Question Next Elder Scrolls game Wishlist??

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Jan 19, 2020
Maybe Zenimax/Bethesda should think about creating and publishing official mods/maps for Skyrim while also bring a new fresher format to their next Elder Scrolls game. While I'm not a fan of FO76 at all, I do like that they tried to think out of the box a little. It's unfortunate it was such a half-hearted short-sighted effort.
Apr 1, 2020
I actually want a more lifelike world in the next elder scrolls game. Skyrim is a beautiful game but it feels laggy due to too many loading screens. I would like to see a more seamless world without any loading screen after the initial one. I would also like to see dramatic improvements in gameplay and graphics. The combat system in Skyrim was pretty lackluster and I would see a complete revamp of the combat. Improvements in stealth mechanics such as sneaking would be an additional component. It would be more immersive if the main character can speak.
Apr 7, 2020
what I would love to see is a system allowing multiple games to be linked by importing your char from one to another then a series of games based on each of the elder scroll lands allowing you to travel between them
Apr 25, 2020
I hope it's 'exotic' enough. High Rock might be too familiar for someone from Europe, which makes the world less fun to explore. I had this problem with Oblivion, felt too much like another boring holiday with your parents in France. While Morrowind was filled with strange, almost alien architecture and culture. That I like.
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May 1, 2020
I would like to see more quests after you become a leader of a guild.
For instance, Oblivion modders developed a cool quest line after you become the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood.
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May 1, 2020
A better engine is chief on my mind. We should not have to accidentally crash a game because we alt-tabbed out of it, nor should we suffer having our framerates be locked without screwing up the physics.

All in all, though, I just want an Elder Scrolls game that provided the same sandbox experience but one in which the story actually impacted your experience outside of it. So like, say, you fulfill one requirement in a story quest and it affects a ton of other things that you can go and experience.
May 1, 2020
I would like to see more ways to travel, have your own boat, your own wagon with stuff or npcs you can travel with.
Even more dynamic quests, where it makes the world feel alive and breathing, if it were like you were not the only one playing.
Lots of species of a kind of creature, and it will be cool to add some kind of collection system, where you can have as trophys the beasts that you have slain within your own place.
May 1, 2020
Seemless transition into towns would be nice. Better feeling melee, just needs that oomph to it. Characters that don't look like they've been beat in the face with a mallet.
May 1, 2020
More pure content, Like Oblivion, Not so much graphics...
Content>waste GB's on graphics.

Not saying GX are bad, just some developers forget to prioritize the important thing
. Gameplay immersion

COOP gameplay:
Perfect dream? Oblivion coop up to 4 players or so, enemies and quests scaling to the number of players,

So, I just want to share the excellent experience playing TESIV & TESV with my friends.

Bad experience? everybody in ESO just rushing dungeons and maps, also feeling so OP against every enemy, its bored.

ty for reading, love you all.
May 2, 2020
I would like to see more factions and potentially guilds challenging each other. Such as siding with bandits or thieves guild, or joining the fighters guild or an illegal fight club or something, the mages guild or another school of magic. That way it will offer more decisions as well as different story lines which could be followed. Additionally being able to join werewolf or vampire hunters and completing contracts would be really fun or following necromancers and completing evil deeds.
May 2, 2020
I just want combat to be better. Just smashing left click until you win gets boring really fast. And make magic great again, it sucked so much in Skyrim.
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May 2, 2020
I'd like to see an option to don't activate the story... I mean, when I have finish the game once in RP waythought, I restart the game to make secondary quests like Black Hand etc. In Skyrim for exemple, it's regrettable to have to do the story line to see the world evolved. I want a function to just start the game and let the story outside.

(sorry for my english... I'm french)
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May 2, 2020
I want more depth in the quests with personality, with the world reacting more to your and your actions/achievements.
In Skyrim you're the freaking Dragonborn, killed Alduin and got the war to go one way or another, yet a generic guard still gives you the sweet-roll talk.
I want the NPCs to talk about rumors, which were actually your actions.
I too want a better a better crime system, where a chicken seeing you steal won't give you a goddamn bounty.
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May 1, 2020
1. Great Story around the same time line as SkyRim was.
2. Seemless world with minimal loading screens.

I'm gonna have to borrow these lol
3. Jacked up graphics.
4. Keep open world, do not dare to make the map any smaller or change the game play.
Apr 21, 2020
Hey, VP of Beef Ted Franks here. You probably remember me from the summer of 87 classic "I Just Gotta Be Me (VP of B)". Nowadays I'm sitting around the house waiting for literally nothing else except the new Elder Scrolls adventure system for the personal computer.

If I had a wishlist (and I do) the only item on it would be the ability to dual-wield depression. That's why they call it "bi-polar" after all.

This has been a Ted Franks Joint
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