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On a Journey
i have a habit when I am tired of randomly right clicking mouse, so I know you can get to any map location just by right clicking the target. No need to press travel button.

It is annoying if you don't want to go there. or were just looking at what monolith offered.

I just spent about an hour reabsorbing the old stuff into what I have found since. There were one or two items I didn't get in those weeks. I had forgotten some of them.

looking there is only one item I have now that would make running Temporal Sanctum make any sense and that is (and I think I would need to run it as Tier 2)

But as I still don't understand how you match it to another Item to make it legendary, I have no intention of trying it. I know about the cache at end, which changes it over time, but need to figure out what item it can be merged with... something about 21 forging power?

Every other LP 1 I have isn't worth it, I don't use it... or its lvl 15. I may have one or two I might use... I haven't looked characters.

I wonder how many keys I have. I made a tab just for them. I didn't buy a new one, I just have spare space as the day I "lost" the tabs, I had bought a new one just before they went missing. Selling duplicates also cleared up space.

is sanctum the only place that can make legendaries?
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On a Journey
So i messed up the boots I had been wearing by using a chaos glyph in error. I had used one to change a value on something else, and forgot they were there.

Since then, I had a drop of the same pair of unique boots twice (literally, both fell at same time)... and I thought, thats a prophecy reward... but then later on fighting other void creatures the prophecy reward showed up.

First boots, I already had a few pair but one was LP1.
Second boots, one pair was Advent of Erased (again)
Other pair is

My ward total is a constant moving figure since I spend most of time running around in circles. The resists are nice though. Nice if had void on it... if cap is 150, why do I have 187 necrotic and still get a benefit from

Could just be the extra 12 Intel, she on 60 now. Has some dex so not completely a glass cannon. Without ward she would be reconsidering her running patterns. reluctant to take helm off. Most of her health meant to come from idols I don't have any of yet. I don't think I seen any, looked on my other acolytes. They increase life percent... I keep playing and waiting. They necessary before I can run with just ward.

handy ward is at 1200 or so briefly as I stop. Might help. most of time she gets hit in transit... only stops to fire... and then run in circles over top of her strip of death. rank 21 all skills now.
mainly as I was about to log out and game dropped

So I am training it... tomorrow. Already started badly. Added minion skills I don't use... last time they helped was chapter 3.

Need to do argentum spire tomorrow, at least get one side of monoliths running. The other side not complete waste, almost all the unique helms in the game fall in one monolith after first one on the left hand side. . On its set/unique nodes. I am looking for a particular one.

Boots I messed up had crit avoidance on them. I was trying to upgrade it and instead chaos it into poison... I was sad. Need to find a new pair now.

watch your face:

I need to remember to use that, it hits for 16k. Ghostflame. channelling but it bootst my ward at same time.
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I never knew about any Lagon Safe Spot :) I was regularly killing him with characters around level 54-55. I did die a lot until I realised I needed to look at what it's eye was doing.

Have a read of Maxroll's Guide to Legendary Crafting. I've not done any yet.
  • For the item your taking the affix from you really want an exalted item with at least a T6 affix that is good for your build.
  • Use Runes of Removal to hopefully get rid of any bad affixes.
  • If you are left with an extra affix that is good for your build use Glyphs of Hope to try and ensure you get it to T5.
  • If you get a good item check that the value of each affix to ensure it's not low rolled (hold alt down).If it is low use a Rune of Refinement to try and improve it

Expect to brick a few items along the way. :mad:

E.g. I made this

As it only has the one affix I'm guaranteed to get this added when I upgrade my Unique. I need a Fang amulet, Ideally with 2 legendary potential, because my squirrels aren't dying yet, so would be a waste on a 1 legendary potential item.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
looking there is only one item I have now that would make running Temporal Sanctum make any sense and that is (and I think I would need to run it as Tier 2)

But as I still don't understand how you match it to another Item to make it legendary, I have no intention of trying it. I know about the cache at end, which changes it over time, but need to figure out what item it can be merged with... something about 21 forging power?
Tier 2 is correct since that tier level is 88 and your item level is 73. You do not need any forging potential on the exalted helmet you forge with the unique helmet if that was what you meant with forging power.
is sanctum the only place that can make legendaries?
It is the only place you can forge legendaries.

As it only has the one affix I'm guaranteed to get this added when I upgrade my Unique. I need a Fang amulet, Ideally with 2 legendary potential, because my squirrels aren't dying yet, so would be a waste on a 1 legendary potential item.
You can't craft the legendary with just one affix, you need four affixes on the exalted item. From how I understand it when you get the four affixes on your item (depending on how many LP you have on the unique), the chance of getting a low-tier affix or a high-tier affix is the same.
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On a Journey
lets see
  • Unique needs at least LP1
  • The exalted item needs at least 4 affix, and the chances are exactly same as to which of the 4 you get on legendary.
  • Exalted needs to be same type of item as unique, but not specifically the same. it works off the base item type; gloves, 2 handed axe, for example.
  • Forging potential doesn't matter, both can be on zero.

