Question Next Elder Scrolls game Wishlist??

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Sep 25, 2020
  • More graphics options. I will play a game in 320x200 resolution if it means I get a guaranteed 60 frames per second at all times. Obviously this is an exaggeration, but if I value framerates over graphics, it's nice to have options.
  • If I accidentally steal something or accidentally hit an NPC with an attack in the middle of a battle, there should be guaranteed ways to apologize and make it right. Maybe the NPC will "understand" and forgive.
  • Not all dialogue needs to be voiced. Sometimes NPCs should have more to say than just what is expected of them by the writers of a little area. I'd rather read a lot than listen to a little.
  • There's no need to keep the game world active while I'm speaking to an NPC. So many times I've been nibbled on by a wolf while chatting to a woodcutter, and I'm eaten to death while the woodcutter talks about his kids. It's honestly the dumbest thing.
  • NPC actions should be faster and their models smoother. It should be a lot easier to bump an NPC out of a doorway if they decide that that's the best place to stand. If I run into an NPC, they should ragdoll out of the way for a moment. I do not care about immersion when they pick that particular doorway-hill to die on. o_O
  • More things to pour stat points into. I do appreciate what Skyrim did with the perk trees, but I do actually really enjoy micro-managing things. I want to have control over absolutely everything. I want to be able to choose whether I pour points into carrying capacity, run speed, sneak strength, attack speed, pickpocket chance, etc.
  • More action minigames. I actually really appreciate things like lockpicking minigames. I want to see multiple kinds of chests, each of which has a different style of pick to lock. Everything from connecting magical ley-lines to word-lock puzzles like from Betrayal At Krondor. Maybe even disarming traps! Interactivity is immersion. If there's a toggle for that where you can just "auto" do it based on skill, that's cool too.
  • More ways to attack. With the variety of weapons in-game, why should one-handed axes and one-handed swords have so much in common in terms of how the player model behaves when attacking?
  • More crafting abilities! I'd absolutely love to see Fallout 4's crafting concept in a Skyrim environment. Good heavens, I had so much fun with that.
  • Fallout 4's building system in Skyrim! Except the "building item navigation" keys shouldn't be hard-coded to the arrow keys. I move around with the arrow keys, man! I had to move around in built-mode by tapping the "auto-move" key. I could only move forward in controlled bursts. It was awful. D:
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Sep 26, 2020
Elder Scrolls Online is easily my favorite ES game so far. Oblivion and then Morrowind round out my top 3. Skyrim is my least favorite. I know that's an unpopular opinion but it's my opinion. Having said that, I want the New Elder Scrolls Game to:
[1] Thematically and narratively have NOTHING to do with Skyrim. New story, new plot, and new lore.
[2] Be set some years AFTER ALL of the events of Skyrim. The next ES really could learn a lot from The Witcher series.
[3] Bring back levitation and spell crafting magic
[4] Focus on the Altmer
[5] Have a brand new, robust, and lengthy character creation.
[6] Have the various guilds be more than just mission-givers. Joining certain guilds should have pros and cons and it should have an impact on YOUR story. Also, limit the number of guilds your character can join. I don't know what that number should be, but your character shouldn't be able to join every guild.
[7] Have a new, robust horse-riding mechanic. And I mean on par with the Red Dead Redemption series and/or The Witcher series.
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Jun 29, 2020
My biggest want for a new Elder Scrolls game is a HUGE engine upgrade. If Bethesda wishes to stick to the same engine, even on a visuall level if things don't change much from Fallout 76 they're facing an uphill battle. I hope they're working hard on that front.
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Jan 14, 2020
Great list! I have some thoughts...

  • More graphics options. I will play a game in 320x200 resolution if it means I get a guaranteed 60 frames per second at all times. Obviously this is an exaggeration, but if I value framerates over graphics, it's nice to have options.

Agreed. I mean, about more graphics options. I'm not a 60fps ride-or-die type, but I respect those that are and want them to have as many options as possible, just as I want the right to play an absurdly gorgeous game at 35 fps if I so choose.

  • If I accidentally steal something or accidentally hit an NPC with an attack in the middle of a battle, there should be guaranteed ways to apologize and make it right. Maybe the NPC will "understand" and forgive.

