I found a shield for a rogue who sick of being beaten up... i mean, a shield for a rogue?
I guess its not only rogue shield I have seen, but they fairly rare.. but you would have to have bad luck to be playing a rogue and have to use one as defence.
Other part of set is a helm, so it makes me wonder what weapon you would need to have to make up for the missing stats on another one. I guess 11 dexterity helps, and the 2 skill bonuses.
Never seen mirage? Correction: I have never used the Mirage move, the other line was just asking for a Brian comment.,..
Not a very exciting day, no real new drops
I have a theory. Once you seen one unique you more likely to get it again. The Bone Harverster axe, I made it yesterday via an ascendant rune... today I found it in the wild... sure, there is a chance I see it again but I don't know, I have a lot of repeats in the uniques tab... if its the gloves you get as a reward in a quest, the only thing that changes is the amounts and most I get are low values, I have one with 37% Life leech, and most I see are 33. I just sell the bad versions of uniques I get more than two of.
I spent over an hour (it felt like it) reorganising my stash tabs as I was sick of idols being all over place.
I have 4 tabs that don't show on this picture, as well... I have too many catergories. Last one is Uniques, I 3 pages for them and one is set/uniques mixed
If I had more tabs I would have one just for belts... and shields. Armour is mostly chest pieces. They take most space.
Billy is just the overflow for Idols. I know how to spell but mostly I am only person who sees them.
I had individual categories for each class but the stash tab itself isn't wide` enough to show them all. Easier to have them all under a Classes category.
I don't want to think about how much money I could have saved if the price was cheaper to begin with. Maybe when I play on live servers I can be more sane... I try anyway
Note: the only categories I did a sort of sort on is Miscellaneous are the weapons and armour tab, the rest are a mess.
Oh and I sorted idols, I have one page for the tall two slot idols, one page for the wide two slot idols. the one slot idols are on the wide two slot idol page, and the remaining sizes are on the other two pages. I would sell them as I have so many I probably never use... they don't sell for anything and can't be crafted.
they were polluting all the other tabs, now they mostly just have weapons/armour and the necessary accessories on them. I would like to say they class specific but I don't have the drive to do that... or money.
Lucky most aren't class specific, just the big ones I have found so far are. Good thing I don't have any rogues past a certain part yet. I can't afford it.