Question Next Elder Scrolls game Wishlist??

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Yes, but we're talking about a massive open world RPG here, not a shooter. It's like comparing apples and a car.
Hmm, Apple and cars? ;)

I think folks fail to understand just how wishy-washy an "engine" can be. As I understand it, it's a big collection of tools and routines for handling the common things in a game. If you improve or even re-write some of those parts, it's still the same engine, it's just a different version of it. At what point, though, do you say it's a new engine? Kinda hard to say.

It can be the same with a computer. If you just swap out the graphics card, it isn't a new PC. Swapping the case sure makes it look different but the insides are all the same so that's still the same computer, right? Then put in an additional SSD. Oh, maybe it's time to upgrade the CPU/motherboard... At what point does it become a "new computer?" I think engines are much the same.
Jan 13, 2020
Hmm, Apple and cars? ;)

I think folks fail to understand just how wishy-washy an "engine" can be. As I understand it, it's a big collection of tools and routines for handling the common things in a game. If you improve or even re-write some of those parts, it's still the same engine, it's just a different version of it. At what point, though, do you say it's a new engine? Kinda hard to say.

It can be the same with a computer. If you just swap out the graphics card, it isn't a new PC. Swapping the case sure makes it look different but the insides are all the same so that's still the same computer, right? Then put in an additional SSD. Oh, maybe it's time to upgrade the CPU/motherboard... At what point does it become a "new computer?" I think engines are much the same.

Haha oh wow forgot they were making that.

Fair point on game engines; they're really a series of moving parts, much like a real engine. I suppose an overhaul of some of the things inherent to the Creation engine (framerate tied to physics, poor shadow rendering, textures, animations, etc.) could make it a lot better and seem "new" again. Some stuff definitely needs to go.
Dec 17, 2020
Skyrim Special edition is the most that we will get from Bethesda. They DID what they can, improved everything and all.

The MOD community stepped up and did the rest. Their is NO reason they will spend time and money to do what has already been done. The ONLY thing we can actually hope for from them is

New DLC quests and charecters.

Hopeful support for the Beyond Skyrim project that is basically redoing evey game into the skyrim game engine.
Mar 1, 2021
First I want magic expanded (and in a similar vein combat too, just be balanced). I want spellcrafting back, I want enchanting to be broadened. I want magic to feel more alive than just a set of tools. Let me learn how to break that ancient curse instead of being sent on a quest to recover the item that will break the curse for me. Let magic have a life of its own. Let magic not be so rote and always unfaltering.

In ESO I was so sick of always having to get an ancient relic or watch a ritual be performed (so many rituals and relics in that game) I felt like all of my accomplishments were nothing more than making use of other people's accomplishments.
Mar 3, 2021
Daggerfall’s low fantasy vibe and ability to shape the game world.
Morrowind’s commitment to its exotic setting and tech leap forward.
Something other than “you save the world again” as a plot.
License the nemesis system from Warner Brothers.
Apr 13, 2021
- Real-time action combat more akin to ESO or Project Gorgon. There would be no pausing to eat a smorgasbord in the middle of combat or instant weapon switching.
- Works well on SteamPlay (Linux)
- No mods
- Single Player and Shared World RPG options. A "Shared World RPG" is multiplayer like Secret World Legends, like an MMO lite.
- Open skill and archetype system
- No traditional linear hero narrative or hidden super power transformations. Character power comes through training, practicing, and advancing skills.
Apr 24, 2021
Absolutely. I love the guild storylines in Oblivion and Skyrim but the actual going through the motions of achieving leadership have always seemed a bit faceroll-y. Oh, I'm just in charge now? It makes mostly sense by the story but mechanically...are you sure? I didn't do that much, really.
Apr 23, 2021
I want Dogmeat from Fallout 4 in the next Elder Scroll game. May with even better AI and more "real dog" characteristics.
Are you listening Bethesda/Microsoft?
Apr 7, 2021
Ideally, I'm looking forward to the continuation of the plot. It's very interesting what the consequences of Skyrim will be "canon"
May 7, 2021
Things I'd like to see in ES6: 1. Better manager battles, which we can let out.
The supervisor battles in senior parchments games were never really epic.
Alduin was a reskin of a legendary snake, Mehrunes Dagon was just there, and Dagoth Ur was a fascinating scoundrel.
His fight was not particularly exciting, but it was not uninteresting either.
Jyggalag collapsed like a donkey.