Afaik the 4 affix can be placed on exalted before swapping so its not all random which one gets put on legendary.

just makes it more than just taking the LP1 item to temporal sanctum, you also need to have the stats on a exalted to move them. You need a really good exalted item before its worth doing... though ow level uniques are never going to be great apart from first 20 lvls of game.

Better to not bother with LP1 and only do the higher ones as you get more stats then. More chance you get what you want.

Meanwhile I have about 8 or so legendaries now, all Weavers will.

I didn't realise if you had one character through to lvl 9 and had factions unlocked, that it applied to all characters. I started a new mage and met the representatives in the first town... wow.

sadly the observatory only opens up if you do campaign, so can't just skip it and get benefits. Sad. Was hoping it was like Diablo where campaign was non essential if done once.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Afaik the 4 affix can be placed on exalted before swapping so its not all random which one gets put on legendary.
If you have other good items, blessings and idols there is also a chance that it does not matter what the forge picks because either would be a slight upgrade. This was the case with my exalted helmet which had two affixes being godly and the other two being very good. I got the godly ones, but would have been happy with the other two also or a mix between them.
sadly the observatory only opens up if you do campaign, so can't just skip it and get benefits. Sad. Was hoping it was like Diablo where campaign was non essential if done once.
I looked at a forum thread and one person mentioned he got access to it by getting invited to a party at the observatory. Perhaps that is still a viable option.


On a Journey
I like its red lines. It got stuck on Intel for a while. Thats half my characters intel on 1 item lol

second line is pretty good too. Will take a while to convince him to change shoes.

he already has ward of 44 at lvl 22.
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On a Journey
I only made him to use two swords

Since I got all my uniques back again, Two of these

Its only at 43 that the game offering swords with same damage, but still not as good.

Game doesn't like him much, tried to kill him on one area with necrotic attacks, even though he had pretty high resists. If I hadn't had ward I be dead. I had to drink a potion as though I had ward I could see life dropping. Only time its happened. Since he gets ward for being hit its normally on about 200. If I use flameward its even higher... but I always forget it.

i was using an experimental belt that gave him ward retention of 45 at age 1, and its just gone from there. its 109 now, always got some on. Its only in last 5 levels or so he put on a chain belt that has more retention on it. Don't need high resists for most part. Beats putting defensive stats on gear, just put on the affix that adds ward per second. No point having retention if you don't replace it.

A beer after killing the boss.. good timing

Fishing for helms again:

I have the shield for set. So many rogue parts seem to boost finding potions. wonders if any rogue builds use a shield...

This was one scorpion when I started fight... it duplicated on me. Worms not included. He enjoyed desert. Killed everything that moved. Same with most zones actually.

He only found on unique but it was so forgettable that I was about to say he hasn't found any.
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Completed a few empowered monoliths. Lagon was hard as he kept killing my squirrels as they kept attacking rather than using the safe spot, down left stairs on monoliths.

Life builds suck, especially against monoliths with the explosive javelin throwers and ice dudes that use Glacier.

Also Potions as the work now are pretty useless. They scale with character level. They really need to scale with health, E,g, always restore 75%.

I checked and even my build has a low life ward variant. It has a warning - expect this to be nerfed :)

Hopefully when Cycle 2 starts they will address this more.


On a Journey
I didn't now about the low life variant stuff of my warlock when I followed a guide to change her at 70, so she using the skills of a low life build without the gear. The only difference she notices is if she runs over a potion, it gets picked up even if she appears to be on full. She needs certain gear to go all in.

Potions should be percentages of life, as you say... not set to amounts based on your level as not all characters are the same. My warlock meant to have 3 x 8% increase life idols in so if that boosts her life by about 24% then she would need more potions. AFAIK most potions on 1 belt are 5.

Speaking of belts... who thought it made any sense that if you take a belt off in town, your character wouldn't think to put all their potions somewhere so you don't just lose them all. Its so annoying to accidentally take it off and suddenly be out of any potions.

want to upgrade your belt? First need to swap it with another so you don't lose your potions. So many times i have done that and still upgraded wrong belt or accidentally right clicked and took it off anyway. Nice of you could lock slots.

or forgotten to take the upgraded item out of forge and wondered where it was later.

Having to visit a low lvl area to get potions again before entering desert is something I occasionally have to do. Stuff letting another character die from worms right at start of zone. Happened to my blademaster, not amused.

little things to do with interface like that go a long way.
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On a Journey
Only unique i found today and he can't use it... even if he wanted to

Pretty sure I have had that before... I think I seen them all now.

Best drop he got today was this:

it already had the lvl 2 on it, I added the lvl 1 myself. he uses both those skills all the time.
level 57 now, no rush to do monoliths as lowest drop is lvl 58. Been there before.

