November 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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I tried to fire up Old World last night and figure out where I was. I haven't played since June so, naturally, I've forgotten a bunch of the rules. So I just started over again. And again I find myself on a quest to have just one major empire on my continent. Oh well, the Egyptians don't look TOO big... but they have a proper military and I've just got a few guys with slings.
Excel is an eSport Now
It's a computer game! Why hasn't PC Gamer covered this!? ;)


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I remember a time where a budget PC option would be ~$400 . This makes the Steam Deck look even better, as at least it comes with a screen and a controller.
If I had a system, laptop or desktop, that was only used for gaming, I'd consider replacing it, when necessary, with a Deck, but I'm constantly using my systems for things that probably would de difficult or impossible to do with the Deck, and since I rarely travel (and when I do, I drive), the mobile gaming would be lost on me. But if I ever need a budget gaming rig, I'll buy one. I want one now. I just can't justify it yet.


Played Parkitect for the first time, and I'm liking it a lot better than Planet Coaster, which I've never been able to get into because of how bad I consider the path and coaster building. And I never knew until today that Parkitect has modular building and workshop support (appx 20k mods). This is really the first time since RCT3 that I've fully gotten into a theme park sim. Having fun.


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The first real job I ever had, I had lied during the interview and told them I was great with Excel (I'd actually never heard of it). Fortunately they offered me the job the first week of December, but didn't want me to start until January, so I went to the store, bought Excel and a book on learning Excel (no YouTube back then even if I'd had the Internet) and was pretty much great by the time I started work. I was so good at what they'd hired me for that I had a ton of free time and immediately started automating all their reports, which they hadn't even thought of, saving them tons of hours each week. She told me she was very lucky to have found an Excel expert :ROFLMAO:


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I'm actually reluctant to play Guardians of the Galaxy now. It's getting near the end so, if I play it, I'll finish it and that will suck. But, if I don't play it, it already ended! Aaaargh!!
The first real job I ever had....
Oh, one of the first summer jobs I had was working with... was it Excel? Or was it Lotus 1 2 3? I think it might have been the latter. Or maybe I knew Lotus and had to learn Excel for that job? Whatever the case, it was wayyyy too long ago.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Steam Deck look even better, as at least it comes with a screen

That's not a screen, that's a large eyeglass :p

Why hasn't PC Gamer covered this!?

Please try and keep up.

I had lied during the interview and told them I was great with Excel

College buddy after grad could get a teaching job in school he wanted if he could teach Spanish. "No problemo, amigos". He proceeded to attend a local 'Learn Spanish' evening adult class, and then taught the content of that in school next day!

Or was it Lotus 1 2 3?

That was my first spreadsheet in late 80s, before Excel existed widely in the wild—Excel will be 35 in a week on the 18th!. Lotus really screwed up with Windows—they easily had 80% of the DOS spreadsheet market, but made no effort at all for Windows and let Excel devour their market.

Mind you, Excel is maybe MS's finest app, so it would've come to dominance anyway. Similar story as with Word v WordPerfect—WP just didn't 'get' the change of ways which Windows enabled.


Community Contributor
I'm actually reluctant to play Guardians of the Galaxy now. It's getting near the end so, if I play it, I'll finish it and that will suck. But, if I don't play it, it already ended! Aaaargh!!

Oh, one of the first summer jobs I had was working with... was it Excel? Or was it Lotus 1 2 3? I think it might have been the latter. Or maybe I knew Lotus and had to learn Excel for that job? Whatever the case, it was wayyyy too long ago.
Except for my last year of college when I worked in the law school library, all my early jobs were manual labor. I mowed lawns through most of high school (and had a paper route which paid nothing), then in college I worked in a factory for two summers, then worked doing whatever back-breaking job needed to be done at a high security mental hospital. Finally I couldn't take anymore of the hospital (because of the patients, not the work) and got the library job. And we didn't use computers in the library, so I had zero experience with them other than playing games.


Community Contributor
That's not a screen, that's a large eyeglass :p

Please try and keep up.

College buddy after grad could get a teaching job in school he wanted if he could teach Spanish. "No problemo, amigos". He proceeded to attend a local 'Learn Spanish' evening adult class, and then taught the content of that in school next day!

That was my first spreadsheet in late 80s, before Excel existed widely in the wild—Excel will be 35 in a week on the 18th!. Lotus really screwed up with Windows—they easily had 80% of the DOS spreadsheet market, but made no effort at all for Windows and let Excel devour their market.

Mind you, Excel is maybe MS's finest app, so it would've come to dominance anyway. Similar story as with Word v WordPerfect—WP just didn't 'get' the change of ways which Windows enabled.
The first time I ever heard about Windows was in a game store. An employee asked me if I was running Windows, and I had no clue what he was talking about, at least in part because my computer was an Apple IIc.
If I had a system, laptop or desktop, that was only used for gaming, I'd consider replacing it, when necessary, with a Deck, but I'm constantly using my systems for things that probably would de difficult or impossible to do with the Deck, and since I rarely travel (and when I do, I drive), the mobile gaming would be lost on me. But if I ever need a budget gaming rig, I'll buy one. I want one now. I just can't justify it yet.


