The last game you completed

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I have not tried the Yeti part. I dont know if its sp or mp
It's SP, and the only one of all FC DLCs that I recommend, as said in this post. I don't play MP so I can't say for sure it's not MP, but I don't think so.

Good time for Patient Gamers looking for FC deals—the recent ones are currently at least 75% off on Steam.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Finished 100% of the main base game of Ghostwire: Tokyo. Fun and enjoyable ride, even if the combat got stale rather quickly and hunting all the damn things (especially graffiti and super especially the one at the peak of the Shibuya station's main building) got tiresome when I was clearing the map. Still, pretty cool title, especially for people interested in Japan. Quite a few things to read and learn about from all the items and database entries. Story was ok-ish even if predictable.
But the graphics? Oh those. This game sold me on raytracing, it looks AMAZING in motion. All the neons on wet surfaces, particle effects casting lighting everywhere. Glorious. I posted few screens and videos over on my TT if anyone's curious. Or just see it on YT :p
Bonus points for the Shibuya district to be quite nicely recreated in-game. Not 100% realistic of course, but still, what's in there is impressive, especially the center area and famous crossing.

Now I see I have 2 more achievements to do in a separate game mode.
Finally got around to playing Cyberpunk 2077 and finished two of the endings.

Best game I've played in a long time and looked beautiful upscaled from 1080p to 1440p with everything bar Raytracing turned on.

The Edgerunners update seems like it fixed most bugs as I didn't have a single bug or crash the entire time I played it.

The most surprising thing I found was just how good the gun play was. The only thing I thought off was the cover system.

GOG currently has it at £24.99 which is well worth it.
I’ve been playing a lot of Slay the Spire lately. I’ve had over 200 hours in it but never had beaten the heart. Welp, at hour 220 I beat the heart, and I actually had to do it twice cause my game crashed when I was trying to get a screenshot of my victory!

As someone who loves deck-building games, I've been interested in Slay the Spire for a while. However, I have too many games in my backlog to buy it for PC and the mobile port seems to be of questionable quality. It even got taken off of the app store for a while, but it seems like it hasn't gotten much better since.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
As someone who loves deck-building games, I've been interested in Slay the Spire for a while. However, I have too many games in my backlog to buy it for PC and the mobile port seems to be of questionable quality. It even got taken off of the app store for a while, but it seems like it hasn't gotten much better since.
A common problem between us gamers! I’m being good and have been attacking my backlog lately. Finally made it to the last act of Divinity: Original Sin 2. So close!

If you do change your mind regarding Slay the Spire, its on sale for under $9. The reason its taken me so long to beat the heart (the boss after the “normal ending”) is because there’s a lot of different ways to play the game. The core loop is a ton of fun and if you like deckbuilders this is for sure my favorite single player deckbuilder.
A common problem between us gamers! I’m being good and have been attacking my backlog lately. Finally made it to the last act of Divinity: Original Sin 2. So close!

If you do change your mind regarding Slay the Spire, its on sale for under $9. The reason its taken me so long to beat the heart (the boss after the “normal ending”) is because there’s a lot of different ways to play the game. The core loop is a ton of fun and if you like deckbuilders this is for sure my favorite single player deckbuilder.

I'll just keep it on my to-play list. Among the many, many other games I'll probably never get around to.
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I finished Dark Messiah of Might & Magic - which I didn't really expect to do. I just wanted to boot some orcs off some cliffs, but I got into the game! I played the game before, as one if my first Steam games. The only thing I could really remember was running through almost all my potions (or arrows or something) trying to fight a gang of liches toward the end of the game. This time I was able to please the lead lich, so it helped me deal with the others. (Well, it started to help me. It only destroyed one other before the game got glitchy and they all just started hissing at each other without doing any damage. They didn't do anything but hiss at me when I started attacking them, too, so it worked out the same way it should have.)

Anyway, the game IS old and has most of the baggage from days of yore: odd glitches, weak voice acting, weaker writing, skills with nearly no use, and not-so-clear paths forward. The game is still fun, though, with strong combat. You can put skill points into archery, melee, and magic - but it's always most fun to kick enemies. Plenty of cliffs, spiked walls, and fire pits are scattered around for your kicked enemies to die on.

And I got to kick plenty of orcs!


