lighten up as I get further into it. I just made it to the first base camp, so I have a long way to go. But there's nothing on the map. There haven't been any whacky side missions, no collectibles, nothing.


Community Contributor
I've finished the oil rig and can now make jet fuel for my jet pack. There's really only one thing left to do (the game is still in early access, so more is on the way) and that is to craft the tank, but I'm not sure the tank is going to be more fun than my pets/mounts red dragon and griffon.

I even had a meteorite, an extremely rare event, land right next to me last night, so I got the rare metal off of that and can craft something I'd already decided wasn't going to ever be crafted.

I'll probably make the tank and look for somewhere to put a high level base, but I think it's about time to find something new to consume my time, maybe x4.
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I spent about two thirds of all the cash I had built up in X4 to build an Asgard - the mightiest ship in the game. It's time to take it to those terrible Xenon machines! I gathered up some destroyers for anti-fighter work, flew in to one of their sectors, flew up behind one of their big ships (called a K... machines aren't big on original names). Those are pretty deadly ships, and I killed it with a single shot! Weeee haw!

I started working over a base, the fighters swarmed in, and all the fleets' turrets started opening up to blast them. An "I" flew in, which is the biggest ship they've got. All the destroyers were shooting at it with their big guns and the Asgard brought it down fairly fast but it hurt one of the destroyers pretty bad. Another K showed up and I killed it as soon as the big gun cooled off. Two more Ks showed up and destroyed the hurt destroyer. I was getting ready to blast one when my ship stopped turning. The other K had gotten behind me and destroyed my engine. That big gun is awesome but it only shoots directly ahead and I was stuck. Ooof.

Re-loaded and I'm playing more sanely. I've got the destroyers back at the gate and I'm running the Asgard around to tempt them to me... which hasn't worked so well, but I'm making some slow progress. I'm tempted to try building a base near the gate while I protect it.
I played a bit of Angband in between taking care of our kid. It's a good game for it as I don't mind playing for a few minutes at a time and can walk away at any moment, plus there is no risk of my child seeing anything scary.

I got a level 28 High Elf ranger now with some pretty decent equipment. I got an awesome armor really early, but it's also really heavy, so I've been struggling with my inventory weight for most of the game. So now I'm just mostly grinding for potions that increase strength.
I got a level 28 High Elf ranger now with some pretty decent equipment.

RIP High Elf archer. I teleported away from a losing fight into a room full of gravity hounds, who all immediately used their breath weapons on me, killing me instantly.

I rolled up a Gnome wizard. It's going fairly well, but I really miss the poison resistance the archer got really early.
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Jan 22, 2020
Late to the thread again, but you'll never believe it guys. More Skyrim!

I ended up a little disillusioned after meeting Paarthurnax and being sent back in time to see Alduin completely fail to kill three random Nords. After coming back to the present and smacking current-day Alduin around for a few minutes he ended the fight by trash talking me, and then sitting motionless on the mountain top for longer than the fight itself took, while Serana got stuck in a dialogue loop telling me he'd left. When he finally did leave, Paarthurnax started talking to me about something, but my mind had already flown from that mountantop. What the hell was I doing here? Who was I to save the world after killing literally dozens of city guards in their sleep and desecrating the corpse of a mostly harmless stalker? Why do people have so much affection for Paarthurnax when he comes across like the world's laziest grandpa? Which mod of mine had left the world eater stricken with severe narcolepsy?

So I promptly fast travelled to Morthal and, after lying to a dead child and performing some extremely hypocritical vampire-slaying, I now own a small plot of land in a half-frozen swamp. It's time to slow down and regroup, and what better way than to become the most heavily armed undead lumberjack in Skyrim. Maybe I'll even ease back on the whole evil thing and try to be more neighbourly.

However I did dress Serana in the silliest armour I owned before sending her back to her abusive father. Can't quit the whole bastard thing cold turkey after all, gotta step it down gradually.
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