The last game you completed

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Well, technically i've beaten it so i'm adding it here.

This time its Don't feed the monkeys. A voyeur simulator, as a lucky member of the primate observation club i have the fun of spying on random people. The only catch? needing to buy cameras every 5 days. Easier said then done when you're a dead beat and needing to stay alive. IE: eat and sleep, have money to pay rent etc.

A pretty interesting game. Graphics are right up my alley and some of the stuff you can get up to is pretty messed up. Whilst you can observe the cages passively watching and answering questions to earn extra cash, the fun is when you start feeding the monkeys. IE: impacting their lives frequently for your own personal gain. How about delivering bottles of booze to a recovering alcoholic? maybe blackmailing a peeping tom into giving up nude photos or forcing them to work for you? Perhaps you can save a suicidal man? or maybe push him over the edge... Maybe i can record something messed up or someone getting intimate and sell it on for cash...

Sadly, i played it like a real person. I spent much of my time trying to stay alive working an 8 hour job to really watch the cages and influence them. Plus it all costs money and with various commitments, money was extremely tight. i never got to the bottom of all the stories but from one I've seen, there were some pretty juicy stories that i wanted to mess around with.

The second gripe is that which cages you get are entirely random. You very much have to play the game several times to see them all. A bit frustrating when you don't get to see the ones you want. it really could do with a new game+ mode where you either restart with notes, big money, cages already unlocked or just continue and unlock all the other cages.

Would i recommend it? i probably would but there would be some big caveats:

1. Get it cheap.
2. be prepared to play it several times. The game isn't long i completed it in 2 hours (working and sleeping ensures your time isn't spent 100% in front of the computer) to see all the cages you'll probably need multiple files.
Another one to add to the list: Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack . Apparently a sequel to Tales from Space: About a Blob. Its a quick simple puzzle platformer where you play as the blob that escapes from the science lab and begins its journey devouring everything and bring Armageddon to the galaxy.

Now i played this on the Vita and its pretty decent. Visually nice and the ideas are pretty good, the story sequences are a real highlight. The touch mechanics certainly were more irksome then actually good. but then again, i hate the six axis/touch sensor style gameplay as its not particularly responsive and downright annoying when i have to let go of some buttons to use it.

its not the longest game with 24 levels taking no longer then 10 minutes or less to beat each level, you could finish it in an evening easily. Replay value wise its a how fast you can beat it and rescue the blobs friends dotted across the map.

Would i recommend it? for an evening's distraction, sure but certainly not for £7.19 though. that said, its currently 75% off on steam right now and there are worse ways to spend £1.79.
Finished my first Elden Ring playthrough after about 130 hours and 140 levels.

It was all enjoyable and even though a lot of the optional bosses were repeated, nothing was exactly the same. I ended up doing nearly all of the side dungeons I could find. Only did one of the Heros Graves though, screw those chariot death robots.

I got a bit tired of it around the Mountaintops of the Giants, when I started to think it was too long, and the Fire Giant fight was straight up meh. But it picked up with the puzzle to get to Miquellas Haligtree and I really enjoyed the last few bosses a lot. Malenia, Mohg: Lord of Blood, Malekith and Radagon were highlights of the whole game all in a row.

Managed to beat all bosses without the help of a player summons although I used the Ashes summons Ancestral Follower and in the end the infamous Mimic Tear. Feels like the game is balanced around them. Might try and solo new game + for funsies as you start out OP anyway.

9/10 if they make a sequel, they could make it better by actually having a couple less areas and making it smaller. Itching to jump back in talking about it though.
I'm including doom 2 wads as games completed. This time its TPH 12.3, or its full title:

TPH 12.3: Part 1A - The Prequel to Part B Galaxy's Brink!! The Super Incredible Bulgarian Necromancer of the East!! Fight for the Combined Justice of the Planet Sphere - Earth!!

A cacoaward winner last year given the title the entire premise is a parody of an anime bullet hell shooter. The plot is nonsensical as are the map names, its a 3 episode megawad and honestly i don't know whether i love it or hate it. on the one hand, the maps are very well made and the presentation top notch and plays very well.

But on the flip side the difficulty is all over the place; enemies projectiles rate of fire is up to twice as fast or move fly faster and all the weak chaff that fills the demon roster is replaced with more dangerous adversaries. Whilst the weapons have been tweaked to be more effective (the berserk pack is now a sort of quad damage powerup), ammo is much scarcer, but on the other hand, bullets are your bread and butter of this wad and that chain gun just slays enemies and bullets are plentiful.