Yes! I ruined my game once in Morrowind because I'd accidentally picked up Blades leader Caius Cosades (sp?) and he subsequently wished me dead, which I thought was an overreaction. Then I foolishly went outside and saved the game (over my previous save), so I could either have "broken the Prophecy", or redo about five hours of gameplay. I went with the latter, of course.

I don't know about "guaranteed" ways, since sometimes you're clearly trying to steal something and there should probably be consequences. But if you're standing there, not sneaking or anything, and take something, it should be assumed you're not trying to be thieving, at least for the first few seconds.

  • Not all dialogue needs to be voiced. Sometimes NPCs should have more to say than just what is expected of them by the writers of a little area. I'd rather read a lot than listen to a little.

I agree whole-heartedly. Though I don't want a ton of generic hypertext like we got in Morrowind. That was not the solution. Daggerfall also had more than its fair share of useless text. That leads to important things getting lost in the shuffle.

  • NPC actions should be faster and their models smoother. It should be a lot easier to bump an NPC out of a doorway if they decide that that's the best place to stand. If I run into an NPC, they should ragdoll out of the way for a moment. I do not care about immersion when they pick that particular doorway-hill to die on. o_O

THIS. Or, y'know, let me shove them as much as they seem able to shove me. Why should they be able to nudge my arm while I'm aiming at something, yet stand firm as a statue when I'm trying to squeeze past them in a shop entrance?

  • More things to pour stat points into. I do appreciate what Skyrim did with the perk trees, but I do actually really enjoy micro-managing things. I want to have control over absolutely everything. I want to be able to choose whether I pour points into carrying capacity, run speed, sneak strength, attack speed, pickpocket chance, etc.

I'd love it if they went back this direction, but sadly I don't see it happening. I mean, MAYBE now that they're under Microsoft? But I doubt it. Or would you rather have a system like Fallout 4, where your levels also determine which "perks" you can buy? I might be fine with that in an Elder Scrolls game, come to think of it...

  • Fallout 4's building system in Skyrim! Except the "building item navigation" keys shouldn't be hard-coded to the arrow keys. I move around with the arrow keys, man! I had to move around in built-mode by tapping the "auto-move" key. I could only move forward in controlled bursts. It was awful. D:

Depending on the setting of the next game, I can see that happening. Especially if there's a nomadic society, they might have camps scattered throughout the land, and it'd be interesting to help build those up, or strike them when done. I'd also like it to be destructible, so if a dragon or whatever sets it on fire, you'd best find away to put it out or you can say goodbye to what you've built. (But only while there, not While You Were Away.)

Dangit, this gets me excited for the next game, even though it's still years off.
Jan 14, 2020
It has GOT TO BE in Hammerfell!

*Cough* *cough* (Just hoping for the bloodied steels of swords clashing in the seas of sand)

I got the opportunity know and play Skyrim when it first came out --- as my first The Elder Scrolls Game. It's a pity that I didn't play Oblivion though. I absolutely love Breton in that aspect of dual wielding Ebony Blade and Heavy Armour that made me a walking tank (in legendary).

There are enough mods out there now that Oblivion is still very playable, I was pleasantly surprised the last time I tried it out just a few months back. Just don't go overboard with the mods, as that's an easy to lead to crashes, I've found the hard way. (Not even from mod conflicts, necessarily, just the load on the game, it seems. I could be wrong.)
May 1, 2020
  • A better/improved engine.
  • A more engaging and more personal storyline, without abandoning the traditional “big, looming threat” approach to the main quest.
  • Better guild questlines.
  • An optional hardcore difficulty, a la Fallout: New Vegas.
Settingwise, I’d love to see any (or even a mix) of these scenarios:
  • Some sort of return of the dwemer.
  • A crisis on the thalmor homeland (daedra revealing themselves? war with the imperials? war with another civilization?)
  • Valenwood.
  • Pyandonea.
  • Akavir.
Nov 2, 2020
I've played Skyrim 4 times and loved the game. It was my first TES game. Then I played Oblivion and enjoyed it a lot, but deep inside I know I would've enjoyed it the proper way if I had played it back in its day.
I'm not a veteran on this saga so my comment might not be taken as serious as vets' but I'd really have a hard time finding what to improve from last game.. it really blew my mind.
What I'd really like are karma/reputation systems. Like Fallout 3 or New Vegas. I'd really like to see something like that, play the bad guy, or the good guy, or neutral..
Jan 18, 2020
Non of this is going to happen, but...
  • Reintroduction of traditional RPG elements.
    • I'm not a fan of the streamlined stuff.
  • A more "alien" world, like Morrowind was.
    • Unfortunately, it seems they will base this in human-centric provinces again.
  • Quality quests over quantity.
    • Skyrim was simply dull in this regard. Take a page out of The Witcher's book.

