Sacred 2 did that well. I don't need to explain to you. For everyone else, monster lvl was based on current difficulty, and the amount of time you have stayed alive. Don't die and you always be surrounded by things that want to hurt you.1) Level Scaling: Not present in all forms of RPGs, but it seems the inclusion or exclusion of that element is more apparent in an open world structured game. Oblivion had level scaling, while Skyrim didn't. Skyrim employed more of a hybrid system where most enemy "types" had a range of levels. Piranha Byes games and The Witcher 3 don't, resulting in exploration that can be tense because you don't know what level of enemy you'll encounter. There are many variations of how "level scaling" is employed, but personally I don't like that feature in RPGs. I'd rather have the tension of not knowing what I'll encounter when I explore.
I believe in the journey, its not the end that interests me. Too many end game guides, what is the rush to finish a game? Blames wow for making people think the end is where game really starts.