The last game you completed

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Finished Assassins creed syndicate Gold Edition. TLDR - 6/10 with a side of AAA BS.

So yeah, just finished Syndicate 99% of the game completed in 43 hrs. All things considered a small amount of time. I did find some enjoyment with the game enjoying the sights of london. Highlight was probably the thames. It was a unusual designed area as you spent time hopping on boats and taking the opportunity to steal/sabotage stuff. Plot wise its the same Asscreed tat you've to expect. This time i felt more cringe from the modern stuff and all the coincidental guest appearances of famous people. Its a bit of a shame, effort went into this game with all the detail, jacbo and evie are likeable enough but after playing the witcher 3, it feels weak.

The problem is that there isn't really much to do, a huge chunk of time i spent collecting tat. As kleptomaniac i collected it all before i was 75% through the game. The other problem i encountered was how i spent time doing all the side stuff before going through the main story. i suspect the map being red detered me from venturing into new areas until i cleared the areas out or made a safe path to the secondary/main missions.

The other problem was how easy the game was. Get the intimidation perk and enemies were passive and they were nothing more then victims/punchbags. With the gold edition i got 2 top tier weapons, suits that was available at lvl7 as opposed to getting level 10 and virtually beating the game before unlocking something similar. So i was able to tackle harder missions very much sooner rather then later.

I do have issues with the MTs/dlc in this game. The first is the XP boosters, was it really needed? i mean the gold gave you a perm 20% exp boost and unless you were doing the main stuff, the boost was marginal at best. but without playing the game without the boost i can't tell. Either way, ubisoft either made a game imbalanced mess making it more grindy on purpose or the boost was a gimmick and make money on gullible people with little time as the effects were marginal.

The second BS issue was that despite having the gold edition, i STILL was expected to pay for the Dreadful crimes DLC. This was part of the ps4 exclusive BS so your Gold edition on the PC was still a second rate experience. You know what Ubisoft? Sod off. I'm not paying more for locked off content.

The final issue was the social Glitch helix issue. if you didn't know, helix glitches gave you exp and also some encyclopedia entries for modern sections. For a game about leveling up, any source of exp is good. First baffling point; Why must i use helix credits (MT currency) to buy the glitch map and whilst i could buy the other maps with ingame currency? Sure you unlock helix credits from certain achievements but its simply enough to for the 1000 you need. The gold edition, uplay club rewards and i was able to get the helix credits to stump up the maps. But the Social glitches in the game was supposed to be a way for players to earn MT currency and get the stuff for free. First its still a grind each glitch giving you just 1 helix credit. Fair enough 1:1 ratio makes sense. But apparently even that was simply too much for ubisoft, the social Glitch helix system doesn't work, every time i collected one the game would say "sorry its not available try again later". Checking online the system hasn't been working from the start so players have to stump up cash if the helix credits the game gives isn't enough. BS Ubisoft if you implement a system i expect it to work.

i could go into the jack the ripper DLC in another time. I'll sign off by saying i'm playing a strategy game, this time its jagged alliance 2 gold edition!
Jan 13, 2020
I finished Major Stryker (an Apogee Software classic) for the first time ever just last week. The last few levels of the third episode is insane difficulty. If someone ever remastered that game, I hope they can increase the framerate above 12 fps...
Jan 13, 2020
And after over 20 years, I finished Descent 3's main campaign for the second time just yesterday on my legacy box. (Pentium III-S 1.4GHz, 3dfx Voodoo5 5500) I had totally forgot about that awesome end cutscene, wow. (A real tribute to Descent II fans here)
Finished the Darkness 2 on don difficulty no less. Wasn't a bad game, playing on the hardest difficulty at the start was unsurprisingly difficult. But after getting a few skills, some decent weapons and the ammo flowed quite freely it was tolerable. Part of the problem was that it got pretty repetitive by the end throwing the same set of enemies and became rinse and repeat after a while.

The game wasn't long and i suspect that the vendetta campaign. A multiplayer coop partly was responsible. Its not to say it was terrible, but it kinda halved the SP main game as you went behind the scenes.

Overall i've played it for 9 hours, so i might give the game a second go to collect achievements and also time to think what to play next in my collection. Probably go with completing as many games as i can before turning my attention to shovel knight or dark souls 3 or something.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Life is Strange.
Took me a while, as I am not fan of "pure" adventure games, but have to admit - the story was actually good. And damn the writing and characters' design was one of the best in genre I have probably ever seen. Rarely a game makes me think about actions, consequences and general "theme" of the story, but this one surely did. Guess I will have to buy sequel at some point too. Also I am tempted to make another playthrough and try to get all the photos.
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Back again :)

I went back and finished Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. I like the characters, laughed out loud a couple of times but somehow the actual gameplay wasn't quite as much fun as TNO. Stealth now seems nigh on impossible to do beyond the first couple of kills. The Lazerkraftwerk is stupidly OP on normal difficulty, it will 1 shot everything in the game except the biggest and baddest robots. If you get those in the eye they only take 2, and its easy to do. Dual wielding the assault rifles and schockhammers is still really satisfying though, and shooting generally feels really good.

