The last game you completed

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Just finished Dusk. Did i like it? I dunno, it was fun i guess, but i didn't see the hype tbh. Sure the game got better and better the further you go in and the final episode voice acting was pretty good and there were some pretty cool levels and outstanding design. But was i blown away by it? Not so sure.
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Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
I just bought that with the recent sale on Steam. I am thinking about returning it as the game runs terrible unless you use the upscaling which looks terrible. I really can't believe how crappy it's performance is.

Interesting. It ran great on my rig but I'm sure it varies depending on hardware.

i7-7700K @ 4.2ghz
GTX 1080ti
64gb Ram
Had it installed on my mechanical drive too

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I have Quantum Break as well, it ran pretty bad on my FX6300, should retry it on my Ryzen 3500 haha. Are we sure that the framerate isn't bad because as far as I know the cutscenes aren't on your PC but streamed, and therefore require a good bandwith?

Also, I finished Trine 1 last week. Only the story, couldn't be bothered to collect all the XP haha.
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Jan 13, 2020
@Inspireless Llama

Nah, I haven't even gotten to any of the TV show streaming.


I have a Ryxen 5 2600 and a GTX 1060 6GB with 16 gigs.

Like I said it runs great on Ultra with upscaling turned on, but even if I turn upscaling off and set everything else low (well, medium, it doesn't have a low setting) it still runs like crap. I really wonder how well the DX12 version would run comparatively. Wish they'd give that version to Steam.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Finished Operencia: The Stolen Sun.

Nice dungeon crawler/classic cRPG - if you love Legend of Grimrock, The Bard's Tale or Wizardry series, you'll like it here. Nice stylized graphics (altho optimization is a bit wonky), lovely music and Hungarian folklore giving flavour to everything around. I liked the characters banter and general mechanics, especially the artifacts making you go "aaah this can help me THERE!" that were presented throughout the whole game.

The final boss fight was annoying as hell tho, I had to luck my way and pray to rng gods a lot. Still very enjoyable experience.
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Finished Icewind Dale 2 yesterday for the first time (hard difficulty). What surprised me is that the final battle is a lot easier than in IWD1. Or maybe I've had a lot of luck. Anyway I've beaten the final bosses on my second try. I don't know whether I'll have the time to do a second playthrough some day, but Heart of Fury mode is quite tempting. :)
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Finished Icewind Dale 2 yesterday for the first time (hard difficulty). What surprised me is that the final battle is a lot easier than in IWD1. Or maybe I've had a lot of luck. Anyway I've beaten the final bosses on my second try. I don't know whether I'll have the time to do a second playthrough some day, but Heart of Fury mode is quite tempting.

Think about the unique HoF items! THE POWER!
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
So there are unique powerful items in HoF? I didn't know about that. I'll think about doing a run on HoF, but need some break from IWD as for now.
Yes, HoF in ID2 actually rewards you with unique items that are only available in this mode. And these are quite powerful. Good idea obviously.

And sure, I will need to get back to my challenge at some point :D
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Apr 17, 2020
I have completed last game is Pokemon Omega Ruby and my experience this game is very good because this game levels and characters so well.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Finished Stasis. The visuals were kinda interesting and made me think of old, first "quasi 3D" titles from early 2000s. Sadly nor the atmosphere, not the writing sold the game. Frankly, I stopped reading PDA's around middle of the game 'cause they were just bland and uninspiring.

Devs tried to be edgy and to shock player, but it didn't work much. Add to that meh and overall predictable story, totally unused "alien danger aboard" and annoying logic to the puzzles/challenges and you have a game that "ok-ish" but not really good.
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I've had Stasis in my library for a while, must have bought it for pennies in a sale, might be I'll give it a miss then. How long is it?

Just finished Firewatch. I enjoyed it, the voice acting and script was very good. I'm sure thats not news as it had pretty good write ups across the board.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
I've had Stasis in my library for a while, must have bought it for pennies in a sale, might be I'll give it a miss then. How long is it?

