I like coming back to this thread because people remind me of games I've been curious about, and also I hear of games I might not have otherwise. I also now know what an Otamatone is.
I can't say its completed but I've done a few playthroughs now of
Battle Brothers, and after 150 hours I think I'll play something else for a bit.
Its a turn based tactics game where you manage a mercenary company in a medieval fantasy world. You travel around a world map in real time, raiding caravans, fighting monsters and bandits in turn based encounters. Its sprite based, with a quite unique art style which conveys quite a lot of information. Enemies are always shown wearing the armor and weapons that they are actually using, and you need to manage them so that you can use armor piercing or head attacks to preserve the armor so that you can swipe it for yourself after the battle without destroying it. It adds another layer of strategy when the toughest most damage dealing enemies often have the best armor.
Up to 20 Brothers are recruited in cities, of which you can field 12 max at a time. There's a quite in depth perk system, allowing for different weapon and ability specializations as your brothers level up. Army composition is important, but you also have to pick perks and equipment that suit the base stats of your bros to get the best out of them. Fortunately there are a lot of different viable ways you can build.
The world maps are seed based, I dont know how many but they may as well be procedurally generated. You have to manage several different resources to keep your kit in good repair and your brothers healed and paid, or they will easily leave. Different encounters may also demand slightly different compositions, and there's no way to know that until you've had your party wiped by, for example being routed because you didn't level your bros resolve stat enough against a ghostly undead army. Some might find that frustrating because theres no way to know in advance
Speaking of which it is brutal early on and even into the mid game. Your brothers all start weak, but some are better than others and they can all be one shotted quite easily if you're not careful. The early game is very tough as even one unlucky encounter can mean you lose someone with great potential, who arent always easy to replace when gold is hard to find. One bad encounter can set you back seriously, and knowing what contracts and fights to take only comes with experience. There's perhaps a bit too much RNG in the game up until day 30 or so.
I have to also say that the base game without DLC feels a bit bare. Not very many enemy types and not much variation in armors and weapons. I picked the base game and 2 dlcs up for about 30 Euros though, so I'm not complaining after 150 hours.
Anyway it wont be for everyone, and its definitely a project but I haven't been taken with a game this much in a while. Highly recommend for tactics fans with some time on their hands.
(If you read all that congrats! It helped me to collect my thoughts on the game anyway