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
I finished Dark Messiah of Might & Magic - which I didn't really expect to do. I just wanted to boot some orcs off some cliffs, but I got into the game! I played the game before, as one if my first Steam games. The only thing I could really remember was running through almost all my potions (or arrows or something) trying to fight a gang of liches toward the end of the game. This time I was able to please the lead lich, so it helped me deal with the others. (Well, it started to help me. It only destroyed one other before the game got glitchy and they all just started hissing at each other without doing any damage. They didn't do anything but hiss at me when I started attacking them, too, so it worked out the same way it should have.)

Anyway, the game IS old and has most of the baggage from days of yore: odd glitches, weak voice acting, weaker writing, skills with nearly no use, and not-so-clear paths forward. The game is still fun, though, with strong combat. You can put skill points into archery, melee, and magic - but it's always most fun to kick enemies. Plenty of cliffs, spiked walls, and fire pits are scattered around for your kicked enemies to die on.

And I got to kick plenty of orcs!
The ragdoll animations are... *chef's kiss*
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
I finished Dark Messiah of Might & Magic - which I didn't really expect to do. I just wanted to boot some orcs off some cliffs, but I got into the game! I played the game before, as one if my first Steam games. The only thing I could really remember was running through almost all my potions (or arrows or something) trying to fight a gang of liches toward the end of the game. This time I was able to please the lead lich, so it helped me deal with the others. (Well, it started to help me. It only destroyed one other before the game got glitchy and they all just started hissing at each other without doing any damage. They didn't do anything but hiss at me when I started attacking them, too, so it worked out the same way it should have.)

Anyway, the game IS old and has most of the baggage from days of yore: odd glitches, weak voice acting, weaker writing, skills with nearly no use, and not-so-clear paths forward. The game is still fun, though, with strong combat. You can put skill points into archery, melee, and magic - but it's always most fun to kick enemies. Plenty of cliffs, spiked walls, and fire pits are scattered around for your kicked enemies to die on.

And I got to kick plenty of orcs!
Kicking orcs down the cliff or into some rusty metal spikes never got old. Fun fact, the company I work for currently made their first game kinda Messiah-like and it got me hooked (and then made me join them, but hey, that's a different story).

Played through it two times I believe, last time few years ago and it kinda holds up. Core gameplay is still fun.
I'm calling it. i beat hollow knight. First beat just over 38 hours. Second ending time just under 39 hours. I could play it a third time for achievements, but... screw it i'm not that bothered. i mean i completed 109% of the content and the max is 112%.

A cracking metroidvania\souls like with slick combat, ideas and visual made it a treat to play. Audio should get an honorary mention: its fantastic. in the grand scheme of things its not that difficult once you master the various attacks. That's said it can get challenging as they soup up the bosses by making them faster and more aggressive so there's little time to hit them let alone heal yourself. The painful part is, unsurprisingly, when they do double damage.

I didn't finish the god content, so i haven't finished boss rush mode and i don't feel like beating all the bosses in one sitting (that sounds horrible). But there is a fair bit of content to keep you going, especially if you get the game in a sale. the boss i had the most trouble with was probably nightmare king Grimm. Again he's very much beatable, its just his speed that makes him hard to nail down and if you don't have proper positional awareness, you'll quickly be overwhelmed. Plus there is practically no time for you to pull of a heal. Not that it will save you often as he does double damage.

Roll on hollow knight silk song. I thought its out recently but apparently not?
Waaaaaait a minute, you're breaking my pie chart! 112%!?

That's right! Team cherry added (3?) updates to the base game for free and i guess it totals 12% more content. its some pretty slick stuff as the sound tracks on those extra sections are some of the best in the game. the godfall content gives you 2 extra endings and just gives you the opportunity to face off against even harder bosses.

In May 2022 … Team Cherry … said "It can't be too much longer, surely!"

I was hearing a lot of news lately and looking at the wikia there's some pretty substantial info on there. I haven't looked too carefully so to avoid spoilers.


On a Journey
Diablo 4... sort of... I finished campaign but since game really has no end, its hard to say I am finished. Need to take a break for a few weeks to help mum recover from Knee replacement.

Reminds me of Age of Conan, release a game without an actual end game. Blizzard learning really bad lessons if its getting inspired by Deep Silver.
Blizz say they don't want Nightmare dungeons to be end game... there is no other choice right now. So what are we meant to do? wait until they release expansion next year? Repeat pattern from D3 where they mess up original game but fix it with expansion. They might have worked out how to add more bank space by then.
Well, i technically beat the game. This time its streets of rogue. A sort of sandbox, indie gta roguelike where your aim is to complete missions and reach the top and become the mayor of the city.

