(stay to the end for more of my humorous incompetence)
We got to a multiplayer raid part of Nightingale, and I saw a side of Guido I rarely get to see--the competitive side. When we arrived at the raid for the first time, Guido and I were both gear level 58, and the two people who joined us were in the high 100's. I thought, "Yay, we got good help here." Guido apparently felt like he was being showed up, though.
After the boss fight, he said he wanted to go back to our base. Crafting in Nightingale is the most complex I've ever seen, and he spent the next two hours or so traveling from realm to realm checking out the essence traders. Up until the raid, we'd never needed to pay that much attention to our gear. We weren't having any problems at all.
I busied myself with doing this or that. Farming and cooking mostly. Finally Guido arrived back from his travels and started crafting things, mostly essence charms. When he was done, he came to me and he was carrying a sickle, the weakest weapon in the game, and his gear level was almost 300. The sickle we can craft normally does 75 damage. Guido said his did 3600. He also raised his rifle from 1300 damage to something ungodly. I can't remember the exact amount.
We went back to the high level raids, and I've never seen anything like it. You can throw the sickle like a boomerang. Guido leaps down into a pit with about 20 high level enemies and throws his sickle and just wipes half of them out with his first throw. His next throw gets the rest.
To skip to the end, he two shot the final boss with his rifle.
He told me what he had done. He had to log off, and I spent the next how ever long replicating his build. Finally I stood there with my god-sickle feeling pretty good. I right-clicked to throw it--and annihilated half of our very expensive crafting tables