The last game you completed

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May 11, 2022
@ipman I need to play more RD2. I'm still just 20% or so in it, just helped an NPC deliver some love notes. The world is amazing and I always stop the main quest by doing something completely different, like shooting at boats to see if they can sink or dragging some annoying speaker in the main city by rope to the nearest alligator. In my recent game, I took a good bath, a new haircut/outfit, and a good night's sleep, and all that took probably 30 minutes of game time. I also like to say hello to most I meet, gives me karma and is just awkwardly hilarious.
Yes I actually live it like a cowboy. Always have a bath and shave/haircut when back from the trail.
A shot of Whisky, and a game of poker. Love it around that lake SW of Strawberry. There's a red Arabian Stalion there I can never catch.

This is another game that made me learn in real world. I didn't know that type of poker. But went off and watched those poker tournaments with Tom Dwan and the like. All this poker world and characters I was unaware of.

Some good YT vids of things to do, like canoeing the whole length of rivers, not easy.


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Did Skyrim have an end?
A great one!!

If you're looking for more sandboxy games, though, I'll point you at
May 11, 2022
A great one!!
I'm not sure I completed Skyrim, but close. The sweetspot in Skyrim was having Serena and Aela as followers. The perfect fighting team. I would just orchestrate battles for them and sit and watch.

I did finish GTAV5 and still play that frequently, still the best driving physics for me. And great fun post story.

Thanks for the links.
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Well time to add a few games to the list.

The first one is the legend of zelda a link to the past. Not a bad game i did play it without nostaligia goggles and there were points where i thought could do with a rework namely some pathways or level design. it doesn't always clear where to go next or where to go in places as certain key items are hidden . Overall not bad.

The next one is dropsy as mentioned its not a very long game its equal parts heart warming and tragic/messed up. it does go off the deep end by with the story by end game but its still good. The only criticism is that i was able to softlock the game twice. The first was that i wanted to move off screen to get something but the game refused to let me leave. The second i somehow got the mouse to an area it shouldn't have been able to travel to.

The last game is dishonored 2. i played it as corvo for continuity sake and also to get my thief vibes. I did enjoy the game with some very cool ideals. jindosh's manor and the time travelling mansion section were definitely my favs. Hell, the whole world was a joy to explore. There are some criticisms however:

1. Loot. most of the time i would just walk past loot as i wasn't aware it was valuable hell even with the vision upgrade i wasn't even aware of some of the stuff. most the stuff worth stealing is trash imo: bathsalts, tacky statues, a dried dead bloodfly, wheat etc. I feel somewhat ashamed that most cases i missed out a load of loot.

2. Restrictions to take downs. Why the hell can't i incapacitate someone leaning against a wall or someone sitting in a high back chair? Why can't i just bash the person over the head /jab them in the trachea and incapcitate and choke them out (like during in combat). Why does aerial takedowns sometimes fail when i jump on them? Why can't i carry chloroform bottles? I would trade any lethal method for a chance to carry bottles.

but these are minor gripes. Would i recommend to play it? absolutely. you can bag the original game and the expansion (death of the outsider) for peanuts these days. The only thing i would ask is whether to play the game as corvo or as emily? The latter seems to be able to use more abiilities then her father and plus she apparently was the canon choice.
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Well time to add a few games to the list.

The first one is the legend of zelda a link to the past. Not a bad game i did play it without nostaligia goggles and there were points where i thought could do with a rework namely some pathways or level design. it doesn't always clear where to go next or where to go in places as certain key items are hidden . Overall now bad.
Have you ever played A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS? If not, you really should. It's basically a modernized reimagining of ALttP with the partial 3D mechanic worked in. It's a great game.
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Have you ever played A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS? If not, you really should. It's basically a modernized reimagining of ALttP with the partial 3D mechanic worked in. It's a great game.

