The last game you completed

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That time again, another set of games added to the done pile.

The first one is the megadrive/genesis game of undead line a vertical scrolling shooter set in the fantasy world invaded by the undead and monsters. being only 7 short levels you can bet the game is tough. That's despite giving players a shield to block projectiles, taking multiple hits and a whole load of power ups (straight up invulnerability and take more hits etc). What makes it challenge is unsurprisingly the unpredictable movement patterns, the projectiles, No recovery time after getting hit but more annoyingly trying to get power ups is needlessly difficult. There are loads of them and if you collect a different one, you start back to rank one and a lot of them are crap. to change the weapon/item in the box you have to shoot it and you better memorize the order they appear or you'll (literally) shoot past the abilities you want. Just to add that final middle finger to the player there are debuff abilities ranging from down grading abilities, giving you nothing or straight up killing you.

needlessly to say i saved scum like hell to make progress. Absolutely torture even on normal.

the next game i consider done is Supraland an indie game made mostly by one person. Essentially a puzzle adventure with combat elements you're some sort of plasticine figure trapped in a giant kids sandpit.

For a indie predominately solo effort, its pretty good. Clever physics puzzles that keeps surprising as you discover more and more abilities and adapt accordingly. The combat whilst fairly simple, is a welcome reprieve to puzzling. Throw in a strong aspect of exploration and chock load of secrets and its a rewarding and entertaining experience.

But its not without its fault. The mini world like theme is a good idea but it wasn't pushed as hard as i would have lucked. For instance some areas are weaker then others, stuff like certain buildings are not built by the plastercine figures and not the giant kid. certain things scale to them. The other thing is that some of the items don't exactly make thematic sense. For example the lava, the undead monsters and fire. its strange and the whole thing has this asset flip feel to it. If the game just pushed more the theme of giant objects and maybe fight bugs etc like grounded it might have been better.

but all said and done, its probably a good entry to the series and grounding for the sequels that came out. Certainly good enough for me to consider getting when on sale.
Oct 4, 2023
It was Far Cy Primal. So and so good. Just on athother level of gaming. Also recently wanted to remember my childhood and just spent hours playing games on It was a dose of nostalgia that will last me a long time
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Sep 17, 2023
I've finished Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy a few days ago. I can see why people buy a Playstation now. These are just fantastic games and I'm glad that we are seeing these come to PC, even if we have to wait a while.
They are indeed fantastic games with captivating narratives and stunning visuals. The fact that such PlayStation exclusives are making their way to PC is great news for gamers who may not have access to a PlayStation console. While the wait can be a bit challenging, it's worth it to experience these incredible adventures on a different platform.


Community Contributor
Oh, I forgot to mention that I finished the first campaign in Solasta. I had a lot of fun with it! It is NOT some AAA masterpiece, so don't expect deep interactions with companions. In fact, don't expect companions: you make the characters in this game. The game is cheaper, too: currently $36.16 for the game plus the DLC.

I expect I'll play at least the Palace of Ice DLC some time.


Community Contributor
Oh, I forgot to mention that I finished the first campaign in Solasta. I had a lot of fun with it! It is NOT some AAA masterpiece, so don't expect deep interactions with companions. In fact, don't expect companions: you make the characters in this game. The game is cheaper, too: currently $36.16 for the game plus the DLC.

I expect I'll play at least the Palace of Ice DLC some time.
I'm old, old school and prefer making rather than finding companions.


Finished the main campaigns of Megaquarium. Was a lot of fun, but I only found the 9th campaign to have much challenge to it. I was on Normal, though. Could have tried Hard, but I was happy with it as it was.
Alright, just a few more games to add to the list:

Lets start off on the Nes, i finished batman returns by konami. A side scrolling brawler based on the movie. i can't really criticize the game being on the nes and all but yeah i was hoping a bit more to it tbh. Whilst functional, its incredibly basic and also brutally difficult, especially the bosses. You only have one life and its game over. luckily you do have continues and a password system. I beat it by save scumming like hell. The game does try to spice things up with a vehicle section and various gadgets but its all under utilized. Unsurprisingly, i recommend the SNES one over this one.

on the 3ds i beat legend of zelda minish cap (GBA). Apparently made by capcom and for the GBA i got to say its pretty good. It does a lot of things differently compared to other zelda's giving players different tools compared to the usual ones and it has nothing to do with the triforce or ganon for once. i like the idea of being able to shrink to minature size to travel around and such and visit hyrules's inhabitants both large and small.

