October 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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I feel they might have gone too far :)
My Dad worked in racing for a long time with a couple of different teams, F1 for about 20. The simulators those guys have are a little more involved, but this is pretty extreme for a home setup.

I know some drivers play the F1 PC games to learn the tracks better between races, those guys get paid the millions maybe its the kind of thing they might go for.


Community Contributor
In combat if you need a potion or item its displayed like this:

Am I to understand that you are bringing bottles of liquid with you into combat? Glass bottles, too, not steel canteens or some sort of flexible-but-strong plastic. Is your strategy going to be showing the monsters what you've got and pointing out that, by killing you, they will create a chemical spill of epic proportions when you fall over and all that glass shatters? ;)
Potions and buffs are strong! Karlach has plenty of space in her infernal leather tarzan sports bra, and if I can find a potion on a shelf or make one from forest herbs of course I'm gonna take them all. Who knows when they might come in handy.

Thats just Karlach, you should see the amount of scrolls Gale has, and the magic arrows Astarion is packing on top of the potions.


Community Contributor
That's just one person!? Yeah, organizing multiple warehouses takes a lot more work!

I'm going to call No Man's Sky done. I've gone through all the quests now, I believe, and I'm not really looking to get S-class in everything.

All that's left on my list that I bought last summer is Disco Elyssium. I tried it last night and... uhhh... I don't think this one is for me. I don't mind a bit of grit, but this one seems more bleak than I'm likely to enjoy. There has been some fun writing, though. I can definitely see how most folks would like it.


Community Contributor
Probably related, in the demographics of those who'll play early access—probably quite different from 'normal' players, eg maybe more interested in story than playability, or form over function, etc.
I doubt it's a greater interest in story since most people I know who were interested in the story didn't buy the game in early access since the story wouldn't be finished.

Of course, there's more than one type of early access player, so since I didn't know anyone at all who played Baldur's Gate in early access, I probably don't know the right people. The early access people I know play completely different types of games than RPGs, usually games with no story at all, where function matters far more than form.


I've deleted my Forza Motorsport review. It was inaccurate and, therefore, misrepresented some things. I didn't examine the game carefully enough before just diving into the career and had the wrong idea about the solo career and only barely looked at multiplayer. The only thing I'm tentatively disappointed about is the number of tracks, which is considerably less than in Motorsport 7, but each of those track has variations, so I'm not even sure how many total circuits there are.

One thing I'm definitely confused about are all the complaints about performance and bugs, as I haven't had a single problem. I'm on Game Pass, which usually has more problems than Steam. No idea how long I've played since it's on Game Pass. Maybe 10 hours. But the game runs better than any recent Forza for me and has been completely bug free.


Community Contributor

I feel they might have gone too far :)
I don't think I'd play with the bar for the roll cage right in front of my face. That's a little too much realism.

I hope this thing comes with a complete guide to repairs because you know that with all those moving parts your $100,000 setup is going to break down with regularity. Then you have to hope the people who made it will supply you with the custom parts. It's just too much money to spend on something made in someone's garage. Not that I would buy it regardless of who made it. I will accept it as a gift, however, but usually I only get a $20 Steam card, so I'm not sure I'll be getting one this year.


Community Contributor
Am I to understand that you are bringing bottles of liquid with you into combat? Glass bottles, too, not steel canteens or some sort of flexible-but-strong plastic. Is your strategy going to be showing the monsters what you've got and pointing out that, by killing you, they will create a chemical spill of epic proportions when you fall over and all that glass shatters? ;)
No worries. The goblins are well known for their hazmat teams.
I noticed today that Vampire Survivors is available for Android for free, so I've played a few rounds. It's very refreshing to have a good quality mobile game that doesn't harass you with an in-game store.

It took me about 5-6 tries to complete the first stage. It's quite rewarding going from barely reaching level 10 to becoming a bullet hell source of destruction that can just wipe out anything trying to get close.
That's just one person!? Yeah, organizing multiple warehouses takes a lot more work!
Yea one character, it is my main face one so she picks up everything first and also makes all the potions. Shes also the strongest so gets to be main mule.

