I feel like if there was a multi target homing medium missile swarm, it could be pretty nice for some of those large swarms of enemies (excluding swarm ships).
I want to say it's something cool, but the one I'll probably get the most use out of overall is the "temporal nano recompensator". For all of those times when a plan just doesn't quite work out
I'm looking forward to being able to pilot a gunship rocking improved turrets, flying alongside friends in coop. Super excited to see Everspace 2 when it's fully released
I'm looking forward to the magnetic repulsor the most! I can already imagine the chaos that it will cause in close quarters fighting. Slamming ships around inside of an asteroid, pushing webbed ships into the well of a black hole. The possibilities are so exciting. I'm also really excited to see some of the named NPCs coming back. Hopefully Elek and the coalition are still around.
I'm definitely most excited for the Temporal Nano Recompensator! The ability to heal some of the damage you've taken recently seems like it could have huge benefits for pulling out clutch dogfight wins.
Well I'm going to sound like everyone else, but that Annihilator Virus sounds insane. The fact that it infects other ships and causes a major explosion sounds amazing.
I undoubtedly have to say that after seeing the IGN gameplay peeks, seeing the Magnetic Repulsor in use looked fantastically fun. To just shockwave a ship and watch it uncontrollably spin and slam into another ship or a wall sounds very satisfying.
I can't wait to see the new rail guns! I love trying to snipe enemies from a LOOOOONG distance that does a ton of damage. I'm all about the nuke types too, but when it comes to fighting the big bosses like frigates and the such, being able to hit them hard from outside their own firing range feels so good. I've been looking forward to this game since before it was announced.
My favorite device in every Everespace game is my trusty Gatling gun. its not the best, its' not the fastest, but it's always there for me no matter what.
My favorite ship was the big cruiser. Just a flying tank with tons of weapons. My favorite device had to be the variations of its turret. Having a little gunner buddy there to help you blow them to pieces was really helpful and saved my butt many times. Can't wait to see what they do next!
I'd have to say my favorite device was the Gatling guns. Just hearing those things spin up and let loose a flurry of rounds was awesome. Especially when they got upgraded with better range, damage, and attack speed. Oh, man it just melted everything!