November 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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I need to sleep more. I absolutely sucked at Vermintide 2 yesterday and today, making a lot of easily preventable mistakes. I also haven't returned to Disco Elysium since finishing the first day because I've been too tired for such a text heavy game.

i have vermintide 2 and i really should find time to play that. but that download size is deterring me. i maye have a 500gb spare and the game itself is 60gb, but more worrying it says i need 105gb heres hoping thats for the DLC...


Community Contributor
I've decided to roleplay as a JRPG character while playing The Talos Principle 2. In other words, I'm saying (in my head) the most obnoxious, narcissistic and unbearable lines I can think of as I play, challenging the puzzle-gods, gloating over my successes. Strangely, this has added an immense amount of enjoyment to the game.

I'm saving all the special puzzles for the end. Hopefully I won't accidentally trigger a point of no return.

I got stuck on a puzzle last night. I only worked on it about 10 minutes before deciding to quit for the day, but as I logged out I had no idea how to work it. Woke up this morning, logged in and immediately figured it out. Sleeping on problems is a good thing.


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Hey, I sent an email to a developer asking them if they were still working on a game and if they had a general idea of when the demo and game would launch, and they actually sent me back dates. I feel like a journalist. I should start my own website called PeeCee Gamer.

If anyone other than me cared about this game, I'd send the dates to Andy Chalk, but you could probably fit everyone who's ever heard of it in my kitchen, and I have a cramped kitchen.
If you have 500gb spare it shouldn't be an issue if the game takes up 105gb, right?

true, but generally i get uncomfortable when my 1tb slowly fills up past 50% and alarm bells start ringing. its some psychological trigger when i have the resources etc but refuse to use them. Also happens in games and life in general. just because you can doesn't always mean you should. Plus i have like 5+ games installed on my machine and the more i install, the fewer games get completed. I try to limit the number i have installed so that they get completed. I usually have one multiplayer/live service commitment game atm its chiv2. not that i'm playing that atm, but with the new update out, i'll be stepping back in.

cue me getting increasingly upset and angry and vowing never to play the game. Again.
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My 5 year old has gotten interested in Fortnite after seeing my wife play it. She prefers playing it on my phone, because she isn't very proficient with mouse and keyboard (and I don't think she knows she can use the controller). Which works fine with me, as it means I can use the PC when we play together.
She isn't very proficient with the phone either by the way, though she's picking it up surprisingly fast. Actually shooting other players is still too hard, but she is capable of playing the prop hunt levels.

I recently thought about how, after Flash died, there wasn't really a replacement for all the free Flash games that used to be made, but after seeing how many custom games there are in Fortnite I realized that the replacement for Flash games is mostly in free mods for existing games. Especially for Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox.


Community Contributor
My 5 year old has gotten interested in Fortnite after seeing my wife play it. She prefers playing it on my phone, because she isn't very proficient with mouse and keyboard (and I don't think she knows she can use the controller). Which works fine with me, as it means I can use the PC when we play together.
She isn't very proficient with the phone either by the way, though she's picking it up surprisingly fast. Actually shooting other players is still too hard, but she is capable of playing the prop hunt levels.

I recently thought about how, after Flash died, there wasn't really a replacement for all the free Flash games that used to be made, but after seeing how many custom games there are in Fortnite I realized that the replacement for Flash games is mostly in free mods for existing games. Especially for Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox.
Take this with a grain of salt because I didn't play a lot of Flash games, and I haven't played any of the free games in any of the ones you listed, but I did grab one of Epic's free game, Metaverse type deals, and my impression is that, overall, the Flash games were more interesting and varied.

I said all that to get your opinion on it since I don't know what I'm talking about, really, but the three games I tried didn't exactly inspire confidence.
Take this with a grain of salt because I didn't play a lot of Flash games, and I haven't played any of the free games in any of the ones you listed, but I did grab one of Epic's free game, Metaverse type deals, and my impression is that, overall, the Flash games were more interesting and varied.

I said all that to get your opinion on it since I don't know what I'm talking about, really, but the three games I tried didn't exactly inspire confidence.
I have played a lot of Flash games and most of them were pretty basic. However, I have zero experience with Roblox and too little with Minecraft or Fortnite to get a good idea of the amount of variety in the mods of each. I do suspect they're quite a bit more restricted because they have to work within the framework of their respective games, but their quality is probably just as good as the average Flash game.

For more variety you'd probably best look at free games on I think that's the closest alternative to the old Flash game websites.


