June 2023 Random Game Thoughts Thread

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If you were to give me every game that shows up on Steam from now on but just a 2400bd modem to download them with, I'm pretty sure I couldn't keep up even if I played every game for just 1 second each. I wonder how fast the download speed would have to be? (i.e., About how many bytes/second of new game is coming into Steam?)
Nope or at least not fully. :) I bet that the game will make 30-40% load per thread at max. Probably the game engine could be forced to work even on 4 core CPUs when utilizing their possibilities to maximum. The thing is no one optimizes games this way because it's costly and doesn't pay off. I haven't seen a game that fully utilizes CPUs for a very long time (except for some Denuvo locked titles at moments).
Its a weird pic then to go with the old Broadwell HEDT I7 6800K as a minimum rather than a Skylake 6700k/7700K, which were slightly faster in IPC as well as clocked higher. Just curious is all :)


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Let's see, 125GB is 1000Gb... at 2400bd would take 416.667Ms, which is about 4800 days.... Ah, but compression of the files being sent should knock that down a lot, so maybe five years to download Starfield? That should bring up some interesting situations! What happens if patches show up while you're downloading? What if you get the season pass and DLCs show up while you're downloading? What if everyone switches to quantum computers while you're downloading?? ;)


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I was completely misled by professional reviews on Super Mega Baseball 4. The game is worse than SMB3 in every conceivable way. I wasted $100 on it buying a copy for me and a copy for Guido. I've already uninstalled it after 2.5 hours of play. Should have listened to the user reviews like I usually do.
I have 4 different Diablo 4 characters (25, 26,44,47) and i have yet to beat the campaign, or even get my mount lol. Im playing in line with my family and its hard to get us all in at the same time. June has been way more busy outside of gaming than i thought so i havent been able to just push through the campaign yet but im not complaining! It seems like theres no real rush to get to D4's endgame since its just grinding dungeons over and over (which i dont mind, its just not somethin i need to do right away after the game).

I have been doing very little in Destiny 2. Outside of story missions and some random activities it offers, i have barely done anything, no PVP, no GM nightfalls (hard level endgame content) or RAIDs (which, to be fair, didnt do much before i stopped playing so much).

I like the break tbh. Destiny 2's seasonal model is pretty stale at this point and i just dont feel like im "missing out" even though Bungie keeps adding elements to induce it.


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Flight Simulator fan? Here's a freebie:

I'm pretty excited for Flight Simulator 24. There are actually jobs to do. Before it was just for hardcore people who think things like, "I'd like fly for 15 real world hours to Japan." For me it was just "which airport do I want to crash at next?" which got boring quickly.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
hardcore people who think things like, "I'd like fly for 15 real world hours to Japan."
Have you noticed how something seems to have decimated the genre you mention? Now it's "I'd like to crawl 1749 dungeons in 100 real-world hours to spend the final 10 hours side-swiping a skyscraper with weapons—while praying I don't get cramp and have to start over in the basement again".

Apparently the dungeons are rooms in the skyscraper's floors, and there are no elevators :(
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I'm ready to start a big terraforming project in X4 - so I'm taking a break from it and popping back into Wildermyth.

I was only 3 hours into Wildermyth, so I started again with the 'easy' campaign. It's been surprisingly interesting as quite a few things have changed. I'm still up against the same enemies, but the buffs they get at the end of each battle have been different, so they aren't quite what they were before. More to the point, the missions have been very different! The last time I played, the end of the first chapter had me teaming up with townsfolk to fight enemies. This time, all the townsfolk were turned to stone and the end boss was completely different.
I'm ready to start a big terraforming project in X4 - so I'm taking a break from it and popping back into Wildermyth.

I was only 3 hours into Wildermyth, so I started again with the 'easy' campaign. It's been surprisingly interesting as quite a few things have changed. I'm still up against the same enemies, but the buffs they get at the end of each battle have been different, so they aren't quite what they were before. More to the point, the missions have been very different! The last time I played, the end of the first chapter had me teaming up with townsfolk to fight enemies. This time, all the townsfolk were turned to stone and the end boss was completely different.
Really liked Wildermyth! Think I played through 4 or 5 of the scenarios before I started to come across duplicate events. Obviously RNG YMMV but I can see theyve also added a lot more content since I played it. Fun game, really great concept too.


Community Contributor
Really liked Wildermyth! Think I played through 4 or 5 of the scenarios before I started to come across duplicate events. Obviously RNG YMMV but I can see theyve also added a lot more content since I played it. Fun game, really great concept too.
It's been fun so far. The randomness makes it more of a "go with the flow" sort of a game rather than one where you're getting deep into your character build. It's easy to get into, too.
The main problem with having little time to play for me right now is that I start things and by the time I get the chance to play again I have a hankering for something else. Currently haven't but intend to finish, 40K Boltgun, Planescape Torment, Dawn of War, Diablo 2, as well as co-op campaigns of Solasta and Divinity OS.

Now you're coming back at me with the Wildermyth! The steam page is showing lots of free new events and updates since I last touched it.

Its fun, combat isnt all that complex but works well enough. The draw for me was the kind of jigsaw narrative that develops, it gets you invested in the characters. I havent seen anything like that before and I thought works really well. It did take me out of it a bit when I started to get repeated events, but like I said that took a while.


Community Contributor
I finished the first campaign, which was just 3 chapters. In the end, I had 11 'legendary' points that I was able to use to upgrade a couple of my heroes. I've got no clue what that means.

Having the game on 'normal' difficulty was nice, but really too easy. I managed to get in major trouble in one battle, getting two characters killed, so I re-loaded on that one and played it not-stupid. Other than that incident, though, my characters were hardly ever even getting damaged. I guess I'll push that up a little.

The way these campaigns work makes it easy to switch games!


Community Contributor
Downloading Wildermyth. Completely forgot that game. I need something relaxing after Outlast Trials.


Outlast Trials: Sweet baby Jebus. Our first mission ended with all of us dead in minutes.

Me: What the hell was that all about? (Not that it was difficult to understand, just that our brief time in the mission was pure chaos.

Daughter: Let's try again. Carefully.

Like all Outlast games, this is a stealth/exploration/puzzle/run-for-your-damn-life game, The level took us an hour and 8 minutes, all of us had to be revived multiple times, and moments before finishing the level, both my daughter and I went down at the same time, which put all the pressure on Guido to revive us. None of us could survive another hit when we escaped. No one wanted to try level 2 tonight :)
The main problem with having little time to play for me right now is that I start things and by the time I get the chance to play again I have a hankering for something else.

I'm very familiar with this feeling. My saving grace is that I don't own most of the games that sound interesting when other people talk about them and I don't have the disposable income to buy just anything that sounds interesting.
I'm getting a bit tired of my Minecraft game. I've been thinking about how to automate the rest of my set up, but I don't feel like actually doing the work. Especially since I've also just been tired in general. But I also don't really have any other goals I want to accomplish in Minecraft.

So I decided to play something else today. The recent Starfield news has gotten me in the mood for a Bethesda game, so I decided to check if I could play Fallout 4, which I haven't played yet. Turns out my friend who's sharing his Steam library with me does own it, so I installed it, then researched mods for about half an hour and downloaded about a dozen of them.

Only once I got all the mods properly sorted out did I discover that some of them depend on the DLC and that my friend apparently never bothered to get those. I didn't have the energy to figure out the mods again and I'd rather just play the game with all the content included anyway, so I just uninstalled everything again.


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