Do you still use multiplayer games if not why not

Here are a list of reasons why i stopped using multiplayer

Warframe for about 8 years spent quiet a bit of money on it then one day i logged in and everything was gone.

Dota2 .. the most toxic game i have ever come across.

The remake of age of mythology ( i had the eso version many years ago ) it is full of hackers and this version is tied to steam account so if you get trashes changing your user name does not reset your base scores.

I spent money on World of battles and Tanki x ( both russian ) then after about a years use on them the 2 games companies jsut decided to shut down the servers. The owners of World of battles even had the cheek to say were shutting server in a few months but if you still want to make an in game purchase you can.

A lot of the so called free games eventually require micro payments so you can stand a chance of beating AI or others who have spent money.

I am sure that anyone reading this could also come up with similar examples
Aug 2, 2023
No, not generally because I don't have the time or patience. These days my gaming is limited almost exclusively to games I can pause or suspend, because I rarely have a block of uninterrupted time to just sit and play.

I do occasionally, maybe once a month, play a multiplayer game with a friend, but that's about it. But from about 1996 to 2017 or so, I was heavily into them, the last one being World of Tanks/Warplanes, which are the games I realized I needed to stop, because I'd get frustrated when I needed to drop out of a battle to attend to family stuff.
I generally don't play competitive multiplayer games or PVE games much these days. As previously mentioned there are several reasons:

1. PVP it turns extremely toxic and it brings the very worst out of me. I'm too thin skinned and a stat whore. don't get positive K/D and on a massive deathstreak. unhappy experience. I don't mind losing but if i'm just a punching bag and just there for someone elses amusement, forget it.

2. Commitment to play. it becomes work and people put 1000s of hours of their lives playing ONE game. Why not have 1000s of hours enjoying many different games and experiences? Plus i have a life commitments like work and study and art. Video games maybe my hobby but it shouldn't take over my life.

3. Time constraints. If i'm playing multiplayer i can't just stop immediately or put it down. i have to commit and if there is a sudden issue (someone at the door, real world emergency etc). Bye bye game.

4. Toxic communities. The biggest problem with online games? its playerbase.

5. Cost. multiplayer games are FOMO. join the party late and the game is dead and boring. I buy games on dirt cheap so the party is over by the time i join. Unless its some super popular game that has thousands of players. Plus the constant season passes, MTXs and live service BS can go to hell. I'm not going to constantly bleed for a game especially when i'm a...

6. ... horizontal gamer. i want to reach the end and thats it. Don't care about progression. Once i see all the content and/or stories done i'm finished with the game. Time to move on.

i still play POE but i don't really do much then hang around the back, let some super player grind the maps and i ride their coat tails to glory.

chivalry 2 i don't play at all these days. Still installed, but the player base is small and elite so i get crushed very easily with very litter reward. Admittedly, playing with the bots did ease the pain of K/D so all hope was not lost, but against 32/64 real players an absolute slaughterfest. Great if i dominate and make a lot of points, awful when i go on a losing streak and no points (and therefore progression) to show for it.
On the old eso/microsoft version of AGE OF MYTHOLOGY you saw the name of a player before rated games stated and you could reject it if you thought or knew they were a hacker , on this version you cant do it.

Because your name tag is tied to your steam account with this version if you change your name your rated score does not go back to default.

@andreboss21 has hit me so many times i will never get another rated due to my low score , i am not a noobie i played 1,000's of matches on the old version and averaged a rating of 1780

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
No. I experimented in late 90s with RTS, but that was mostly 5-10-minute rush games. I tried mentioning 'S is for Strategy' but was told to git gud or similar. Almost everything I've read about multi since has been negative—mainly toxicity, MTX and cheating—so I've written it off.

I'm not of course talking about multi or coop with friends, that should be the opposite.

Even if it became a decent proposition, it still wouldn't work for me:

♣ Patient Gamer—multi communities have usually moved on by the time I get to a game. The core nucleus left still playing are evangelists and enthusiasts far beyond my interest or skill levels.

♦ Time block commitment—as others said above, I'm bouncing around the place most of the time. No way I could commit to staying at my PC for the next hour.

♥ Different goals—After learning a game's basics, if I'm going to continue with it I will usually make up my own goals to fit my humor at the time. Multi as far as I know is always specific goal-oriented, which would get boring for me quite quickly.