If you don't get stuck on random answers to some puzzles, then 7-8h. It's not a long game and if you have more experience with the point & click adventures you will probably fare better than me.

I think I got Firewatch, may fire it up next actually.
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If you don't get stuck on random answers to some puzzles, then 7-8h. It's not a long game and if you have more experience with the point & click adventures you will probably fare better than me.

I think I got Firewatch, may fire it up next actually.

I'm actually pretty impatient with adventure games, not knowing what to do next annoys me. So if I do try Stasis I'd probably use as guide if something else about it compelled me to finish it.

Firewatch is a very good walking simulator if you enjoy that sort of thing


Community Contributor
I finished Wolfenstein 2: New Colossus a few days ago. Ugh. Poor BJ, abused as a child. Poor BJ, not going to be able to be a proper dad to his children. He was literally crying into his mother's skirts at one point!! The shooting seemed fine but nothing special. Sneaking around was OK. None of it was really enough to counter that terrible story, though.

I'm re-playing XCOM 2 now with the War of the Chosen DLC. One of the characters has a modded Duke Nuke'm voice. Ahhhh, I needed that.
May 2, 2020
Prey 2017
I played it when it came out and did a human only run so this time I unlocked a bunch of the Typhon powers too which was cool. I'm actually in the middle of a third playthrough now to try and get some achievements.

I think the name is bad and whilst I really like the overall story the moment to moment stuff is pretty weak. Go here to do a thing, oh no something has stopped you, go here to fix it, now go back to the thing you were doing before, oh no something else has stopped you, go here to solve that...
I do love how the game is full of details and secrets and it doesn't lock things off or hide them away. Early on a quest asks you to retrieve an item you hid earlier, if you know that the briefcase is there and you can get it an hour or two earlier, in so many games the item wouldn't exist until you were told to go collect it.
This and Dishonored 2 are two of my favourite games in recent years.
May 2, 2020
Chimera Squad. I have gotten a lot of hours out of it and at the pre-release price I bought it at, I'd give it an 8/10.
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Apr 21, 2020
Deus Ex: Human Revolution a couple of months ago. For the...fourth time? Something like that, between the original and the Director's Cut, across PS3, 4, and PC.

I really love that game, if you couldn't tell.

VP of B, TF out
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Apr 19, 2020
I have a giant backlog of games that I cycle through :). I guess the last game would be either KOTOR (haha, released in 2003 :) ), or Warframe, depending on how you define "finished". I have done all the main quests, but still am a lon, long way from endgame.
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May 2, 2020
The last game I completed was the Resident Evil 3 remake. Overall, a solid entry to the series. The presentation and graphics are phenomenal, yet the gameplay leaves something to be desired. 2018's Resident Evil 2 was a far superior game in my opinion.
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
I gladly can add Lego Harry Potter year 1-4 to my finished list now. Funny game (got a bit boring though). That means I've finished 5 games this year, which is 5 games more than I usually finish in a year.

Out of my library of about 700 games I finished 28 of them. I'm getting closer to having played everything in my library!
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Completed Spec Ops: The Line and while I enjoyed it, I think the praise this game received was a bit too high. Yes, there was a bit of controversy (the biggest probably being the "omg you're killing 'murican soldiers!"), but the story was just ok. One could see where all of that was going way before the ending. As for the "choices" and "morals", it didn't do it for me - the actual choices didn't really matter (and "not playing the game to not commit more crimes" is not an option) and thus having maniacal Walker committing mass murder on a whim and misguided sense of justice (so typical to American media) was just like watching a movie. I didn't feel any kind of connection to him.

Shooting wise, it was fine. I was annoyed by the console-ish nightmares that is the PC controls that were clearly designed for gamepad that I died bunch of times only because of them. Bad devs, bad! I played on suicidal (highest I could select) and there were only 3 places when I died more than 2-3 times - eff that helicopter in museum section. You know which one. And that final battle near the tower. Other than that, satisfying but not the greatest shooter I've played. Not going to hunt for achievements in this one.

Actually I found a post on Steam's forum that provides good explanation why the game fails at making me feel bad.
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