There's a stash box in camp you can send stuff too straight from the inventory/world. Unfortunately you cant access that apart from in camp where you have to physically move a character next to the chest (the camp is pretty spread out). Its also just another box you can sort by type and weight etc, so it could do with some work as well.


Community Contributor
OK, so backlog is caught up - other than Planet Coaster, which has been waiting to be played for years now and I still don't want to. Let's see what's on sale... Distant Worlds 2. It's been over a year and the reviews have gotten worse over time. And.... that's it? No other fully released games on sale? Ouch.

Anything on GOG? Nope.

Well... maybe time to play Shadow of War again. I'm sure I won't finish it a second time (pretty sure), but it will tide me over until a wish list item goes on sale or I decide I want to play Yakuza 4.
I gotta say since picking up the steam deck I'm loving this thing. I've used it on train rides to visit my family and time went by so damn fast.

I've streamed from my pc on it and it ran flawlessly while being close by. Gotta try some other streaming test though.

I've run/installed some games on it and they all worked good or great, cept Starfield, but that game seems to make your pc really work. I will say though for me it was playable. I do however have a history of playing games my pc can't normally handle over the years and have been known to play games going 16 to 18 fps. Starfield ran mid 20's to 30 fps with lowered settings, but on a small screen it looked better then on a 32 inch tv.

Diablo 4 runs great, Tekken runs amazing, Fallout 4 was great, Cyberpunk through Epic Store *used Heroic* seems to run solid and looks good. Skyrim is a blast on there.

Also as for Diablo 4, some people seem to put this game in the ringer and I've seen some people make the comment about always having to be online, which it does, but then they mention they're doing back to D3..... which is always online. lol

I'm loving D4, it feels like a cross between D2 and D3. I'm enjoying it and I gotta say I love that they have the gamepad/controller setup for use on the PC. I just hate though how they have a button to use for dodging. They should of did it like the console version of D3 where the right joystick dodges in the direction you push. Would free up that button for another skill to use. Seems kind of dumb. (n)

Also this game screams couch coop with two controls, but that ain't ever gonna happen sadly.
I accidentally spent $15 buying the subscription for Elder Scrolls Online. I was wanting to get it, but with my Steam Wallet, and instead it charged to my card. I looked at Steam’s subscription page again and in small text it DOES say it will be charged to your card because it has to be a recurring subscription at first, but you’re able to immediately cancel it. But there was no final confirmation button to make sure you wanna do it, you just click ‘Apply’ and it immediately charges your card on file. Guess I’m going to force myself to play a ton of ESO this month. At least I had enough in game currency to buy the Warden class and so far… a little bit of a disappointment. Should have bought the Necromancer class instead.


Community Contributor
Pretty excited for Cities Skylines II. Up until this year, I was never really interested in city builders, so I kind of missed out on the first one. Now I'm all about city builders. So long as I like it okay, I'll probably go ahead and buy it on Steam since you never know how long it will stay on Game Pass or whether it will be usable with mods.


Community Contributor
Maybe they're smellin' nicer than coffee?
Nothing smells nicer than coffee, and if coffee is a brain food, how do you explain me?


Tired of fiddling with Megaquarium tonight, but I finally figured out (hopefully) why so many times my feeders miss a feeding. Turns out, my janitors were occasionally taking a turn. Not only do they not carry the correct equipment, but their feeding skills are so low that they weren't finishing before their shift ended.

This possibility hadn't occurred to me because they are in their own zones, mapped out by me, that don't include feeding areas. Now I've taken the extra step to expressly forbid them from working with fish food. Hopefully that stops it.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I've played a bunch more Vampire Survivors. It's a great mobile game. A single round takes about 30 minutes, but it's pretty easy to pause the game in between. Though I did lose a run because I switched to another app and my phone apparently decided to kill the game to free up resources.

I also lost a run because the game crashed, after which the game kept crashing every time I started it. Even restarting my phone didn't help, I had to reinstall the game entirely. The rest of my progress was saved though, so it was a minor annoyance.