I've enjoyed plenty of RTS skirmish against multiple AIs, that can be fun to dip into every so often.
I play some co-op with a friend semi regularly, but mostly havent been that much of a competitive online player. Apart from some MMO's in the early 2000's a bit of COD and Battlefield BFBC2 and 3 on the PS3 where I never had a mic, and played a lot of TW Warhammer 1 and 2 quick battles a few years ago. The TW Warhammer competitive community was 95% nice, even if most interactions only went as far as GLHF and GGWP, at least almost everyone said it. One fun thing about being part of a smaller community like that was getting to play against well known (within that tiny niche) streamers and being able to sometimes jump on stream and see the replay and commentary straight after. I actually beat Heir of Carthage once, he messaged me to congratulate me, nice dude.

People say the Deep Rock Galactic community is pretty nice, wouldnt mind giving that a try one day. 0 interest in MOBAs thankfully.
I play some co-op with a friend semi regularly, but mostly havent been that much of a competitive online player. Apart from some MMO's in the early 2000's a bit of COD and Battlefield BFBC2 and 3 on the PS3 where I never had a mic, and played a lot of TW Warhammer 1 and 2 quick battles a few years ago. The TW Warhammer competitive community was 95% nice, even if most interactions only went as far as GLHF and GGWP, at least almost everyone said it. One fun thing about being part of a smaller community like that was getting to play against well known (within that tiny niche) streamers and being able to sometimes jump on stream and see the replay and commentary straight after. I actually beat Heir of Carthage once, he messaged me to congratulate me, nice dude.

People say the Deep Rock Galactic community is pretty nice, wouldnt mind giving that a try one day. 0 interest in MOBAs thankfully.
DRG is cool, but I find it a bit repetitive and feel like I've pretty much ate my fill at 17-Hours. The community has been pretty nice overall, definitely haven't seen a lot of toxicity in that.

I had a perfect example of why I don't do multiplayer anymore last night: after finally getting War Thunder downloaded again last night and partying up with my friends, I got about 5 minutes into my first battle when it was time to put one of the kids down and then play Terraria with the oldest one, as I had promised.

They're definitely fun enough, but just damn hard to commit to something I can't drop at a moments notice.


Community Contributor
City of Heroes spoiled me.

Time commitment? No worries. The sidekick system makes it easy to play with friends that are higher/lower level than you. So, if some of your friends are playing nightly and others can only get an hour or two in on the weekends, you can all still play together, and everyone can contribute. Toxicity? Wasn't much of a problem that I saw - possibly because of the monthly fee? Possibly because we didn't play with random people all that much?

The new games coming out just weren't as fun, though. They stuck with the WoW style of gameplay with as little instancing as possible so that you could interact with all sorts of random people - including waiting in line to fight some boss and getting into arguments about who has "rights" to certain spawn points. I'm not all that big on immersion, but that's extremely pathetic. Guild Wars 2 tried to deal with some of that, but it just wasn't quite there.

There is still multiplayer-at-a-distance, though. Dragon's Dogma has its pawn system where you play using other people's secondary characters and your own secondary character can play for others. Just Cause 3 would take recordings of your speed trials so you could race against recordings of what your friends did before you. Structures you build in Death Stranding can show up in other player's games. And so on... I typically love those sorts of things.
It’s on and off for me, I go through phases of multiplayer games. Sometimes I’m really into PVP FPS games, like Quake 2 when the update came out last year or BF2042. Other times I don’t want to fight against players, I wanna work alongside them, so I’ll play games like Insurgency Sandstorm’s co-op mode.

As I get older I start to prefer PVE over PVP. I can’t stand playing on vanilla DayZ or Rust servers because everyone tries to kill each other immediately. I’ll play on PVE only servers where you can meet other players without fear that they might kill you.

It’s getting harder to find multiplayer games I really like. I want a PVE only game in a big open world where everyone is friendly and wanting to work together, perhaps an incentive to help each other. I want an MMO but with FPS elements. There were a few games that ticked these boxes for me like The Cycle or Division 1 and 2, but they’re both pretty much dead now.

I was really into Elder Scrolls Online for a while because it was close to all of my wants. I could play solo or join friends if I wanted to adventure together. It was fairly low pressure and had lots of fun exploration. I got tired of the grind though, and once I finished the main story I didn’t feel like doing all of the side content.