I could go on. The real sad thing about The Elder Scrolls is that it has so much potential to be a deep RPG, but it's so hell-bent on being a sandbox that appeals to the masses. It's possible to have both.
Dec 13, 2020
I hope there will be no taming dragons and learning new languages, but something more like Oblivion and Morrowind in this new ES game. Also, closing the gates in Oblivion was repetitive and boring.
Dec 24, 2020
I would like Bethesda to cut the difference between solo play and MMOs. We need more games with scaled down co-op. Most communities of players seem to break into cohorts of about 8. I would like to see more games (including Bethesda games) that support permissions based (invite only), 8 to 12 player cooperative (uninterupeted drop in drop out), persistent world (always online) game play.
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Dec 28, 2020
I've only played Oblivion, Skyrim and a bit of Morrowind, but i've always felt the commiting crime-getting caught by guards mechanic gets tiresome after the early game.

I would like to see a more interesting system for dealing with criminal actions.
- Maybe some sort of trial where you can argue your case/make threats/plead guilty
- Based on severity of your crime or sentence; you get sent to different prisons with varying levels of difficulty for escape.
- If there is a war going on you could have the option to fight in a battle to pay off your crime.
- Changing your appearence reduces the chance of you being identified if you have a bounty.

Also the ability/option to have the books in the game read out loud whilst you continue playing! I pick up so many books thinking i'll read through them later, then never do.
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Dec 17, 2020
Well the funny part is, every one has already gotten their wish with something called Beyond Skyrim mod.

If bethesda cant beat that mod, they have no need to actually TRY to do a new game.
Dec 17, 2020
You know what i find funny is how many people say how much fallout 4 sucks, but it sold more than 3. Personally i don't like any of them, i'd take wasteland 2 over it any day.

I think 76 needs more time to grow though, you are comparing games that have been sold for either over 10 years or closer to it.. 76 is barely a couple years old now. Just look at a game like the witcher III. 3 or 4 years later they had a year with the most sales, so gaming isn't always the short term, it's the long game more often than not.

look at the amount of money spent on Candy Crush
Jan 13, 2020
Gonna have to go with the "new engine" crowd on this one. That creaky old brontosaurus they've been using for god knows how long needs to die.

Also, if you're going to have your game fully voice acted, PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD ensure the actors have enough range to voice multiple characters, so we're not going "Oh **** it's that guy again" (you all know what I'm talking about). I understand it's no easy task with so many NPCs, but come on man, even Paw Patrol does that (sorry, my little nephew went Paw Patrol crazy this Christmas).


Community Contributor
I think 76 needs more time to grow though, you are comparing games that have been sold for either over 10 years or closer to it.. 76 is barely a couple years old now. Just look at a game like the witcher III. 3 or 4 years later they had a year with the most sales, so gaming isn't always the short term, it's the long game more often than not.
Yeah, and some mega-rich person could take a shining to the game and dump a bunch of money into Skyrim 6 instead of buying a sports team, too. I just wouldn't bet on it happening. If Bethesda's new space game doesn't do well, there's going to be some real pressure to get some income from somewhere. They've got Microsoft backing them now so maybe not as much as when I posted that message, but still plenty.
Dec 17, 2020
Gonna have to go with the "new engine" crowd on this one. That creaky old brontosaurus they've been using for god knows how long needs to die.

Also, if you're going to have your game fully voice acted, PLEASE for the LOVE OF GOD ensure the actors have enough range to voice multiple characters, so we're not going "Oh **** it's that guy again" (you all know what I'm talking about). I understand it's no easy task with so many NPCs, but come on man, even Paw Patrol does that (sorry, my little nephew went Paw Patrol crazy this Christmas).
DOOM has an obsolete engine, yet how many decades later we are still playing it, has no voice acting... yet we still love it. Same for Wolfenstein 3d
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