But its not just the monsters that make gameplay nightmarish, the mean dickish level design is frustrating, irritating and feels unfair. Ambushes are a common strategy, the speed boost of some enemies will catch you off guard and the strategy of enemies from the front teleporting behind you to cut off your escape is a frequent one. other times its the suicide bombers placed around corners, behind doorways (so if you stand too close to a door when it opens, they trigger explosives taking massive damage). For those looking for a challenge this one is for you.

Would i recommend it? i still would recommend doom wad players to try it out as its very good, but i would probably switch it down to hurt me plenty or be prepared to just cheat through the more obnoxious sections of the game. Plus its free, so i can't really complain.
Apr 29, 2022
What was the last game that you completed, and how would you rate it?

Completing games is not something I do often. The most recent game I completed was Halo Reach for the MCC on PC. I had originally played it on 360, but I barely remembered the campaign so it was great to get back in it. I haven't played much of the multiplayer, but I'd give the campaign 8/10 (nostalgia could play a big part)
Elden Ring- finished it last month and wanting to start NG+ but got work to do first. 8.5/10
Ok another game off the list this time its Deathwar 3030. Now i never played the non definitive edition so i have no ide a what it was like prior to the changes (apparently it was pretty significant and made the game more accessible).

For a a small indie team i have to say i'm pretty impressed with the game. Clocked in 20 hours and was strangely compelling. It has some reasonably decent humerous writing filled with various games, tv and uk references (like the churchill ship named after the dog or someones fav drink was tesco's orange juice).

One thing i certainly noticed was the passion in the game, it was just filled with little details and features like the odd puzzle game or you can occasionally pull out your gun for some shooting. it was enough to keep me hooked as i discovered new things. It does sort of lose steam by the end. The ending especially is just a bit throwaway conclusion to the story. There isn't much to end game tbh.

Would i recommend it? yeah sure. The game plays like freelancer so if you like that you'll be comfortable with this.
More games completed.

First up another doom wad: 1000 lines community project 3. You'd thnk i would start with the first or second project but whatever. overall? pretty good wad. lots of good maps and soundtrack made it enjoyable. Honorable mention to the final level which wasn't the icon of sin. the wad was good enough for me to go and try the previous 2 wads.

Next up, luigi's mansion on the 3ds. i found it charming and i had fun with it, not the longest or hardest game (being tailored for kids and all). That said, there were bits that were just a bit irritating. namely struggling with the controls trying to catch the ghosts. The boos would just run out the room and as i go out the room to chase it, it flies back in the room i just went out from! So it became this slow tedious game of me going back and forth wearing it down before it finally gave up. But the biggest irritation was trying to defeat boolossus. Nothing difficult with the boss, its just the last one is smart enough to run away and jab me in the back constantly.

So... will i recommend luigi's mansion? yeah its ok i think its worth a play. Kept be invested till start of finish.

lastly, Ruiner. not the longest game but enjoyable brutal fun. i can't quite help but feel that it was a lost opportunity for more . Maybe a bigger sandbox world, more exploring etc. i'm not sure if i should have played with a joypad but it was fairly playable using KB+M. For the price it goes on sale (or even free) i recommend a try.


Community Contributor
Finished Doom Eternal. That game gets TOUGH!! I played Doom 2016 on hard (I think). With this one, I tried it on medium and did fine for the first couple of levels, then started struggling, then couldn't keep an extra life for long at all. I nearly quit, but instead I took it down to :flushed: easy. That was actually too easy, so I built up some extra lives, then switched to medium and lost them all again pretty fast. Eeeesh, OK, back to easy to stay.

The game kept getting harder, though. By the final levels, there are huge demons running all over the place! I ended up losing all my lives again on the final boss. When that happens, you have to start the fight over again but this time with 0 extra lives - if you die again, you have to restart the boss fight again. Luckily, I figured out what I was doing wrong and managed to (barely) survive.

The game is a good one, though I really don't understand why they put so many cursed jumping puzzles in the campaign!? Am I the Doom guy or Mario?? After a lot of damage from falls, I eventually got the hang of the double-jumping and dashing. I guess the skills were handy in battle, but jeeez.

Oh, and don't play this game for the story. It's like they practically forgot about everything that went on in Doom 2016 and just made up a big, new history for the Doom marine. Oh well - it's all about the shooting, anyway, and the shooting is REALLY good!
Finished Doom Eternal. That game gets TOUGH!! I played Doom 2016 on hard (I think). With this one, I tried it on medium and did fine for the first couple of levels, then started struggling, then couldn't keep an extra life for long at all. I nearly quit, but instead I took it down to :flushed: easy. That was actually too easy, so I built up some extra lives, then switched to medium and lost them all again pretty fast. Eeeesh, OK, back to easy to stay.

