Diablo 4

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Jun 7, 2021
hmm, just noticed I used a PCGamer post to figure out where to find whispering keys. They seem a waste of gems,

I found a lvl 30 area, I decided not to go in on my lvl 15 Barb. I have been exploring and finding side quests. Guess I have to do lvl 7 main quest soon.

its funny, most of the ones I can't work out right away use emotes.

I think necro died killing the boss at end of the chain. In some chapel I think. After some lake.

what build is your rogue? ranged or stabby stabby?
Was initially stabby-stabby, now ranged.


On a Journey
Build new necro, all her attacks heal her... so naturally the Butcher attacks her twice in 2 different dungeons. Not amused. I reloaded game to avoid him in one just for him to show up in another. Its odd, none of my other characters ran into him yet.

doing aspeect dungeon, had to kill everything in the area, he was one of the monsters... not amused lol.

She lvl 18, I guess its time to do main quest. She been looking around.

They nerfed the best Rogue build today, as well as best Druid one. Necro had a little bit of love.

Bound to happen, everyone use same builds... its a trap. Now lightning druid might be better than bear.

so ranged rogue probably good until another best build is made. I have a ranqged one, he is only lvl 12 though. My top 2 characters are necromancers. Normally I start as a Barb in Diablo games but last 2 arpg I played, I chose necromancer. Much easier to let game play itself.
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On a Journey
My barb wanted to find his lvl 15 class quest... its a lot of fun when you don't know the way, I wasn't sure I was in right place, but I will look again tomorrow. Assume I don't have to do main quest line to get there.

He feels like hi is playing Skyrim

He was exploring, was going to grab first portal that doesn't work until snow storm over, got sidetracked doing an event with a lvl 7 mage. Where he got the helm from.

I went down there expecting nothing and theres a bunch of lvl 30's down there. 3 dungeons as well. And a quest I will do tomorrow.

It seems the only areas that don't scale to you are strongholds. They all lvl 30

The Butcher despawn if he kills you. I wish I had known that as would have saved a reload. I need to take necro back to dungeon he died in 2nd time anyway as its got an aspect he wants. Recommended classes to beat him don't include a necro... can he stop following me.
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My barb wanted to find his lvl 15 class quest... its a lot of fun when you don't know the way, I wasn't sure I was in right place, but I will look again tomorrow. Assume I don't have to do main quest line to get there.

He feels like hi is playing Skyrim

He was exploring, was going to grab first portal that doesn't work until snow storm over, got sidetracked doing an event with a lvl 7 mage. Where he got the helm from.

I went down there expecting nothing and theres a bunch of lvl 30's down there. 3 dungeons as well. And a quest I will do tomorrow.

It seems the only areas that don't scale to you are strongholds. They all lvl 30

The Butcher despawn if he kills you. I wish I had known that as would have saved a reload. I need to take necro back to dungeon he died in 2nd time anyway as its got an aspect he wants. Recommended classes to beat him don't include a necro... can he stop following me.
Didn't know D4 had a manual save/reload?
The butcher is apparently a compleetly random chanse spawn so even if you go to the same place twice there is no guaranetee he will be there since he can spawn in any dungeon.

Or have i missed something? :)
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On a Journey
i had him twice in 2 different dungeons. He was following me. I started to think because its really hard to kill my necro game decided to push it. She okay against multiple targets but I don't get a tank per say until level 25 when I get a golum. She thinking of doing side quests until then. Mid point of lvl 7 quest on 2nd necro now.

Vhenard wasn't so bad this time. Next hard boss is what killed my last necro. Not sure of its name.
i had him twice in 2 different dungeons. He was following me. I started to think because its really hard to kill my necro game decided to push it. She okay against multiple targets but I don't get a tank per say until level 25 when I get a golum. She thinking of doing side quests until then. Mid point of lvl 7 quest on 2nd necro now.

Vhenard wasn't so bad this time. Next hard boss is what killed my last necro. Not sure of its name.
I only met him once. I think he is a bit to Imba for not engame characters but that might have been the intention from Blizzard i guess.


On a Journey
I am hesitant to go into dungeons lol on that character but she has a full party now - it wouldn't help against Butcher but it helps elsewhere.

It doesn't help you don't auto get golem skill on hotbar after getting completing quest. I knew i had it, was showing in the Book of thee dead, but summoning it wasn't obvious. You need to press S and drag summon golem onto task bar and it will just pop into existance

this is a big axe

Level 25, guess I try quest that killed other necro again. This one died twice to Butcher so she doesn't care anymore.

