My TES6 Wishlist:
1. Better pathfinding AI -- I should not get stuck on a questline because an NPC doesn't know where to walk.
2. A more vast and varied generic voice cast. More specifically, a wider array of vocal options for each voice and gender, so for instance, at least three people voicing generic male Khajiit, three people voicing generic female Dunmer, etc... which would add up, I realize, but would make the world feel that much more believable, whereas right now it's really easy to have two characters talking to each other who sound eerily identical.
3. UNIQUE plot-related voice acting. If it's the voice of the random blacksmith, it cannot be the voice of a daedra, or thane, or guild leader, or major plotpoint charater in general. I know that going this route made the audio file size more manageable for both Oblivion and Skyrim, and that what I'm asking would result in a much more complicated dialogue system, but considering how much time now elapses between these titles, I think it'd be worth it for them to go all out on this, as who knows if or when there will ever be an Elder Scrolls 7. Now, IF one of the 'generic' voice actors from point 2 can pull off a convincing enough voice that they didn't even remotely use already, then fine, they can also do a unique character. But generally, I don't want the Thieve's Guild leader to sound like the town general goods store owner and also a daedric god.
4. More detailed and varied faces. I want to be able to look at an orc and immediately know whether I'd met them before, without looking at the their name. This is less about the toolset required, but more in how it is used, as I've seen mods that have managed to make some fairly unique-looking characters with TESV's system.
5. The option to disable NPC names upon mousing over someone I've never met. I say 'option' because I know it's a change a lot of people wouldn't like, but I'm tired of automatically, psychically knowing whether I should or shouldn't trust someone based on whether their hovertext says "Josef The Wise" or "Vagabond Bandit Lord." It's convenient, to be sure, but takes me out of the game a little, especially in VR.
6. Built-in VR capability, with an option to switch between them depending on mood that day. As much as I like Skyrim in VR, I can't quite commit to constantly playing in that mode, not enough to get particularly far in quests. So it'd be nice to not only get it "for free" with the base game, but also have the option to switch back to a 2D screen if the VR gets to be too much. Let me 2D my way past the gigantic spiders and then go back to enjoying the sweeping VR vistas.
7. Consequential, contextual, AI-infused physics. This means if I jump on the table and kick everyone's food around, NPC's care. This would also mean I can't just kick or drag an item around the corner to where an NPC can't see it so I can steal it in relative peace and safety. But most importantly it would mean that NPC's can't freakin' shove me while I'm aiming my bow. Their AI would know this is a 'bad thing', and only enemy AI could shove you. Or something.
8. A new guild, Guardians Of The Sweetroll. Despite the name, they would be a protector of all baked goods far and wide. This last suggestion is optional and I could go without it if the first 7 things were included.