I think he has used two potions in 50 levels, Ward is op. I see red numbers around me but my health stays locked as my ward total goes to about 600 with things hitting me. Using idols with chance to get 30 ward on hit. He needs to learn he isn't god... monoliths will do that.

edit: he found the acolyte relic later as well. He has seen 3 of them himself. Used one, found two.
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On a Journey
I set out to make a shaman but I got bored, I wanted to hit things... So I made the smartest Beastmaster to exist below lvl 30 (yes, he 37 now, but he used to be smarter.... I have lost strength since his 20's. Had 34 at one stage.

Ward retention is funny, no way to feed it besides drinking potions or blocking
the intel is just an after effect of his weapon

10 levels later he still yet to find better.

This shield turned out well

Will take him a lot of convincing to take off.
It gives him 60% block chance. 650 block effectiveness. So without it he be drinking lots of potions... still does drink more compared to spellblade I made yesterday... He chose different faction to everyone else so someone needs to finish campaign to get the rewards.

Can make about 12k favour by finishing campaign. I noticed that yesterday. Good thing favour is account wide.

I guess Cold resistance is useful eventually. Every other legendary isn't so great.

Game really doesn't like it when you have +2 all skills. Its been very busy as it throws more at you. Trying to convince you to change weapons. I know It is true this weapon doesn't assist minions but they seem to be coping rather well. I am not sure what I will use next. I always wanted to use this cleaver. Not many weapons do 69dps just yet, Might take a while.

Stun locked admiral to death... or maybe he just frozen, best place to stand is underneath him.


On a Journey
I wonder how useful the merchants guild is on an offline character, I have to assume you can't see all the players items. So it could be only one faction is useful on single player.

There is no player trading ability in offline mode. So really... half the factions are pointless to me. All mine better playing the one I picked first time. It makes sense as game would need to know status of shops or expoits galore.

Oh well, I guess I swap to other faction on beastmaster next time I see the choices. Or press Y.

things I not noticed before in campaign (and its not like I haven't played it a few times)
Void scorpions - one of their attacks leaves behind a void spike that hurts you if you stand on it. Only saw this in Temple of Etera.

The dogs that explode and leave a poisonous cloud seem more explosive now. Or my lack of poison resist makes it obvious.

The item levels of drops being 10 below you makes sense really. The first layer of items has no level, the last I suspect is lvl 90. You aren't supposed to have/use items that are the same level as you. That is why at 43 I am still seeing lvl 30 swords fall, and why my lvl 27 butchers axe is still 500 DPS better than anything else at swipe.

just remembers a pair of gloves I could have been wearing since lvl 5 that adds 1 lvl to swipe... slaps self.

If you do equip an item of your level during the campaign, don't expect game to be able to replace it easily. Probably explains lack of unique drops, but really... there are only a few below 50 I haven't seen.

It still happens in chapter 8. Its only on road to liaths that you start seeing lvl 40 items... Lagon's crabs can have higher purples if they being nice that day. Monoliths there is a minimum of 58.

I guess the difference is in chapter 9. I only played through it once so far so I can't comment on drops... she was lvl 72 at the time. I haven't finished it as really factions were all I wanted. Such a long walk to get to them.

So the way I play is counter to how game drops work. I have 40 tabs of items I can pick from as I level up, and its only the things everyone wants that are in short demand. items of deflection or Commander/Ursine/Reptilian.
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On a Journey

they didn't last long

I was in the blast zone

One day I work out how devouring orb works

One day, might need a chaos glyph to make top line more useful

New item for once

I have the shoes, wonder what 3rd part is. I didn't realise it was a Shaman set.

Can't it round up?


On a Journey
seems I got bored. I haven't wanted to play since Saturday. I will come back eventually. End game just doesn't excite me... endless random combos of monsters. Not exactly sure what I want anymore.

Noticed Adrenalin back to showing avg FPS of 247 again. Game was dipping below 200 last week but its improved again.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Same here, @Colif. I got burned out from trying to get upgrades. I dislike the RNG factor of crafting when you also have such a low drop chance on higher-tier equipment. It just sucks to grind for hours to get ONE OK item and then have it getting destroyed in the forge because the stupid forging cost is giving you the middle finger. No forging cost? Oh no, we don't want people to have too much fun!


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire


On a Journey
Not by default,
I am not sure if you could map keys to it.

I had to think about it as its been a few months.

hardest part for me to learn was that 1 was a potion key. Almost every other game I play the number keys are attacks, not potions. And game lets you drink potions even if you don't need them. So easy to accidentally drink all 4.

wonder if they are going to make end game more interesting


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
That's what all those Glyphs of Hope are for. When you get to the endgame you should be using these on every forge roll.

As for Potion on key 1? I just rebound them to a side mouse button.
You should, but the forge system is still too much RNG than I like, especially when you enter high-level crafting and brick good items just because the cost of forging is too steep. This becomes even more evident with the experimental affixes that use different forging costs to roll what you want. It is a bad system, but at least it is slightly better than in Diablo 4 where you have to mindlessly gamble that you get the forging you want and also have a lower chance of good enchant affixes rolling for an item because Blizzard decided it would be fun to make them stupid rare.


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