What game do you think about all day?

Nov 6, 2024
So recently I went deep into the library and pulled out Dawn of Discovery - Venice. I never tried to complete a game via conquest before so I made it a mission. After... idk 30+ hours (6 days 4-6 hours a day) I finally completed my first game of conquest. I ended up losing but it was still thrilling to complete a full game! I took out 2 computers but the last one over powered me with their stock pile of resources as I had barely anything left after defeating two NPCs. I thought about these engagements day and night for those 6 days.

What game has had this effect on you?
Nov 6, 2024
I am 100% obessed with the new Sims 4 Life and Death update! I play a historically modded game (regency era) so the new expansion pack was absolutely perfect for me and I can't stop thinking about it all the time. :)

Aren't games great :)
Oh I love games, the endless experiences you can have without actually risking life and limb, so nice!
May 13, 2024
War Craft 2 & C&C back in the day, Fallout 4, Cyberpunk, Diablo 2/3, Destiny 1. I always looked forward to the work day ending so that I can hop on. Being that I telecommute full time, it has been many ears of torture waiting for 5 pm just knowing my gaming rig is less than 2 feet from me.

Also, most recently, the Dragon Age games. More-so with the first and third installments.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
The last two or three weeks I was pretty invested in BG3 as I was finishing up my Honor mode run (If you die, you start from scratch). I have been thinking of the surprise I had at one of the final act bosses. I almost lost around 70-80 hours of progress because when I got to the final boss, the boss had unexpected help from another mini-boss! So there I started the fight with a nasty spider mini-boss behind my back lowering all my party's armor class and in front I had a dangerous sorcerer, the big boss himself, and small mobs all around in a half circle in front of me.

When the fight started my jaw just dropped and I was not very confident that the fight would go well. It did though, but if I had not just leveled up and gotten a spell that could put down a dome of protection for my party mitigating most of the attacks against me and being lucky with a disarm attack against the boss making him drop his weapon, I would not have had much of a fighting chance. A fight to be remembered, that is for sure!
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Nov 6, 2024
War Craft 2 & C&C back in the day, Fallout 4, Cyberpunk, Diablo 2/3, Destiny 1. I always looked forward to the work day ending so that I can hop on. Being that I telecommute full time, it has been many ears of torture waiting for 5 pm just knowing my gaming rig is less than 2 feet from me.

Also, most recently, the Dragon Age games. More-so with the first and third installments.
Warcraft games and CnC were my absolute favorites growing up. All those other games are great too. I spent so much of my life farming in Diablo 2 needing just one rune or one set piece to complete something. So yeah many hours thinking about farming rotations in Diablo 2. Good one!
You all know i am going to say satisfactory dont you.
A total of 4,000 hrs on my current playthrough which if i had not gone to bed since i started using it would mean going none stop for 166.6 days As i am retired i usually have a 5 or 6 hours session when i use it and before you ask i can still remember where my front door and the real world is.
Nov 6, 2024
You all know i am going to say satisfactory dont you.
A total of 4,000 hrs on my current playthrough which if i had not gone to bed since i started using it would mean going none stop for 166.6 days As i am retired i usually have a 5 or 6 hours session when i use it and before you ask i can still remember where my front door and the real world is.
The real world is so overrated anyways.
May 13, 2024
I spent so much of my life farming in Diablo 2 needing just one rune or one set piece to complete something. So yeah many hours thinking about farming rotations in Diablo 2. Good one!

100% this, and many a night on Diablo 2! I wasn't telecommuting yet back then, and I had toddlers at the time so I didn't spend time gaming until they went to bed, which was around 8:30'ish. I'd be on by 9 promising myself I'd only play a couple of hours. Yeah, 5 hours later lol. I was living on 5 hours sleep a few times a week for a while there. Fortunately my younger self could handle it back then, but ouch, it still hurt getting up in the morning to go to work.. It also didn't help that I had a friend at work who also played, and just about every morning the question we'd always ask each other was, "So what time did you stay up till this time?"
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having had some time to think about it there are several factors that leaves me sleepless at night or constantly thinking about it.

The first is probably Path of exile. Not so much these days as i've made peace with the fact that i'll never reach the top level and get the challenges and rewards i want in each league. What broke the spell was the amount of grind (i wasn't addicted enough to do it) and the fact that i managed to get a whole load of cosmetics over the years to look remotely presentable so the prizes aren't all that appealing.

The second i'm lump into one catergory: PvP. Not going to lie. Multiplayer games brings the absolute worse in me and no, i can't play for fun especially when there are clear distinctions for winning and losing. I want to always win or the very least, have fun and hold my own despite losing. But since i rarely get that for the latter, i spent much of my time sulking and stressed out. Too often the humiliating defeat is burning reminder that replays in my head for the day or at night and frankly its unhealthy. So i choose to cut them all out.

lastly the most recent one. Shin megami tensei iv (4) on the 3ds. i put 60+ hours playing it on the 3ds and grinding and trying to get the best ending when suddenly my save games were lost because the SD card was damaged or wiped. For months i desperately tried to find a way to retrieve those files, but the SD card refuses to read and they are lost. I still think about it and still wondering whether to just cut my losses and run or start all over again... Might play it on easy or something but 60 hrs is a tall order. Might as well enjoy 60 hrs of something new...