Maybe one day I’ll find another PVE MMO that I really like.
back in the day i played l4d a fair bit, but only the coop stuff the competitive stuff wasn't all that great for me as it did bring the worst out in me and i didn't find it as compelling as helping my fellows out and teaching them the ropes where possible. Unsurprisingly i was the guy who too the shotguns and molotovs over other weapons.

But after a while trying to play with randoms wasn't great and coordinate was far too tricky. it didn't have that spark i wanted and in the end i called it a day. Thats the problem with coop games, you need a good set of buddies to play or its a bit dull. Perhaps if you played in massive pub lobbies like in planetside 2 where everyone is vaguely working together and individual inputs aren't as important. but again, you need the outfits to coordinate and when you play the PTFO you get less fun. For example rather then hang around for a big fight, racking up points and K/D they respawn into deathtraps in the hopes of pushing an enemy back. Hurts to see my K/D just fritter away when that happens. Better i hang around in big battles and keeping the enemy at bay.

Oh yeah, i very much preferred defence over attack, but in the right mood (like in my less important accounts) i would be more willing to attack. Sometimes it works out, other times it just falls flat.

But PS2 is a shell of its former self and it never really picked up. Sure its nearly 10 years old but its creaking along without the numbers to sustain it. The battles i craved never arrived and slowly hackers and cheaters entered the fray and ruined it for everyone.


On a Journey
i play games where its optional. Apart from Diablo 4, most ARPG have online modes you can choose to play or just play offline. Making DIablo 4 online only meant it was really empty suddenly when the first season started and everyone wasn't on the original server anymore. If it had always had an offline mode, I wouldn't have noticed. But that game morphing into immoral daily,

Journey without multiplayer is a boring game after a while. It needs it... I wouldn't have kept going back without it.

I don't play MMO as I learned things about myself playing those games. I also don't have the time or want to be expected to be online at a particular day/time every week to run same dungeons to collect pixels. Collecting sets is addictive and there is always one part you can't get... but equally getting everything you can possibly get in a game makes it meaningless afterwards. No need to play if nothing more to get.
I do like games where you can set your game to Public and have random people join you, that’s what Dead Island 2 is like. It’s fun to have a random guy join you and play together with, but I’m so far in a game most people dropped hours ago, it’s very rare to find another player as far into the game as I am. I think it all has to do with your position in the main story, since I often get people many levels below me but on the same story mission as me.
Feb 26, 2024
It’s on and off for me, I go through phases of multiplayer games. ..........

I was really into Elder Scrolls Online for a while because it was close to all of my wants. I could play solo or join friends if I wanted to adventure together. It was fairly low pressure and had lots of fun exploration. I got tired of the grind though, and once I finished the main story I didn’t feel like doing all of the side content.

Maybe one day I’ll find another PVE MMO that I really like.

I'm in the same boat. I play ESO every day on PlayStation and PC but just for the dailys now.
I'm going down the same road as Guild Wars. Played it solid for years but gradually losing interest.
I just couldn't get into the Arcanist.
I may go back when the next DLC drops. Big changes/additions to the skill system, apparently.
Feb 26, 2024
Making DIablo 4 online only meant it was really empty suddenly

It's another game I play daily but just for the odd Legion event because that is the only time I get to play with other players. Otherwise, it is dead. My Clan (on my 3rd one) is full but no one plays. They desperately need a "Looking for Group" button.
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I'm in the same boat. I play ESO every day on PlayStation and PC but just for the dailys now.
I'm going down the same road as Guild Wars. Played it solid for years but gradually losing interest.
I just couldn't get into the Arcanist.
I may go back when the next DLC drops. Big changes/additions to the skill system, apparently.
ESO was great while I played it. I used to hang out with a great RPing community who would hang out in random not-so-popular inns and taverns. Interactions like that are my favorite. I didn’t like the PVP and couldn’t understand the Cyrodil wars thing very well so I played it mostly solo.
I still do multiplayer. I actually prefer multiplayer games, specially coop ones.

Never did many mmos, just not my thing, but I always loved games where 2 or 3 more people were with me and we're just playing dumb and having a good time being dumbasses .
Oct 4, 2023
I do. I play dota 2 and lol and mobile legends. Playing it since 2014 ( dota and lol) and seeing all the shades of people I would say it is stressful like for sure but I like that games toxic communities. But sometimes I just wanna relax and play single mode games like or genshin impact.
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