it was pretty easy, the weaker enemies take only a quarter of a heart as to a whole one so effectively, you have x4 health (perhaps playing on easy?). its not the longest game either as theres probably 5 dungeons tops (one for each element and the castle). The only criticism is perhaps some of the level/game design that impacted progress. its nothing game breaking, but minor annoyances and its possible i was just being stupid. But that said i would have liked the map to tell me where i could go to fuse stuff. too often characters would either have multiple opportunities to fuse or won't fuse until much later on. So you have to constantly ask everyone if you get stuck. Also that blue shells mini game that RNG sometimes was so bad that it gives xcom2 a run for its money.

Would i recommend it? For a non nintendo game and a gba one at that? yeah sure.

lastly on the mod front Elementalism phase 1 - another cacoaward winner, this one is a cut above your usual Doom wad, for one thing there is a hub custom weapons and some impressive level design. To top it off there are custom bosses which i've not seen before in a doom wad. the game is effectively broken down into 3 distinct areas (jungle, water temple in the desert, lava/forge world) with its own background lore as to what happened to each area and how the gods imprisoned there corrupted it. interestingly enough this mod comes with more difficulty settings to normal doom. Ultraviolence medium was what i played it on and even on that it was a challenge. some of the engagements are just horrifically difficult. The fire god is just BS as it just literally turns the arena into a bullet hell shooter. But all said and done, this is well recommended and i can't wait for phase 2 of the game.
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Another few games crossed off.

First up, on the raspberry pi - Gundec aka Virus: project doom on the nes. a platformer that has similarities to ninja gaiden. Whilst its nothing special, its alright if i were to get that game as a kid i wouldn't have regretted it.

But the main game completed is immortal redneck. a rogue lite where players are tasked to enter the 3 pyramids and beating the guardians at the top of each one. being a roguelike you'll die and any money you collect can be spent upgrading and making your character better.

To spice things up, you can unlock various patron gods to start with different weapons and abilities. With money being a big factor, unsurprisingly i picked hathor who earns bonus gold and also has some nifty weapons + a damn useful grappling hook.

on the whole it did keep me entertained clocking in just shy of 28hrs completing the game. But being a roguelike game it certainly did get samey and was slowly testing my patience as it felt like running the same arenas again and again. The good news is that you can familiarize yourself to the rooms and build strategies accordingly. So could quite easily each area with confidence. But yeah, if i wasn't making progress i would have flipped much sooner.

its not to say there wasn't a few niggles, i found some bugs in the game when playing it. Enemies vanishing under the floor and guns stopped working. being a rogue like there are times were balance goes completely out the window and having a run ruined by random chance is a real game killer. The other problems is that the enemies aren't all that inspired and felt like indie stock assets, its certainly doesn't help that some enemies are completely silent in movement or attacking so they can easily sneak up on you if they spawn behind you. if there was an additional sound element to some enemies it might have helped identify the type of engagement. The other factor is that by the third pyramid, they are recycling layouts but with souped up enemies.

But that said, it was entertaining to play and for the dirt price i paid for it i don't regret it. The question is whether i want to play any more after beating it. i might make one or 2 more runs to snag a few quick achievements but for who's pleasure i don't know.
Just a few more things to throw into the completed list.

On the raspberry pi, i completed super double dragon on the SNES. not exactly a revamp of the original, its more its own game. There are a couple things that stood out about this game. The first is that the baddies are more complex they're capable of blocking, doing combos and all sorts of special moves of their own. They're essentially varying degrees of having martial art training compared to mindless grunts in other brawlers. It does mean that combat can get bogged down as the AI refuses to take it lying down and just block everything or perform reversals/counters.

The second is the attack mechanics, you have an energy bar which you can charge up to perform super moves or speed boost etc. Not a fan of the system tbh, it takes too long to charge up to perform the moves, even if they're supposed to be powerful (like hurricane kick similar to ryu). You can also block attacks, whatever good that can do in these games.

Its not a bad game, as there feels like there is some complexity and tries to be step above the original DB and other brawlers but it does feel sluggish and slow at times. The game did itself no favours when the button set up was messed up whether that was my fault i don't know.

next, we're onto Doom Wads. this time a couple of quick ones.

