Activision multi player games play you... you don't play them. They designed to extract money and keep you playing them longer with and actively act to keep everyone at the same level.
COD became a after school activity, somewhere for the kids to play and stay out of parents hair. That was fine for 20 years, but now since loot boxes showed a captive market of credit card owners, they are determined to make every game in a way such that it might also create as much profit per year.
People have been effectively trained to not try to get better as they can avoid lag that way...
The players that are good get bad lag and the actively makes their aim worse, whereas people that aren't good have a great time and get built in aim assist to hit the good players who are having a bad time... fairness. Equity... everyone is forced to be the same.
There is no chance anymore. Game results are almost predetermined before you start them. Game can change how it plays on fly to keep things fair. Games learn how you play and put you in positions you can't beat it.
You actually have more chance of winning in a casino... there are regulations there to force it.
Brian will say they always been after making money, and that is true, but it used to be by making good games. Not by keeping a captive market and teaming people who haven't spent any money up with people who have, and making it so they think only way to be as good is buy something.
I can already guess systems like this are in place in many other games. COD is just where it was found. Keeping people playing and spending is "normal" now and people have been educated into thinking its how its meant to be.
Many of these people complain when they play another game is released that doesn't use the "balancing" methods and actually expect people to be able to get better... that doesn't penalise you for being good. They want it to be the same as COD... or WoW.
They want their security blanket back...