Community Contributor
I've decided to roleplay as a JRPG character while playing The Talos Principle 2. In other words, I'm saying (in my head) the most obnoxious, narcissistic and unbearable lines I can think of as I play, challenging the puzzle-gods, gloating over my successes. Strangely, this has added an immense amount of enjoyment to the game.
The most iconic JRPG line I know would be "...". I never noticed any character say just "..." outside of a JRPG until Dragon Age: Inquisition.
My 5 year old has gotten interested in Fortnite after seeing my wife play it.
I think I would end up in a situation something like this:


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Kind of on topic, there's a community news site that used flash for all the videos people uploaded. Now the videos are just lost, I guess.
Yeah, or at least there would have to be someone very interested in those in some type of historical perspective I guess. Not sure how easy something like that would be to back up, like would a news site even care about stuff like that?
Getting really close to beating Cult of the Lamb, I think. There isn’t really a progression meter, but I have nearly everything unlocked, include base building stuff, Crusade upgrades, Tarot Cards, bosses defeated, and more. I thought I unlocked all Rituals but there is one locked still, but the thing is I’ve ran out of doctrines that are used to unlock the Rituals. Not sure how I’m supposed to get it but it’s slightly irking me. I’ve also been focusing too much on rerunning past Crusades to grind more resources when I need to focus on progressing in the new Crusades. I was hesitant to do the fourth one, it’s a spooky spider themed level, but I beat the first boss immediately. You have to run them 3 times, fighting a smaller boss at the end of each then teleporting back to base, then the fourth time you do it, it unlocks the final door where the main boss is at. I cleared the first small boss so easily I laughed at how I was hesitant to do it at first. Perhaps because I’ve grinded Crusade upgrades so much already, if you played just to progress through these levels you’d probably have less unlocks then I have at the moment.

My only issue I have with this game, and it’s not even that major, but whenever you cook food, nearly all your Followers will stop what they are doing to go eat. This means building and crafting times are delayed to wait for the Follower to finish eating and come back to do their job. I wish each follower would have their own individual hunger level and eat when they are hungry and food is available, rather than a single hunger meter for your whole Cult. But then again it’s not that big of a deal, easy to ignore.


Community Contributor
My only issue I have with this game...
I've had a couple of colony sims where people had to eat (as opposed to it just showing your food going down), and it's super annoying when they are almost finished some project and all of a sudden they just turn around and leave to go get food. Sleeping is the same thing. I love it in Timberborn when you can start building robots to replace your beavers.
Yeah, or at least there would have to be someone very interested in those in some type of historical perspective I guess. Not sure how easy something like that would be to back up, like would a news site even care about stuff like that?
Hmm. I just thought of something. I'll be back later with my test results. I have to download Total War Shogun 2 to run my test...
Close to finishing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, finally. On my second attempt in a year and just trying to brute force my way through the Inverted Castle, which I don't find very interesting. Of the Igarashi Castlevanias I've played (which isn't many, I admit) I think it's the weakest.

Anno 1800 continues to be awesome and is a great evolution of the series.

Was thinking of finally startingDarkest Dungeon 2 again, but I've made no moves towards it and the recent PC Gamer article on Lunacid may smother that in the cradle.
I've had a couple of colony sims where people had to eat (as opposed to it just showing your food going down), and it's super annoying when they are almost finished some project and all of a sudden they just turn around and leave to go get food. Sleeping is the same thing. I love it in Timberborn when you can start building robots to replace your beavers.

My wife's Rimworld games often end early when her pawns go insane because she always forces them to work and ignore their basic needs.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Close to finishing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, finally. On my second attempt in a year and just trying to brute force my way through the Inverted Castle, which I don't find very interesting. Of the Igarashi Castlevanias I've played (which isn't many, I admit) I think it's the weakest.
If you have not tried out Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, I can recommend that one. Cool fights, visuals, and an excellent soundtrack.
Played a few hours of Wartales. Similar to Battle Brothers, turn based battles connected by an over world you explore at a slow pace. You recruit members, level them up and equip them by doing contracts, fighting wild animals and bandits and so on. Only played a few hours on the easiest difficulty but already its much more forgiving than BB, but its just as obtuse at explaining mechanics which is a bonus in this type of game for me.

So far I've found theres several classes each with at least 3 sub classes that have different combat abilities, aoe's buffs and debuffs. Whats interesting over BB is that each character has a sub class of which there are I think 12 types. Each type has a function in the wider game, crafting potions, weapons and armor, getting food, picking locks on chests and more.