Warrior on his lvl 15 quest as well. I wasn't expecting a quest to get the golem.

I won't be on tomorrow. Have to think about other things instead.

handy map - https://diablo4.wiki.fextralife.com/Interactive+Map

edit: lvl 27, she outgrown guide I was following as it seems to stop at 25... Guess I make it up as I go along to 50? thats when next guide starts. looking though guide I see where I can spend a few more points

Been collecting lilith statues, maxed out rep to lvl 3 in first area. No more bonuses it seems. Extra stats was nice.

No mercenaries to hire in game. I didn't even think about it until I saw an article. It sort of makes sense in a multiplayer game.

Guess the hordes show up tomorrow... i mean everyone who didn't pay to get in early. Probably good day to not log on :D

1st zone will be more crowded. Maybe won't have to solo events. I keep showing up right at end and getting rewards lol.

World bosses don't show up until tier 3. I am only playing tier 1.
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On a Journey
Only being able to have 4 skills on hot bar apart from left/right click really sucks. I don't think build meant to use golem. So he might only be out and about outside dungeons. I need slot for another attack.


On a Journey
Now I look at a guide, the guy that killed my necro is more tricky than it appeared

i saw knight appear but didn't know what to do and died... I didn't realise he was helping.

I understand what killed me. Life drain. I didn't know it had 3 stages.

Also, new necro not as close as I thought to that part yet. I forgot a few steps.
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On a Journey
I don't understand why one option on the Wheel menu (E button) is Zoom when I have a mouse wheel for that. Seems redundant. left over from consoles?

I heard about a closer zoom for camera but I can't seem to find it. Collected every portal in 1st area excluding one in a stronghold.
Found all the lilith statues in 1st area but list shows some I don't see on map

Lvl 32, guess I should do quest I am ignoring - but well, I am staying awake tonight to fix sleep pattern. Need to wake up at 6am, not still be awake then. So not doing any hard quests today. Might just stay off game (5 minutes later). Two of my quests are to clear strongholds... not sure when I get those done.

I did a crit for 666 in a zone where Inarius is... it didn't seem right.

Collecting necro aspects. Need a good legendary necklace to put one on. Its a waste on any otheer armour or weapons as they get replaced too often. Amulet less likely to be replaced as fast. OR so I thought'

It seems aspects from dungeons can be used many times, but the ones on Legendaries can only be removed and used once.
2 handed weapons double the bonuses. Careful putting things on 1 handers that came from 2 handers as you only get half the value.
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On a Journey
After watching video, goes mad on 2 rings


those should help. I was wearing them before, only thing I added is the imprinted text... and made them legendary.

Oddly it wouldn't let me choose necklace. It was rare, like rings.


On a Journey
Most classes are fine with a respec but it can be annoying on a Barbarian as they get weapon bonuses based on which ones they use most, and if you swap from whirlwind that uses 2 handers to say a frenzy barb that uses 1 handers and you haven't used one handers much before, it can suck... In the past you just go to a low lvl area and grind them up... Diablo 4, there are no low lvl areas. Everything levels with you. To a degree. I think some areas might have caps or perhaps I just levelled up and things around me were still lower.

Either way, my WW barb is feeling sad finding something to kill that doesn't bite back too hard.

So good thing I have 2 barbs and one started as Frenzy - 2nd one finding things easy and really not many lvls between them.

He was slow going for a while until I noticed he was still wearing a white chest... oof.


On a Journey
Lol. seems people can't buy things on the shop. Not a problem for anyone in last few days, clearly no one used it.

This shadow reminded me of how some of its light shadows in Grim Dawn are broken too

I won't post this in the ugly character thread
My lvl 16 Sorcerer

Purple seems to be a theme,

Someone sent me a friends request... given the chances of me being awake at the time, I might just ignore it. Unless it was someone here.


On a Journey
So midnight last night I realised that I was wide awake and I had no hope of adjusting sleep for Wednesday morning... So I stayed awake all night... that was 17 hours ago. Diablo has kept me awake enough that the Butcher only killed me once in that time. He likes to pick on cloth wearers. He seems to show up in confined spaces.

Now that I have stopped, the chances of me going to sleep in next few hours increased. I just don't want to wake up again before midnight... I will not be amused.

Necro lvl 32 now, running out of side quests (that don't require a group to do).