I also played a bit over halfway through on the Wyatt timeline before on one above normal dificulty. I found that if you set one of the commanders off on alarm all you need to do is wait in a doorway and mow every enemy in the section down as they rush straight at you. I dont know if that continues through the whole game, but it got a bit boring and turned me off at the time. They couldnt throw a grenade or something to mix it up?

A few times I also found I just couldn't see where to go for a few minutes, which hurts the flow of this type of game IMO. Maybe I'm just a bit slow on the uptake though.

Hoping for Mecha Hitler in 3. 7.5/10
May 24, 2020
Recently completed The Witcher 1 after having watched The Witcher on Netflix. I decided to try the game as well and grabbed it while it was on sale. Its an old game and I can't believe what I have been missing out on. The whole Witcher universe is so absorbing.

I am currently reading the books and I am hooked. The books are great so far. I am reading the books now first so that I can understand everything better before continuing with The Witcher 2. I can't wait to continue playing The Witcher 2 once I have finished reading the books, and then The Witcher 3 which everyone have been positively talking about since its release.
May 1, 2020
Finished Elex, got solid 70 hours of gameplay out of it...maybe in future will go again as there are other 2 factions also to join.
Now i started up Mafia 3...trying to like it, but the super intrusive ui is all over the screen all the time and the hand holding is kinda making me hate this game, even though i see how many good assets this games has...super soundtrack . Oh and before that i started finally Sekiro...i had to have something to mellow me out from that game and dying over and over again...and it works :D
I've finished quite a few small indie games in my backlog the last few days, I'm glad most are short enough to finish in a few hours.
Haimrik: a charming little adventure game with a great art style,

The Deed: A game about killing your sister, and also getting away with it. This is around 50p atm and worth a few playthroughs.

The Flame in the Flood: A survival game where you travel down a river on a raft, this one was quite fun.

Expendabros: the one hour of free gameplay persuaded me to purchase Broforce (currently £2.99 over at HumbleBundle)

Darkvoid: a 10 year old game, very average but had some really fun moments when flying around in the jetpack.

and almost finished Beat Cop.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Decided to give XCOM: Enemy Unknown another go and this time made it "count" - by that I mean I didn't get bored in the "late game" and finished the thing. Somehow the second time I played it, it finally "clicked" with me. Even when I had no more research to be done I wanted to get on another mission and see if any of the rookies can survive vs Mutons Elite.

Would be nice to check XCOM 2 now, but since the price on that is damn high still and my finances are in shambles, I will wait for now.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
Humble Bundle currently has XCOM2, Jurrasic Park and a bunch of other games too. I was going to say $12 but I think it's $20 if you weren't a monthly subscriber.
Or $15 and pick 3 games (So XCOM2 and 2 other games for $5 each).
I never really understood the Humble choice, is it every month you get 9 games in like steam keys? and can also access the trove which i'm assuming are a collection of DRM free games?
Jan 14, 2020
Last I finished was Zero Escape: Zero Time Dillema.
I love the first one, 2 and 3 are ok I guess... I really like the escape room's style puzzles and the pseudo sciencesy in-universe sh%$ even if makes water everywhere. But at this time I just want the story to end somehow. Everything is plan to give new abilities to stop an end world catastrophe that at this point the pseudo-sciencesy sh&% referenced above as already established that is going to happen no matter what and your group is only trying to find the one timeline that everything isn't sh&%... like Dr Strange in infinity war
Jan 14, 2020
I never really understood the Humble choice, is it every month you get 9 games in like steam keys? and can also access the trove which i'm assuming are a collection of DRM free games?
You get a list of games and get to keep (i.e. redeem) some of them each month, usually as a Steam code. 3 games in basic, 9 in premium tier.
There is also a lite tier that only let you access trove. Trove is a list of DRM free games as you said, with some old AND new(ish) games to download and install. Those change once in a while but I'm not sure if its periodically or what.
All tiers have access to Trove and add a discount for the store (up to 10% for lite and basic and 20% for premium)
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May 27, 2020
Great game! Eventually I had to get some hints though, I was totally stuck.
I went in with a fundamentalist hints period.....I have my notes somewhere I'll post a pic of them.....It was so amazing when I figured out some of the puzzles with my own grey matter. I'm not dissing getting help....again I was determined to complete it without any help.