yeah i've got that in my to play collection as well! not sure when i will actually play it though. I'm sort of bouncing around games after killzone liberation made me snap because of the controls. got to the swamp and driving around in that hovercraft was enough for me to quit. Currently dabbling with la mulana on my vita. I already completed a game on my 3ds so i need to finish something on my vita.
yeah i've got that in my to play collection as well! not sure when i will actually play it though. I'm sort of bouncing around games after killzone liberation made me snap because of the controls. got to the swamp and driving around in that hovercraft was enough for me to quit. Currently dabbling with la mulana on my vita. I already completed a game on my 3ds so i need to finish something on my vita.
Whenever you get around to it, I think you'll love it if you liked ALttP. It's a great game.
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May 22, 2022
For me, I recently finish playing Uncharted Legacy of Thieves. The missions are well thought out and not really easy, so there's the challenging aspect of it. It also has unexpected events that happen in the middle of the game. It feels good to finish this game.


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I finished NieR Replicant yesterday. Well, finished as far as I'm going to finish, which was ending A. Like Automata, you can get more details of the story if you play the last half over again, and again, and again.... Unfortunately, the game had way more repetition than I like just in the first play-through. There's no way I'm going through all that again.

Instead, I YouTubed it. Yep, it's a really good story! To get the full effect, you need the previous media, though. Not games, media. This series isn't just games by a longshot. So, honestly, to do NieR "right" you should play NieR Replicant for as long as you can stand, then watch videos to cover everything that happened before Replicant (at least back to the whole dragon-coming-out-of-another-dimension thing), then play Automata, then watch a video covering everything else that happened between Replicant and Automata. Or even find the media for it (books, audio, a play) and get it properly, but I don't think it has all been translated to English.
I'll quickly add these 2 to the list.

The first was Wolfenstein: hearts of liberty. A Doom megawad with brutal Wolfenstein enemies and weapons. Admittedly it wasn't too difficult on hurt me plenty (harder difficulty was just enemies doing double damage) but for the most part the difficulty meant i could have fun with all the weapons and have fun with it. For the most part the maps were pretty good; well designed maps that looked the part, flowed well and played well. The weaker maps were the larger outdoor maps being the more weaker maps. The urban city maps in the final section being the worst of the bunch (hell the last 3 or 4 were the ones i like the least). Also the scale of some of the doom cute stuff was off, but the rooms were well designed with all the minor details.

The second minor gripe is more brutal wolfenstein you had a huge number of weapons and for the SMG and rifle side of things you you had a juggling weapon nightmare especially during boss fights. Speaking of boss fights, some fights are just against absolute bullet sponges. But minor gripes as maps normally have huge amounts of ammo and super charges/meds (although on harder difficulty i expect it to disappear very quickly.)

So... would i still recommend it? yeah for a doom wad is still pretty good.

The other gamer i finished was on my Raspberry pi was the adventures of batman and robin. A batman game based on the brilliant animated series. its showing its age so i had an ok experience with it, a bit repetitive in places by this point won't be missing out on much.


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Dear Esther, I thought I would write you to tell you something vaguely depressing. You can read it while walking around a vaguely depressing landscape.

I think I missed the point of this game. I think I'm happy that I'm the type of person that would miss the point of this game.
I was hoping to add a 3 games for the list but Dracula X is taking longer then i expected (i need to play a couple of levels again to get the good ending) and Mafia 3 is a week away from completing and i'm going to make a pretty lengthy break down of the game.

So lets discuss the one game i did finish. Actraiser on the Snes. Help save a heathen (continent? ) and spread the power of Christ God. The game is fairly straight forward:

1. send your holy warrior to liberate the area and gain a foothold in the area. This is the platforming hack and slash section.

2. With a foothold established, its time to grow the community. Tell your followers how to develop the land and grow your city. listen in on your people and do the odd mission here and there. The aim is to seal all the demon rifts in the area.

3. With the demon holes sealed, this pisses off the demonic boss in the area and you have to send your divine arse down to do battle. Winner takes all.