Barb class quest - kill a bunch of animals and then a boss in a cave who is easy to get stuck - he fights back but you can split him up from his helpers and they despawn when he dies.
Sorc Class Quest - clearf out a dungeon and look for a book.
Rogue class quest - go empty a dungeon... so normal day ?
Druid Class quest - Take on this fortress by yourself.
Necro... I had forgotten but it was make your golem

I have done all except the Druid and rogue so far.

Druid one may not be so bad, there isn't anyone there except a boss.

How do I upgrade gems past the 1st two levels?

Sadly no option I saw in gameplay area to turn off all the cut scenes. Its not like I watch them anyway.

Glad to see this bug is associated with necro pets and not my GPU -

Its a bug, the minions “despawn” during cutscenes, but they are still in the world, what you are seeing is them temporarily getting vulnerable from the weird despawn thing, i guess its so during cutscenes you cant die or be interrupted…


I think necro pets are hidden to other players in town as well. I see them show up at portal and then disappear again. I know golem doesn't go into all the buildings.

The Druid Poison creeper attack is really weird. Its passive randomly has a vine grow in and out of earth all the time. I thought it was a bug until I read what cause is. Not sure I will get used to it. Druid doesn't get out as much as necro and Barb. I played all 5 classes at some point last night, they all near their Class quests. Necro's is at lvl 25, just to be different.

What is the rush to get to 100? I never understood, you ignoring most of the game to just play the end. I know drops get better but whats point of having best at the end? Nothing to fight apart from repeats. I am not talking about the race to 100. I know its a staple of Blizz games, someone always tries to be 1st to max level. I feel like I am campaigning for the rest of the game as End game is too important.

Maybe I am just old and liked it how it was. Sacred had a story but I couldn't tell you what it was. End was just a way to get another restart in new difficulty. It wasn't the destination. Game was an endless loop although Noobium might have been as far as most got.
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Yesterday Day 1 - Got my Necro to level 26. Running around doing side quests, altars of lilith, some dungeons and the campaign up until you first get to the Black Lake. Got the first three Renown awards which helps a lot.
Much more fun than Sorcerer that I played in Beta.
Died once when I investigated a Stronghold that had level 30 elites in it.

So far not found any useful Legendaries :(

Game looks pretty and plays very well at 1440p, 120fps. Got a few disconnections and one blue screen! Not seen a BSOD for like two years lol.


On a Journey
lvl 35 necro, one day she might do main quest line. She up to black lake as well. I am thinking about doing it as I have already started the act 2 & act 3 quests as wel, though i haven't taken them far. Funny you can do them in any order.
The boss in black lake might be easier with 2 people.


load screen is darker for necro compared to other classes

I have all the lilith statues in 1st region outside of strongholds. Working on 2nd region now, map I posted above sure helps.
Strongholds always seem to be 3 lvls ahead of me. I have 2 quests in some but everytime I get near their lvl game goes. try again.
Maybe I try one tomorrow and see if its too hard or not. I have heard of other people soloing them so it must be possible.

Druid has to clear one just to get to his quest - its recommended to do it between lvl 20 and 25 for him. Everyone else can do it around lvl 15ish. Get a few lvls doing quest.
I am taking necro to close to where he needs to go just so I know my way.

soloing events is funny, I did same one twice in a row as it popped up again. Really easy one.

First day this week I didn't die to Butcher lol. I hate spiders, Barb tried an aspect quest for barbs, Spiders swarmed him. He was on a roll up until that point. 2 dungeons cleared in a row. 3rd got him.

I found the same legendary pants twice now... so took aspect off one of them. Handy use for spares. I mostly find rings. Amulet would be nice but I think you get one in a quest later.

bsod is a different reaction.

I thought the dungeons where you get aspects from, only gave rewards to the class its for... no, everyone gets it, they just can't use it except for on class its for. But it is account based so any of my other characters can use them.
So necro might clear all the dungeons she can find. She is using 2 of them already. She can take on that spider quest for my barb.

Treasure goblins don't give very good rewards most times.

I didn't achieve much today, had to go out most of day.

possible spoilers - only really the map
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On a Journey
Seems respec is hard for all classes, I figured it would just suck for barb as their attacks directly match weapons and if you haven't used that weapon much at all before respec, you don't have any levels in it and there is no - go back to previous lvl to grind it up, if everything levels up with you.

So respec is just there to make you think its an option, at higher levels. Restarting is actually safest way. Makes game more like the 1st two instead of Diablo 3. I didn't like the fact you could change at any time, why even make 2 of the same class?
At lower levels, depending on class, it might work. Anything before lvl 20 perhaps. Barbs possibly before that.
As you still not wearing gear specific to build by then. Worst part is most builds change around lvl 50, or at least the ones I am doing do.