The game kept getting harder, though. By the final levels, there are huge demons running all over the place! I ended up losing all my lives again on the final boss. When that happens, you have to start the fight over again but this time with 0 extra lives - if you die again, you have to restart the boss fight again. Luckily, I figured out what I was doing wrong and managed to (barely) survive.

The game is a good one, though I really don't understand why they put so many cursed jumping puzzles in the campaign!? Am I the Doom guy or Mario?? After a lot of damage from falls, I eventually got the hang of the double-jumping and dashing. I guess the skills were handy in battle, but jeeez.

Oh, and don't play this game for the story. It's like they practically forgot about everything that went on in Doom 2016 and just made up a big, new history for the Doom marine. Oh well - it's all about the shooting, anyway, and the shooting is REALLY good!
Yea, Doom Eternal is a madhouse, lol. FPS is one of my favorite genres and I have a lot of experience with them, but Doom Eternal is definitely a really challenging game. I don't remember what difficulty I played on because there are a lot of them, but I definitely found it tough. I wouldn't even consider playing on the higher difficulties in that game. It's probably the most frantic, kinetic game I've ever played and I consider it to be one of the best shooters ever.
Yea, Doom Eternal is a madhouse, lol. FPS is one of my favorite genres and I have a lot of experience with them, but Doom Eternal is definitely a really challenging game. I don't remember what difficulty I played on because there are a lot of them, but I definitely found it tough. I wouldn't even consider playing on the higher difficulties in that game. It's probably the most frantic, kinetic game I've ever played and I consider it to be one of the best shooters ever.

Goes well with the heavy metal music slamming away in your ears though while spraying down alien demon grunts! Good times.. Good times...


Community Contributor
It's got a stunning number of easter eggs, too. Check out this view of the bookshelf in your office:

Von Braun's Onboard AI System Technical Manual? That would be S.H.O.D.A.N. from System Shock 2. Mesa Science, written in black, must be Black Mesa of Half Life fame. U-NAT-CO is from Deus Ex, and so on. The desk (earlier in the video) has some eggs, too.
Feb 18, 2021
It's got a stunning number of easter eggs, too. Check out this view of the bookshelf in your office:

Von Braun's Onboard AI System Technical Manual? That would be S.H.O.D.A.N. from System Shock 2. Mesa Science, written in black, must be Black Mesa of Half Life fame. U-NAT-CO is from Deus Ex, and so on. The desk (earlier in the video) has some eggs, too.

This just makes me want to play through System Shock 2 again now.
I am just holding out for the enhanced edition.
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May 11, 2022
I think the last game I played until the end was Sniper V2..

Did Skyrim have an end?

I've tended to play open world games, so I do the quests and missions to get the skills and gear but I usually stop near the end. The Sweet Spot as I call it.(84% in SofW).

I don't like all the mission stuff, I find it tedious. Like jumping through hoops.

I just want to be a male or female god, skilled and tooled up enough to take down any enemy, enjoying an open world experience. And I also then try to create mini games or strategies of my own.

Also with games like RD2 I found the missions planned by Dutch to be so ridiculous, that Arthur/I left the gang.(54%)


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@ipman I need to play more RD2. I'm still just 20% or so in it, just helped an NPC deliver some love notes. The world is amazing and I always stop the main quest by doing something completely different, like shooting at boats to see if they can sink or dragging some annoying speaker in the main city by rope to the nearest alligator. In my recent game, I took a good bath, a new haircut/outfit, and a good night's sleep, and all that took probably 30 minutes of game time. I also like to say hello to most I meet, gives me karma and is just awkwardly hilarious.
I finished Citizen Sleeper, some really good writing, interesting ideas and nice art. Not on the level of a Disco Elysium IMO but its in the same ball park, just a little narrower in scope. I guess thats just the tabletop RPG roots of both showing. Fantastic soundtrack, if you enjoyed FTL's music its a similar kind of bleep.

The second half slows down quite a bit , but I also appreciated the change of pace. Perhaps the choices could have mattered more, but it isnt quite as melancholy as it seems at first because of that, and it suited the package.

7/10, it didnt overstay its welcome but I dont think I'll play through it again any time soon. On Gamepass too.
Feb 18, 2021
Do you review it highly? Does it deserve the hype it's received?

I really enjoyed Elden Ring. My first playthrough took around 105 hours and I couldn't tell you where that time went. It just vanished!

The game will not be everyone's cup of tea and I can understand that. I don't think I will finish it a second time but I really did get my monies worth out of it.


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