For a game for its time its pretty unique and interesting, platforming and combat is competent enough, but there's nothing all that exciting or riveting by todays standards. The City management section does get compelling as it slowly grows, but its too easy to exploit. I wouldn't start growing the city until all the ground work (like melting ice, removing trees etc) and found all the demon rifts (also cuts down the amount of attacks made by the monsters).

There is a remaster on steam but would i recommend the original? meh not really. Whilst original, its a jack of all trades and a master of none. Its does a lot but does neither brilliantly to make it a must play. Its not horrible but nothing outstanding that demand you to go out your way to play it.


Jun 26, 2022
After 20 years of procrastination, I finally finished Roller Coaster Tycoon. The original released in 1999.

Also completed the single player of Skyrim for the first time. I've got at least 1000 hours on that game

Both are 10/10 games
That's awesome man!
so... 2 more games completed. the first one was castlevania: Dracula x. Whilst not very long (7 levels) the game was annoying as hell. It can be boiled down to several things:

Clunky controls and combat. The whip doesn't have additional attack time like other games in the series. Normally when you an aerial attack there is a few seconds of drift time for attacks. This may not seem like much but it makes attacking aerial targets extremely difficult as pinpoint precision is needed. This is most apparent when facing dracula's form. Took save scumming to win and it became irratating as hell. The other thing it really needed is some sort of dash dodge or slide attack without those dodging some of the attacks required using item crash to get a few seconds of vulnerability to dodge.

Dickish level design thats compound by iffy combat. Enemies deployed just above head height or heights that makes hitting them tough, enemies designed to knock you into bottomless pits. Just awful.

A plus is perhaps the graphics are nice and the soundtrack is good. But thats where the positives end tbh. I might try rondo of blood if i have time.

The next game i'll discuss will be mafia 3 and i have a fair bit to say about this one.
Ok... so Mafia 3 so after 52 hours i'm done with it. I won't lie, not all of that time felt wasted. Yet, would i recommend this game to people to play? if i'm being brutally honest, no.

Its a bit of shame really, there is a lot to like about Mafia 3. The whole things feels like like there was some effort/dedication. The devs have captured the 60s and the racial prejudice of that area very very well. The story, whilst nothing special, is well presented and brilliantly voiced. The Documentary style works very well and the facial expressions is brilliant. The game has some useful features bullet time and slowmo to make driving easier. That said, there is room for improvement, customizing cars etc can only be done if you drive a car you own. Speaking of Cars, if you find a steal a sports car that you like but isn't classified as "owned" don't expect to keep it for long. Switch cars (even in a mission) and its gone. deeply frustrating when you're doing a delivery mission and you lose your sports/racing car for slow truck....

But lets get to the crux of the problems with game. The repetitive grindy nature is pretty significant and its a killjoy. The busy work to take over and maintain an illegal business is just a chore. Hell, in some cases you would break into their homebase of these illegal businesses before going back to take it over proper! i would find myself cleaning the property out and when it came to time to take over the business i just repeated the same pathway getting in and moving through the heavily fortified areas!

But it doesn't stop there. Once you capture a base and depending on how messy you did it you can boost/maximise its money return doing side jobs for the faction you installed. All the missions involve driving out into the swamp, stealing a slow lorry, truck or boat and driving it back to the place. Apart from vito's favour missions, the other ones are just bloody fetch quests. Steal trucks full of guns and return to HQ or Steal x number of vehicles. Boring as hell and busy work.

To its credit, the main story missions are some of the most exciting and entertaining of the lot. How about infiltrating a hotel and shooting your way out of the lobby? battling through a slowly sinking steamboat are real highlights.

but on the flip side, you have to collect stuff. The good news is that you don't have to collect all the fuses (theres nearly 300 of them scattered around). Feel free to collect enough to bug/hack the city and collect the rare playboy/car mags, commie posters, sexy art and song album covers. Hell cut out the repetitive missions and save me 20+ hours of tedium.