My wife showed me some of the cinematics and I really didn't expect them to be this intense. Has Diablo always been this gory?
I haven't seen that many of them... most are tied to story and I am still on chapter 1. I really don't care to watch them, wasting time between game play.

I am not amused at the amount of bank space you get. 4 pages? And only a shared stash, no character space? Talk about regression. I wouldn't mind extra bags, every other RPG gives you more space. You can buy the 4 pages pretty much right away but you get no more. Gems should go in a tab like all your resources do. Perhaps the being able to break them down to aspects supposed to fix it? It hurts as a collector to have to break things down to keep part of them... so much for collecting gear for alts when almost every drop you get is for the character class you playing now.
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On a Journey
I assume Brian only really wanted 4080 in that competition for Diablo 4, as I know he wouldn't have played game, even if collectors edition included the game.

Only an utter fan boy would buy a collectors edition of anything that didn't actually include the product. Its setting a new low. I guess its the new standard for collectors editions. Sure makes more money... imagine, buy that + ultimate version.

Collectors edition here is about $200
Its $150 to get the Ultimate version
350 for one game... thats without buying anything on store... only make up... I mean, cosmetics there. Make character look special. Doesn't actually change anything else... so far.

I don't think its worth the money
· Candle of Creation
· Occult Mousepad
· Cloth Map of Sanctuary
· Pin of the Horadrim
· Diablo IV Collector’s Edition Art Book
· Matted Fine Art Prints (x2) - 18.54" x 10.79"

no way. No mention of size of map, so a handkerchief?
book might be worth something but I don't know how many pages it is.

But then Steelseries advertised to me via launcher that they have a Diablo 4 mouse and headset... so Blizz not only ones trying to profit. At least you get something you can use in other products though, and its not cheap stuff.

There should be a way to craft bags for your character.
I feel constrained by just having the space you start with. Every other ARPG before it let you get more space, as you levelled up. But I seen what a lvl 82 has and its only 1 more page than I currently have.

Grim Dwn lets you buy more tabs and every tab in it is bigger than what you get in Diablo 4. I know its online but Wow manages. You can buy bags for character in that game... Having more space on character would help. Just add another tab for gems like you have for aspects. Or tabs for extra bags.

Guess I should sell all my rares as well. Not like my bags full of legendaries yet. I don't mind the auto pickup aspect in that they go to bags but if you only get so much space... you can't get anything more without deleting them.

But I expect that will change, we beta testing rest of game now since beta only went as far as lvl 30. Expect these are problems not thought of, or they might just sell more space on shop.

Gold is supposedly hard to get at low lvls, must be why I am on 600k now after just 5 days playing. That doesn't feel hard to get. Sure, people later have a few million but that just takes time. and drops do increase as you lvl up, but 600k is hardly a struggle. Using my typical "don't buy anything from shops" approach and selling almost every blue/rare. Guess that is total of all my characters, gold is shared across all of them.

Its very dumbed down. Characters share too much. I collect all this stuff but should make some elixirs... they all have exp boosts on them. 5% for 30 minutes and survive through death.

But elixirs are an example of stupid design - All of your characters mats are all listed in the mats tab but if you make an elixir, AFAIK that elixir only shows in the tab for the character you make it on - I need to test it. It would be stupid if it was this way. Cause if mats are shared, the results should be available to anyone at right lvl. In the same tab on character.

So they thought of elixirs and put them on own tab, but not gems?

I am not sure what I use all the ore I collect for? Upgrades? I hardly do those, upgrade something and game will just try to replace it... seen that before.

Being forced to spend Obols because you can't pick up any more is annoying. Being forced to gamble to get rid of some - or buy whispering keys and never see a chest in the wild again. Funny that. I wonder if there is a max numbeer of keys you can buy as gambling is mostly a waste of time.

need more separation. If all of them had their own stash it would be much easier. Obols might not be ignored as much then either. Individual tallies for all characters... not just one total for the account.

I wonder if there is a max gold limit as well. I seen that in games. Can't pick up anymore, you have too much now. Diablo games always been about collecting gear, but the current one restricts you too much.

Only way to collect gear is to use bank characters. Hope you don't want to play all 10 of your guys... and have bank characters for extra legendaries you don't want to remove yet, or spare gems... as tough luck.

I can't argue with these

The game needs a Look for Group thing. He right, lots of people playing but you can't inteeract with them easy. I wouldn't mind playing with someone and doing quests.
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