Guess if only had one warlock in monoliths I would be higher than lvl 68 today but well, I have two plus a Shaman and a Paladin, and a necro all in there... at various levels. All 3 acolytes are within 3 levels of each other. It breaks up the monotony to be able to swap to others. Game is different on Paladin, so far I see a lot of skeleton archers. they try to hit me but well, my block is 88% if I haven't been hit recently so they have no chance. Its only occasionally he needs to use a potion. Shaman is the same, he has almost 3k armour in spriggan form and with the belit he has, he is always in spriggan form.
necro got sick of using a lvl 21 axe even if its best choice... I am sure there are better. The one she has adds to physical damage, which is half he minions anyway. It adds 87% physical to my minions.
She also only one wearing lvl 60 acolyte armour, other two need different since they more likely to be hit... maybe. They also both have a resting ward of over 260 so there is that. Necro skills go into pets.
I like the helm. There might be a weapon in bank waiting for her.
I won't show purples as they are random
This is obviously for a Beastmaster
As is this is for a Void Knight
Probably for a Paladin
Could be any sentinel - should give it to my forge knight since he around that lvl now.
Probably same applies
I found two bugs,
One is if you cast profane veil while portalling the game shows it as active constantly... its just graphics. Shame its not the move though you can't see ground with it on
I just restarted,
The other one was invisible enemies in a monolith... I just left and tried another one.
Highest lvl item I have is lvl 77. I have no idea who I fought that dropped that one. I have had it for a while now?
Bear set doesn't look raptor enough
i don't find that much for the other two classes. Need to get spell blade into end game. Not many magical swords found yet. Maybe try end chapter 8 on someone again soon. Might be easier at lvl 70. Factions might make some of them more interesting.
I like some of the environments, more in monoliths than in campaign it seems. I love the random robot enemies. nice seeing things you haven't been attacked by before. Sure beats Skeletons all the time.