Its not the repetitive nature of missions, its also the gameplay. Granted the guns are varied and isn't terrible. The problem is the rinse and repeat combat where i resorted to sneaking in, stealth take down an objective and the same faceless mobster goons or dixie mafia. My go to weapon was a silencer pistol and a decent AR and even on hard it was surprisingly easy thanks to some lax AI at times. Stop shooting and hiding behind cover and they forget that you're there and start searching.

Granted they have different architypes (burley men armed with shotguns, those wearing full suits having ARs etc) but its not strong enough to add any variation especially in tactics. The solution is always the same and adds little variety to combat. Compared to Assassins creed, different architypes looked to show rank and attack type meant different take down methods. The lack of variety hurts, but the subject matter based in the 1960s doesn't really offer much design room. You can't have heavily armored mobsters with bullet proof shields, etc or russian spetzsnatz style kill teams coming after you. No, you have to contend with greasers or guns in suits.

Finally bugs, the smattering of other issues just ruins it. The more amusing ones was the ragdoll physics. Won't lie, they are pretty good, but other times its just hilariously awful and funny. namely when they fall over a chair/low object and they scream as if they were falling over a gantry. Less amusing was when I had to reinstall a MS redistribution file otherwise the game wouldn't load. Some missions refuse to start after talking to people, NPCS not opening doors and all leading to checkpoint restarts. Throw in the irritating problem of unable to get out of the water even if its a gradual incline. I have no idea what the reason is for that, its just terrible when you see it. EDIT: forgot to mention: Achievements are bugged. It doesn't record the number of times you do something after quiting. So something simple as performing 100 stealth takedowns means you have to do it in one sit through. More obnoxious is either sparing/killing 16 racket bosses. You practically have to play the entire game in a sitting...

But what about the DLC? The good news is that the DLC is one of Mafia 3's strong points, adding much needed variety and excitement especially when the levels are scripted narratively means that they're exciting and really entertaining. hell, leaving new bordeaux meant that i could see and experience some refreshing gameplay. Chasing a rogue cia agent through a nuclear missile facility battling mercs and using all the big guns is a real treat. Go faster baby! whilst story mission isn't long is jolly good fun as you tear through Sinclair parish wrecking the town and causing general mayhem. Or perhaps dealing with a murderous, racist hippie cult with a show down in an abandoned converted asylum? To top it off, you get some pretty tasty rewards playing them. That's not to say that there aren't any missteps, setting up your weed business is tedious and boring. takes a long time to grow the stuff and if you want to get more exotic plants to mix new exciting strains? guess what? fetch quests. This time going back to Sinclair every so often...
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A bit unexpected but i just finished dear esther. I knew the game was going to be short, but i didn't think it would be THAT short. 4 chapters of walking through a beautiful scottish island and it took less then an hour to complete. Ok i could have commited a bit more time for achievments but meh.

Won't lie the game is pretty (vacant) and told a story that i wasn't really paying attention about. I'm sure its beautiful story being told. So... worth a buy? based on the length, probably not.


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Not really a very beautiful story, honestly. Even the island isn't so pretty - it's more of a tundra with a few dilapidated buildings. The cave was nice, though, as was the music.

I was poking my nose around some, but the walking pace makes exploration really tiresome. It took me 95 minutes to get through it.
Not really a very beautiful story, honestly. Even the island isn't so pretty - it's more of a tundra with a few dilapidated buildings. The cave was nice, though, as was the music.

I was poking my nose around some, but the walking pace makes exploration really tiresome. It took me 95 minutes to get through it.

Yeah the pace of the game makes you wish you could jump or sprint around to explore the entire island thoroughly. I agree the swept tundra is a bit boring, but i thought graphically it was nice. The cave was indeed the highlight and the lighting was nice on the final chapter. The first chapter is dull but it sort of goes upwards from there.


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