Played Parkitect for the first time, and I'm liking it a lot better than Planet Coaster, which I've never been able to get into because of how bad I consider the path and coaster building. And I never knew until today that Parkitect has modular building and workshop support (appx 20k mods). This is really the first time since RCT3 that I've fully gotten into a theme park sim. Having fun.

For me, the Deck is just about options. I don't often like to sit at my gaming desktop and when I do, I'm often painting my miniatures instead. So I tend to game a lot on the couch with my laptop, which isn't super powerful, but is good enough for many games. But, a lot of times I don't want my computer on my lap or on the arm of the couch, so the Deck is nice because I can sit back on the couch and game comfortably.

Funny though, I'm going to take an international trip next year and will instead bring my laptop and probably my PS Vita with me. My laptop will be good enough if I want some PC gaming and offers a lot more utility for traveling with and the Vita lasts forever and can fit in my pocket...

Parkitect is pretty great; definitely feels like a spiritual successor to RCT, though much of the time, I'd rather just play OpenRCT rather than Parkitect.


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Best mate in my first job went to work at Apple, and they had a sweet deal where they got a free computer for home. I'm fairly sure it was that one he had when I visited—it seemed to need all its energy to draw the screen, good luck getting anything else done :)
I used it for word processing and playing games like Bard's Tale. It ran like a charm. Of all the old computers I had, I remember that one the most fondly. It was my first real computer. Before that, I'd only had an Atari computer. I remember laughing at my dad's IBM compatible because it was so stupidly difficult to operate.
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Community Contributor
For me, the Deck is just about options. I don't often like to sit at my gaming desktop and when I do, I'm often painting my miniatures instead. So I tend to game a lot on the couch with my laptop, which isn't super powerful, but is good enough for many games. But, a lot of times I don't want my computer on my lap or on the arm of the couch, so the Deck is nice because I can sit back on the couch and game comfortably.

Funny though, I'm going to take an international trip next year and will instead bring my laptop and probably my PS Vita with me. My laptop will be good enough if I want some PC gaming and offers a lot more utility for traveling with and the Vita lasts forever and can fit in my pocket...

Parkitect is pretty great; definitely feels like a spiritual successor to RCT, though much of the time, I'd rather just play OpenRCT rather than Parkitect.
I do almost all my gaming in my recliner with a laptop. I have a weird set up. I have one of those laptop tables designed to be used in bed. The most important part, though, is that when I picked out my chair, I picked one with wide, flat armrests, so on my left armrest I have a half keyboard, and I use my mouse on the other one.

I tried to get into OpenRCT, but just couldn't. Loved RCT 1 and 2 back in the day, though.


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Played Talos Principle 2 this morning and I am 8 puzzles from the half-way point. I'm not exactly sure how long I've played because I left the game running overnight and also during a football game, but my best guess is about 7 hours. I've done all the extras except for the extra puzzles, which I'm saving, but there's a lot of walking in each area to get all the schematics and messages, but I've been using the compass to beeline to the extra places once I've cleared the puzzles.

There's supposed to be these things you can find that let you skip puzzles, but I haven't looked for them and haven't stumbled across any. Not really interested in skipping puzzles.

Actually, right before I logged out, I jumped into and through this energy ball that dissipated afterward. Maybe that was one of those things? But the game didn't tell me anything when I did it, which seems odd.
I do almost all my gaming in my recliner with a laptop. I have a weird set up. I have one of those laptop tables designed to be used in bed. The most important part, though, is that when I picked out my chair, I picked one with wide, flat armrests, so on my left armrest I have a half keyboard, and I use my mouse on the other one.

I tried to get into OpenRCT, but just couldn't. Loved RCT 1 and 2 back in the day, though.

Honestly sounds like a Deck would be a good fit in that case! It's especially nice when you don't feel like getting all that out and setting it up; more or less, I just like having options. I actually haven't used my Deck for a week or so, since I got a little bit bored with Elden Ring and have been deferring to my laptop instead.

And...honestly, I agree with you. I always installed OpenRCT, CorsixTH and OpenTTD on my PC's, but I'd much rather play the originals (I guess with the exception of TTD, which I never did play the original of...)


Community Contributor
Honestly sounds like a Deck would be a good fit in that case! It's especially nice when you don't feel like getting all that out and setting it up; more or less, I just like having options. I actually haven't used my Deck for a week or so, since I got a little bit bored with Elden Ring and have been deferring to my laptop instead.