The first was DPB 60 aka: Eldritch voyage starts off in a jungle before moving onto hell where you face a big demon. Honestly i can't remember much of this one. It wasn't too difficult and it was a blur.

The second one is DPB 61: Tempest enterprise. This one i liked a lot. it had the sci-fi horror vibes, machines in the background bleep and bloop like in the 90s, the sci fi environments are dark and there is a pervasive horror of some purple goo taking over the various well crafted maps. The last level wasn't bad, its just a battle royal of sorts but that ending is a real cop out.

lastly, a quickie, Countrycide a horror wad as a master templar visits an isolated village in the deep forest. Cue demonic horror and crazed cultists. i must say it captures the horror fantastically as it can be unnerving at times, the maps are atmospheric, the cultists are suitably crazy and has some scary monsters. I won't spoil it, but there were some real stand out moments in it.

i would argue that perhaps some of the maps are far too dark, but being sewers and underground temples, its probably expected. The other problem is navigation can be a pain at times, no automap, just a drawn one which isn't the most useful besides tell you where to go next. You can get lost quite easily in some underground area. I had to no clip to the yellow door as i couldn't figure out how to get up to reach it. Even after getting to the door and backtracking i still couldn't figure it out.

The other issue is the game lives or dies with the lighting. I had to mess around with various settings on GZDoom to get the correct lighting and its still intentionally dark. The final boss fight in the forest is a literal nightmare as its really dark, filled with various objects that can snag you and to top it off the eldritch monsters can cloak in the dark. i played it on ultra violence difficulty and yeah, no joke those enemies with tear you to pieces very quickly. Its not the longest of wads (2 -3 hrs tops) but its still very, very good. Cacoaward worthy stuff.
Nov 19, 2023
Its been so long I can't even really remember.

Maybe one of the Microsoft Combat Flight Simulators, one of the SWAT games from the 90s, or one of the Rainbow Six games from the 90s.

Possibly Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear

Once I could get good enough DSL to game online consistently, I completely forgot about the offline/story line missions etc.
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ok more games to add to the completed list. lets start off with the stuff on the raspberry pi. I finished Spartan X2 on the nes which was apparently the sequel to the arcade game kung fu master which never got imported to the US. if you've played Kung fu master you'll know what to expect as you kick, punch your way through the levels. Pretty short, but it does try to mix it up compared to the original with more variety in the stages and baddies. most memorable being a battle on a plain filled with circus animals and you have to kungfu fight a gorilla. Worth a play? not really, but its an interesting curio to see something that wasn't realeased to the NA until 2016. Apparently.

next up, the shooter Zero Wing (the one with the meme "all your base are belong to us". Got pretty rav reviews at the time and yeah, i agree. The shooting is top notch, the 8 or so levels are of a decent variety and the soundtrack is pretty good. I played it on normal and didn't find it too difficult (ie: wasn't save scumming as much as other shooters). But thats probably because i maxed out homing and went to town with minimal effort. i believe it does get harder if you decide to play the game again, but i don't have time for that. Once is enough thank you.

next we'll go into Yakuza 3 which i have a fair bit to say on that one.
Yakuza 3 completed. As i said before after coming off from a high playing Yazuka 2 kiwami i had been warned that Y3 wouldn't be as good and, no matter i was itching to play it and continue to the story. The TLDR: a decent game but could have done with some tweaking or QOL features. i give it a 75%.

I'm going to come off as highly critical of this game but i still had fun, but i seem to remember the bad things more then the good.

The biggest gripe with Y3 is no doubt the combat gameplay. Whilst it was functional and works, it feels lacking and missing a few useful features in it. The environmental attacks are greatly reduced, you can't step over barriers, i can't keep enemy weapons, the enemies seem to just block way too much/fast recovery times far too much and it suffers for it. The problem is the lack of counters without serious upgrading and levelling. I think its about recognizing the various archetypal enemies and learning the counters for them, but the bosses themselves reduces most of them to one or 2 at most. The boss fights are especially annoying as they have fast recovery, block and are immune to various attacks. it gets worse as some bosses can juggle you and result in huge amounts of damage as you sit there grinding your teeth. Sometimes its just trying to land a punch can be a real challenge and using heat actions deal disappointing damage outside of the finishers near the end of a fight.