Karstaag in Skyrim was a fantastic fight that improved on the original Karstaag.
In terms of insensibility, I favored the Gatekeeper, but that's all there is to it.
It's great to have non-humanoid manager battles that are both challenging and interesting.
Remember Mannimarco from Oblivion? His battles were terrible.

In any event, there was a mod that added a lot of intrigue to the fight.
Rather than renamed Centurians, I think I'd rather battle the Daedric Princes and execute really interesting Dwemer devices.
If they could add more Zelda-style bosses and a dash of Dark Souls supervisors, that would be great.
Apr 7, 2021
Things I'd like to see in ES6: 1. Better manager battles, which we can let out.
The supervisor battles in senior parchments games were never really epic.
Alduin was a reskin of a legendary snake, Mehrunes Dagon was just there, and Dagoth Ur was a fascinating scoundrel.
His fight was not particularly exciting, but it was not uninteresting either.
Jyggalag collapsed like a donkey.

Karstaag in Skyrim was a fantastic fight that improved on the original Karstaag.
In terms of insensibility, I favored the Gatekeeper, but that's all there is to it.
It's great to have non-humanoid manager battles that are both challenging and interesting.
Remember Mannimarco from Oblivion? His battles were terrible.

In any event, there was a mod that added a lot of intrigue to the fight.
Rather than renamed Centurians, I think I'd rather battle the Daedric Princes and execute really interesting Dwemer devices.
If they could add more Zelda-style bosses and a dash of Dark Souls supervisors, that would be great.
TESO now has some pretty good boss mechanics. Especially in the latest additions. For all of the above characters, I can agree that almost all the "finals" were strange. Unfortunately, I think the 6th part will be similar in style to 5 + the standard new "evil" and the new "prisoner".
May 9, 2021
Outward was my game of 2019! I sunk entirely too much time into that gem! Sadly, I think that Bethesda's need to ensure high return on investment for an IP as big as ES likely means they will stick pretty close to the play book established with Skyrim. I'm guessing they will tack on a few features constantly desired by the broader market, like Co-op, maybe slightly better combat, etc. and call it a day. Just the advent of SSDs in next gen consoles buys them the "No load times/seamless world" bullet for the back of the box!
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Skyrim came out 10 years ago (as of this coming November) and they really haven't started work on the game yet. If they try to say, "Let's just do it like last time," they are going to have to educate a lot of people on how to use old tools!

P.S. What is this "box" you speak of? ;)
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On a Journey
ES isn't a strategy game.

At least with Microsoft owning them now the game might be decent. The online fallout game was making it look pretty unclear if next ES game would be worth looking at... not that I like them that much anyway. I don't like the levelling system.
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May 21, 2021
I would like for them to expand on the building and faction mechanics from Fallout IV, because to be honest they probably are going to do this anyway. It would be nice if you could pick a dungeon and make it your home. You just conquered a castle? Put a bed in it and it's yours. This freedom of choice with homes/bases would fit neatly with better faction mechanics. Maybe you would need to reestablish a faction, like the fighter's guild, in the area. Even better would be to create your own faction like a coven, a group of bandits or a band of mercenaries.
May 22, 2021
I'll be honest - I only played Skyrim for the first time last year! I was introduced to it by a college friend. I haven't played any of the other Elder Scrolls either. I would say minimal bugs but we know that's unlikely to happen. So, instead, I'm going to suggest some enhanced magic! I would love to see more ways to implement magic in the game, as I feel I'm just holding down a trigger and spewing a stream of something most of the time. It doesn't feel like actual combat, and most of the time the enemies just run through it anyway to get to you. You'd think they would have difficulty getting through a stream of fire, wouldn't you?
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