And...honestly, I agree with you. I always installed OpenRCT, CorsixTH and OpenTTD on my PC's, but I'd much rather play the originals (I guess with the exception of TTD, which I never did play the original of...)
I'm just a little concerned about the scenarios in Parkitect. I played the first one for hours, changing it to sandbox after hitting the goals, so I only played the second scenario early this morning. Based on what happened in the first scenario, I just immediately started building small coasters and got all the objectives done in the middle of month 3 (in a 24 month scenario). So these small coasters may be a bit OP for the scenarios. That's kind of okay if that turns out to be the case. I can still enjoy the scenarios, just not quite as much as I was hoping.
Got to level 50 in POE and another lootbox. Since i couldn't wait, i decided to open the 2 boxes rather then wait. what did i get for my troubles? 2 helmet cosmetics. Could be worse, but i've got loads of those already. Still, could have been worse, could have been better.

so i will go back to playing yakuza 3 and i tried the dart game on friday and... my god its terrible. Kiwami's one was simple, this one is convoluted and there's so far haven't figured out how to get any accuracy when throwing. Even if I line up my shot the pull back and push forward mechanic means the shot can go wide.
I'm just a little concerned about the scenarios in Parkitect. I played the first one for hours, changing it to sandbox after hitting the goals, so I only played the second scenario early this morning. Based on what happened in the first scenario, I just immediately started building small coasters and got all the objectives done in the middle of month 3 (in a 24 month scenario). So these small coasters may be a bit OP for the scenarios. That's kind of okay if that turns out to be the case. I can still enjoy the scenarios, just not quite as much as I was hoping.
It's been a bit since I last played it, but I do feel like it gets more complex later on. That said, I'm very bad at being efficient, so I may never have found such workarounds to exploiting the game logic.


Community Contributor
It's been a bit since I last played it, but I do feel like it gets more complex later on. That said, I'm very bad at being efficient, so I may never have found such workarounds to exploiting the game logic.
I don't really try to. I just tend to obsess over stats and notice when things happen. Whenever I build a ride, I have a tendency to stop building for a bit and watch the people and the stats.

You can do the same sort of thing with go-carts in RCT 1 and 2. Of course, those typically have to be researched.

The next scenario, on the lake, was a bit more complicated because you couldn't have any loan debt, so I had to be careful building my coasters.
Playing a little Wartales. Inventory space is increased by having ponies among some other crafted stuff. Ponies level up with the rest of the team and theres an option to make them War ponies so they can help in fights. You dont have direct control, but you can place them on the battlefield at the start and keep them out of the worst trouble, and they have a decent HP pool at least for the early game. However when you go into a fight during a storm sometimes lightning will hit the battlefield, it shows up as a red area the turn before so is usually pretty easily avoidable. Unless your dumb animal decides to just charge straight into that area from the backlines, causing it to be bbq instakilled.

After the battle, the party was now massively encumbered without my second pony to help out. They move pretty slowly across the overworld map anyway, but when youre encumbered its really painful. The stables I'd found was in another zone far away, so I had to hump it to the nearest town to sell all the crafting ingredients and gear I'd been hoarding to get back to normal movement speed.

At least they let you bury the animal on the overworld map with a labelled marker. I'll never forget Dumbert.


Community Contributor
Playing a little Wartales. Inventory space is increased by having ponies among some other crafted stuff. Ponies level up with the rest of the team and theres an option to make them War ponies so they can help in fights. You dont have direct control, but you can place them on the battlefield at the start and keep them out of the worst trouble, and they have a decent HP pool at least for the early game. However when you go into a fight during a storm sometimes lightning will hit the battlefield, it shows up as a red area the turn before so is usually pretty easily avoidable. Unless your dumb animal decides to just charge straight into that area from the backlines, causing it to be bbq instakilled.

After the battle, the party was now massively encumbered without my second pony to help out. They move pretty slowly across the overworld map anyway, but when youre encumbered its really painful. The stables I'd found was in another zone far away, so I had to hump it to the nearest town to sell all the crafting ingredients and gear I'd been hoarding to get back to normal movement speed.

At least they let you bury the animal on the overworld map with a labelled marker. I'll never forget Dumbert.
Dumbert went to his grave furious. He never got over you naming him Dumbert.


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Without Broken Roads, I decided to try Wasteland Remastered on Game Pass, but that's definitely not for me. In just a few minutes, my party was in many impossible encounters. Your only options are basically to evade, to attack or to run. The first battle went on and on because no one could hit/damage the wild dog. Finally we killed it, but two of my characters were almost dead. We immediately got into a fight with 3 wild dogs and ran away. Got into a fight with three lizards and ran away. Got into a fight with one wild dog. Got down to one person and decided to run. Survived. Now I had one character and three unconscious characters (we were in a friendly camp during all these encounters). Decide I'm just going to complete the mission, which is about 3 steps away. Take two steps and get attacked by 3 wild dogs. I run and survive. Now I step into the mission location and accept an item. I leave the mission location, take two steps and am attacked. I run and survive. Take about 3 steps and am attacked. I run and survive. I finally get out of the friendly camp and am in the desert. I get about halfway home and am attacked. I run and survive. I then make it back to the headquarters. One person's condition seems to have worsened to "critical", one is still unconscious, and one appears to have awakened. I decide that's good enough for me and exit the game.

I'll try Wasteland 2 and see if that's more my speed.
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