May 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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I got into an aspect of X4 I didn't bother with in my first 900 hours in the game: ship building for other factions. If you buy blueprints for a wharf (expensive), blueprints for various ships (expensive), blueprints for several guns (expensive), thrusters (expensive), engines (expensive), and turrets (not too expensive, mostly) then your station can build ships for other factions in the game.

I went into it with gusto - I bought a whole bunch of blueprints for Argon ships and turrets, but stuck mostly with trade ships. Argons immediately started buying a whole bunch of them! Great! Then I went over to the Yaki - they've just got a couple of smaller warships, so I got those real quick, and weapons to put on them. Then I went to the Teladi to buy some blueprints from then and... what's this?

I checked back at my station and the Yaki were buying quite a few of their ships, too. The thing is - the Yaki are pirates that I managed to make friends with. They weren't bugging me, but they sure were bugging the Argon - often in deadly ways! Oh well, the ships are paid for, if they lose them, maybe they'll just buy more. (Yes, I'm being kinda evil this run.)

But then I wanted to expand my station a bit. That requires some ships to fly in and sell me some construction wares - which they couldn't because the Yaki would rob them or blow them up! Oooops. I guess this is that "come-uppance" thing?


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@ZedClampet An old wise and slightly blind man once said: "As long as you can't see the scratch, you never bumped the other car".
One morning after a snow, I went to the grocery, and this woman who hadn't cleaned the snow off her old, falling apart car backed into me. I got out and walked toward her car, and she got out, and I noticed she was shaking. I asked her if she was alright, and she nodded and seemed to be fighting back tears. She looked like the type of person who might not have enough money to have car insurance. I glanced over at my car and there was almost no damage because she had been going so slowly. I looked back to her and said, "You know, don't worry about it." She immediately started crying, and hugging and thanking me.

It was the third time I've felt sorry for someone and just paid for small repairs myself. I'm a sucker.
Yeah, the Wicked Chicken is a hoot :D
I ended up playing a lot of it without an Amigo, just because they get underfoot way too much—to an annoying degree fairly quickly. They're much worse than Far Cry 5's companions, which generally kept 5-10m to the side and didn't bounce around like Flubber whenever you moved a muscle.

Agreed. I thought the clouds would be a major loss, but they're almost completely unnecessary due to the AI's audio signals.

Good luck with no HUD—that's a level of masochism I couldn't endure… but then again, I'm not a RPG player :devilish:

Yeah these amigos DO get annoying when they get in your way. They're also only useful when fully upgraded, which takes a long time for most of them. I find it strange though that the most effective one, Oluso, is quickest to upgrade. You can literally upgrade the first 2 tiers of her simultaneously if you order her to attack in restricted zones. The 3rd tier is a bit trickier, but I find if you have her attack then retreat, like a true guerilla would, it goes pretty well. Quite often when you send her to attack someone though, she carefully picks a path that doesn't allow them to see her coming, but that can depend on the terrain and nearby obstacles.

As far as the enemy AI radio banter, it would be nice if you could toggle that off. It's also weird that it's so distorted it sounds like gibberish.

I don't know how no HUD is going to go, but I just have a feeling it's doable, especially since you can so easily hear the enemy AI as you mentioned. Lately I've been playing Wolfenstein Youngblood on Challenging mode, so I'm definitely getting in some tough combat training (not that it's anything like what Far Cry 6 has).

Oh, btw, I've done some more hunting attempts, and am finding the Alpha Predators you need to kill to get Industrial Circuits are indeed more rare to find than I thought. I don't know if they are perhaps more rare on Guerilla difficulty mode, but I DID read an article saying the alphas are rare. So sorry if I mislead you on that. It IS true as you said that you can encounter crates and such that have them, but not early in the game. So here I am wishing my Desert Eagle had a nice suppressor.

I don't know why so many people hated Wolfenstein Youngblood's sister dialog. Besides that, it's literally a non issue even if you hate it, because they give you the option to turn off the chatter between them. I thoroughly enjoy it and I hope if they end BJ's story arc with Wolfenstein 3, they continue making more games with his daughters. I'd list my favorite Blazcowicz sisters quotes, but it would probably just get censored. LOL
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One morning after a snow, I went to the grocery, and this woman who hadn't cleaned the snow off her old, falling apart car backed into me. I got out and walked toward her car, and she got out, and I noticed she was shaking. I asked her if she was alright, and she nodded and seemed to be fighting back tears. She looked like the type of person who might not have enough money to have car insurance. I glanced over at my car and there was almost no damage because she had been going so slowly. I looked back to her and said, "You know, don't worry about it." She immediately started crying, and hugging and thanking me.

It was the third time I've felt sorry for someone and just paid for small repairs myself. I'm a sucker.

The thing about these damn machines is that they just can't stay nice. I bought my first (and only) brand new car, back in 2012 and within 3 months, it had dents, dings and scratches all over it. From clueless coworkers to my inattentive Dad backing into it, it's just banged-up.

Runs and drives great though and so that's the only thing I can bring myself to care about these days. I have a 2004 minivan that I've worked to get into excellent mechanical condition, but looks like dogshit from the outside, which is nice. Just means I don't need to worry about it, as long as it's functioning correctly, starts everyday and gets me where I want to go, it doesn't matter that someone hit and ran me in a parking lot a couple years ago. Wanna swing your door into it? Go right on ahead, won't show on this car.
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