The most reliable option is to just parry and land an extra punch here and there. They might open themselves when they perform super attacks and even then they just recover almost immediately. other times i would just cheese the enemies making a quick jab here and there and running away. My advice? Get as many combat skills, training from the masters and bring a whole load of recovery items.

Surprisingly, the final story fight at the hospital was the easiest and probably at its most satisfying as you wade through hordes of goons and have the skills/experience to deal with the bosses.

Y3 does has a lot of side content, unfortunately a lot of it isn't all that interesting. The side stories i can't complain about. The hitman missions are ok, but the last 2 missions are horrifically difficult. make sure you have the ability that allows you to block knife attacks and as high level as possible.

The smaller stuff like the mini games, hostess manager, dating sim aren't that great. I'll concede I suppose the gambling, bowling and golf are fine, but the others need tweaking. An even greater disappointment is perhaps the hostess manager game its boring as its you moving back and forth to listen to customer text boxes and making adjustments to your hostess. The problem? you don't get all the items off the bat but worse is that none of the items tells you their stats. its stupid as I can't customize properly! Sure, some items labelled as sexy/gorgeous might improve those stats, other times it just nukes it. The other thing is make up plays a big part and its bloody horrible. My advice? get a walkthrough and just get the make up guide there. Sod trying to find out what the correct combinations are.

The problem is that the other activities just don't seem to compel me to try or play them. The pole dancing club is pointless (besides doing one side quest) and the massage parlor side game i could never get the hang of and after wasting my money for the achievement i ignored it.

To Y3 credit once you've beaten the game it unlocks some additional content if you want to play and allows you to play the mini games without needing to load a save file

Plot wise, i can't really comment. its not... rubbish, i left feeling disappointed in places. it starts off with being turffed out by the local yakuza to build a resort and it slowly becomes this every growing conspiracy that triggers a yakuza civil war, the CIA get involved and some shadow organization calling selves black monday. The story/game goes at a break neck pace, when civil war begins and the triads take over kamurocho you think that its going to just escalate from there, instead it sort of deflates rather then end with a super finish. Ok, the last mission in the hospital is good, but the ending left a lot to be desired. Not face palming levels like Valkyria chronicles, but it did raise a few eyebrows.

This post is growing too long, but yeah its just the smaller QOL stuff and tweaks that hurt the experience. Its not as humorous as Y2 Kiwami, why can't i order more then one item of food at once in certain food chains? Why aren't the vending machines working, the entrances of some of the doorways/alleyways are blocked by invisible barriers, not having the option to save anywhere meant i was less inclined to experiment or try stuff as i knew i would be walking away losing money. its stuff like that hurts the experience. its not dampened my love for the series (roll on Y4), to be fair it could have been a lot worse, but it could have been a lot more.
I've been on Starfield for a while, but the last game I completed before that was Cocoon. Has anyone tried that? It's a really great puzzle/adventure game. It doesn't take too long to beat. I loved it.
I keep somewhat randomly seeing the name written out, so I think I may have to go check it out. It does look pretty charming.

Last game I completed was around August, Return of the Obra Dinn, absolutely lovely game. I almost never complete games these days, but that one really had me.

Actually, come to think of it, all the games I've completed in recent memory have been games that were pretty much just about talking or puzzle solving. The last games I can really think of that I finished (and loved, for that matter) were Obra Dinn, Pentiment, and Hotel Dusk.
I keep somewhat randomly seeing the name written out, so I think I may have to go check it out. It does look pretty charming.
If you happen to have Game Pass, definitely try out Cocoon. If not, look at a video or two, or check out a review before you buy it. In my opinion, it's well worth buying and playing. But I can also see how it wouldn't be for everyone. But I adored the game. The puzzles are challenging enough without being impossible, and it's just crazy the thought they put into some of it. It gets better and better the more you play.
I finished my last game quite a while ago since I‘m quite occupied since September and probably will stay occupied until mid February… but here we go:
I‘ve finished Jurassic World Evolution this late summer. It was actually the first game of its kind that I tried and I really enjoyed the experience. I most enjoyed the mid section, when you finally got the hang of how you much space your dinosaurs need to not immediately break the walls and eat your customers… :LOL: It didn‘t last long for me though. Soon after this stage of the game it got quite repeating and being too successfull just got boring in the end. Nevertheless, I finished all of the islands with five star reputation and quite some money on the bank ;)
A fun experience for once, but I will stick to my Point‘n‘Click and RPG games. :geek:


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