Think I'm settling into this one for a while, theres a lot to figure out.
Sleeping is the same thing.
They all go to sleep at the exact same time which is just as annoying. You can give your Followers gifts, and among them are various necklaces that provide different benefits. Luckily I found one where the follower will never sleep, so at least I have a farmer 24/7 collecting food. Unless he’s hungry, or has to poop, but besides that he goes straight back to farming.
Played a few hours of Wartales. Similar to Battle Brothers, turn based battles connected by an over world you explore at a slow pace. You recruit members, level them up and equip them by doing contracts, fighting wild animals and bandits and so on. Only played a few hours on the easiest difficulty but already its much more forgiving than BB, but its just as obtuse at explaining mechanics which is a bonus in this type of game for me.

So far I've found theres several classes each with at least 3 sub classes that have different combat abilities, aoe's buffs and debuffs. Whats interesting over BB is that each character has a sub class of which there are I think 12 types. Each type has a function in the wider game, crafting potions, weapons and armor, getting food, picking locks on chests and more.

Think I'm settling into this one for a while, theres a lot to figure out.

I tried the demo for Wartales a long time ago and was intrigued. I've put about 60-70 hours into Battle Brothers and love it, but yes, it is absolutely unforgiving. In spite of all that time in it, I still desperately suck at it.

I'll have to take another look at Wartales. Though already a point in BBs favor is that it runs on super basic hardware; love that I can play it on my Surface Go with an M3 processor and 8Gb of RAM.

If you have not tried out Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, I can recommend that one. Cool fights, visuals, and an excellent soundtrack.

Definitely on the list. I'm slow though, so probably won't end up getting to it for awhile; after SotN, if I'm not temporarily burned out on the genre, I intend to put my new DSi to use and check out the DS games next.
Close to finishing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, finally. On my second attempt in a year and just trying to brute force my way through the Inverted Castle, which I don't find very interesting. Of the Igarashi Castlevanias I've played (which isn't many, I admit) I think it's the weakest.

personally i think harmony of dissonance on the GBA is pretty dire compared to SOTN, although I'm not sure if he did make that one.

But yeah, the inverted castle gimmick doesn't float my boat tbh. I beat the game some years back and called it a day.

onto gaming news my front several things:

I jumped back into chiv 2 and.... yeah, not going to lie, the honey moon period is over after getting slaughtered and getting a -k/d my love for the game is cooled. yes, i know, i've had close to 5 months off from it whereas others (lvl 250+) have been playing solid all throughout that time and i should suck it up. But... i can't. i'm too thin skinned when it comes to competitive multiplayer. Will probably uninstall it some time. The problem is the skill level is seriously high now.

Started Yakuza 3 and... yeah... after coming from yakuza kwami 2, this is a massive downgrade. The hostess minigun is dire and as someone who has never played golf or a golf game in his life, that sub game holds no interest. Oh well, lets keep playing and see what happens.

hardware wise, i finally bought the 27" monitor. Mixed feelings tbh. We'll see how my rig holds up. probably sometime next year i'll buy a 4070, but if my pc can run all the games in my collection fine, i see no reason to upgrade. For now.

outside of gaming, the art picture is almost complete. Well, complete enough for me to call it a day. Its in gray scale and i've spent so much time on it i feel i've been wasting my time. hopefully upload in a week or 2...
I tried the demo for Wartales a long time ago and was intrigued. I've put about 60-70 hours into Battle Brothers and love it, but yes, it is absolutely unforgiving. In spite of all that time in it, I still desperately suck at it.

I'll have to take another look at Wartales. Though already a point in BBs favor is that it runs on super basic hardware; love that I can play it on my Surface Go with an M3 processor and 8Gb of RAM.
I really liked BB as well, I've never seen half of the late game content either despite having played, um quite a lot. I managed to get up to medium difficulty and could usually get past the first crisis. It felt very grindy to me after that which is only fun up to a point, I just liked the early game struggle more than farming stuff for particular encounters later on so I would start a new game or go away for a bit. If I didnt get wiped out randomly by something that is.
hardware wise, i finally bought the 27" monitor. Mixed feelings tbh. We'll see how my rig holds up. probably sometime next year i'll buy a 4070, but if my pc can run all the games in my collection fine, i see no reason to upgrade. For now.
Nice. Isnt 27 way better than 21 ? I remember when I got my 27 inch it seemed massive and my previous one was a 25 inch Dell.

Rumours are for Supers halfway through next year at the same MSRP. I have my winter hibernation coming up in a few weeks, probably going to grab a 4070 as well.
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