The best part of the game is the customization and the random nature of the game. You have options and depending on luck or the resources you have its up to you how to approach stuff. Admittedly most will end in violence as you're expected to neutralize people to grab stuff. There is more then one way to beat the game, if you want to kill your way to the top you can, but a much trickier method is to win the election against the current mayor. Easier said then done as you naturally not liked.

The customization of the game also made it piss easy. I quickly switched on infinite ammo, melee durability, picked the soldier and straight up shot my way to victory. Played the game again as a vampire and after a few upgrades (and a silenced uzi) was able to kill my way to victory. With a side of stealth.

Speaking of stealth it could have been implemented slightly better as it seems a bit random at times.

Would i recommend it? Not sure tbh, it will cater for a certain person but, bme personally it was ok. Not a bad game, but not something i would fall in love with.


Community Contributor
Marvel's Midnight Suns is done! I had to rush in and get a screenshot or two last night, but I finished it on Thursday. Definitely worth playing!

A lot of people keep trying to make the game into XCOM. It isn't. It really isn't. Here, look at this:


If you're the type of person that likes talking to just about everyone in RPGs and you like turn-based strategy, though, you're in for a treat. A somewhat buggy treat, particularly in the later parts of the game, but a real treat. This is a turn-based strategy game like no other I've ever played.

The combat is card-based and is one where movement is done mostly by executing your powers instead of just telling the game to move this hero to that location. You have three heroes fighting at a time but, depending on the cards that come up, you could have all three heroes active in a turn, or just have one hero do the entire turn. Also, there's very little randomness once a card is in your hand. That makes planning multiple moves possible. It's not up to the levels of chess, but it's more than I typically see, and a lot more exact as well as you are even told the damage each action will cause.

Here's Storm doing a power that actually does 0 damage all by itself but, because this is MMS, I was allowed to place the point of explosion so accurately that I could slam one guy into an alter, one guy into Blade's waiting sword, and the third guy into another Hydra agent - KO'ing all four!

The conversations are pretty well done, too. It got a little tiresome to hear what a great friend I've become from so many characters, but most of the conversations were good and I enjoyed the humor.
Aug 23, 2023
Ндавно прошел игру Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition а потом начал заново, просто улетная игра, непонятно почему такой низкий рейтинг

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I finished the game Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition a while ago and then started again, it's just an awesome game, I don't understand why such a low rating
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A quick game to add to the list. I finished the Lost vikings 2 on the snes.

Whilst i had played the first lost vikings, what drew me in to play the second one was that i didn't realize that there was a Snes version. I always thought the remastered PSX version was the original lost vikings 2.

Anyway i digress, LV2 takes place after the sequel, with tormentor seeking revenge on the vikings after his defeat. Although he manages to capture them, the vikings break out and escape via a time machine and its here the game begins traveling through time to get home to their correct time.

Whilst its more of the same puzzle platforming, the sequel does have the advantage of a couple more features, the vikings now have more special abilities making them more flexible and act as QOL improvements in many ways. Secondly, the vikings are joined by a dragon and a werewolf who each have their own abilities and usually taking the place of one or two of the vikings in certain stages.

Whilst the game is fairly easily beatable with save states, back in its day it was pretty brutal when it came to difficulty. Solving the puzzle was one thing, execution is quite another. if even one of your characters dies, its back to the start of the level and when there is precision based jumping and zero chance of mistakes, it becomes very frustrating sometimes. The only consolation is that each level has a password and if you mess up really badly in some levels, you get special abilities. The levels themselves aren't long, but the puzzles become increasingly complex and challenging.

Besides that, the game still retains its trademark humor and it was good enough to keep me engaged and play through the 30 levels. Would i recommend it? maybe with save states but caution when it comes to doing it old school.
Havent posted in here in a while. If there was a "last game you just stopped playing" id be posting every page lol.

So i beat Remnant 2's campaign on survivor (the second one difficulty) and it was a good time. Im annoyed at how every type of weapon and class and armor are hidden. I like to go through a dungeon and unlock them, not keys or anything like that, all the cool stuff is buried.

The grenade launcher is the worst. You have to wait 30 irl minutes for some sewer to fill up to get it. It annoyed me.

Theres plenty of replay i will be doing, harder difficulties, the randomized adventure mode and even re-rolling the campaign for a different experience will keep me coming back



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