Diablo 4

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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
hitting escape still brings freeze. Opening any menu I haven't before causes freeze. Entering a dungeon and then reentering open world also make it think about it... so mainly zoning and menu use. I think its because characters stored online and I am not exactly close to them, even with 120mb/s dl speed.
I feel ancient now. I got 7mb/s at max. At least I don't have to wait for the pictures to render in like you had to in the modem days.


On a Journey
the loading times are fixed by using high res texture pack

I haven't had that problem since I installed them.

Its a very hungry game at max graphics


cards with 12gb vram need not apply lol. its using 13.gb vram at 1440p highest settings possible. Its what game chose for my card.
It also limits the speed game runs to 150fps, I just artificially decrease mine to 143 to avoid screen tearing.

I feel ancient now. I got 7mb/s at max. At least I don't have to wait for the pictures to render in like you had to in the modem days.

Note, Mine is Megabits per second. There is a difference, 8 bits in a byte. I think I cap out around 12mb/s
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On a Journey
Game has a memory leak.

I just noticed i somehow managed to use 94% of my virtual memory today, which is different, I have 59gb total so I hardly ever get anywhere near it. Normally have 20gb of ram free. My page file grew from 4gb to 16gb. I was dumb and closed hwinfo so its reset all its recordings. Curious how much ram it used.

That is going to be fun going forward.


Community Contributor
cards with 12gb vram need not apply lol. its using 13.gb vram at 1440p highest settings possible. Its what game chose for my card.
It also limits the speed game runs to 150fps, I just artificially decrease mine to 143 to avoid screen tearing.
Actually maybe it doesn't require 12+ GB VRAM. The game is simply less economical in usage of memory when there's a lot of it available. It switches to more economic mode when there's less memory available, but that doesn't automatically mean the game runs worse. It may take more time to load the textures during map transition, but that's all. Tom's Hardware tests show that it's ok to run it even on 6 GB GPU, if you plan to play in 1080p.


On a Journey
I think i beat a random event by myself. Well, my necro pets helped but I thought I was doing a quest but I realised after that the indicator was in another spot.

My lvl 8 Barb almost at same spot as necro is. He is a dungeon or two behind still.

Only class I probably won't play in a rush is sorceror. Too squishy... though rogue not much better.


On a Journey
i overlooked the shared stash. I have fixed that now, my Necro passed a weapon to Barb and it is almost double AP to all the others he has. He now owes the necro I guess.
Barb is lvl 7
Necro lvl 12.
Not really as close to each other as it seems. Barb just not taking as much time. Need to do more side quests. Think I try to do them all. No rush to end, enjoy the journey.

mini map needs a zoom feature or different scales. Rhyker is right, need to open main map too often. GD has zoom on mini map, its 7 years old... D2 had the map overlay, nothing here.

Need to work out the alchemist now. I figured out salvaging and upgrading...
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
online only game
You're kidding! Really?
RPG AND online-only… you guys must have been really really naughty!
it's ok to run it even on 6 GB GPU, if you plan to play in 1080p
Oh no, it might run on my 1060 6GB? :eek:
Hope I get a sympathetic judge next time I'm hauled in, and get no worse than hard labor barefoot on melting glass.

But back to this online-only.
There's still a single-player campaign, right?
But game is aimed mainly at multiplayer, yeah?


Community Contributor
There's still a single-player campaign, right?
But game is aimed mainly at multiplayer, yeah?
The game is fully integrated with online elements. :) So technically you can play through the whole campaign alone, but there's no single player mode in traditional meaning of this term. But probably Colif can provide more details because he already actually played the game. :D
The campaign is more like "go to this location and kill this person" with a lot of killing along the way. Repeat.

But you can do it singleplayer and co-op. I got to level 11 and really enjoyed it. But I think playing with others is where the longevity lies. Or maybe higher level gear collecting.

I didn't play too much Diablo 3 endgame and I've not got too far in Diablo 4 to tell yet, but that's my hunch.


On a Journey
The campaign is more like "go to this location and kill this person" with a lot of killing along the way. Repeat.
That is the entire game. Though person might be a stretch.

From what I can tell, all the side quests are fetch quests. Better than go to this region and kill things until you get drops. Easier for lots of people to do at once.

So far only part of game that is single player was the 1st area. Dungeons are instances so they should just have you in them. Town is where I see more. Sometimes see people in wilderness.

Diablo has always been more multiplayer focus than single. At least, from my perspective. So it doesn't need to become like wow. Its main towns aren't designed for the crowds you could fit into Orgrimmar or whatever Alliance towns were called... never played them. Sacred 2 was the same, more weighed towards group play.

PC Gamer should do an article on the Memory leak as it might get Blizz to fix it if its being talked about, People on reddit thought it was GPU drivers but it happens with both AMD & Nvidia cards, so that is unlikely. Part of the game is asking for commitments and not giving the memory back when finished. You can run out of memory and still have ram, as it chews up Virtual memory, which is page file. It grew my page file from 5gb to 16gb yesterday. The most ram I saw in use by game was 17gb, I have 32gb so it should have had plenty to spare.
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On a Journey

Yes, if you play at 1440p and don't want a buggy freezing game.

shame comments on our articles don't come here... how do you get the attention of writers? I am not going to join Disquss just to comment on it.

PC Gamer should do an article on the Memory leak as it might get Blizz to fix it if its being talked about, People on reddit thought it was GPU drivers but it happens with both AMD & Nvidia cards, so that is unlikely. Part of the game is asking for commitments and not giving the memory back when finished. You can run out of memory and still have ram, as it chews up Virtual memory, which is page file. It grew my page file from 5gb to 16gb yesterday. The most ram I saw in use by game was 17gb, I have 32gb so it should have had plenty to spare.


On a Journey
PCG has a clan but I can't seem to figure out what its called.

This is why having discord and forums is so dumb, no one is on both really... ANd all comments going to a 3rd website really is dumb too.

I wouldn't mind being in one, at this rate I find a local Australian one... I did that in wow and Age of Conan.
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On a Journey
There aren't any regions as such. Its not even restricted to just PC

Unlike its predecessors, Diablo 4 will NOT be region-locked and will feature full cross-play support between all platforms the game is available on. What exactly does that mean in practice?

Essentially, a Diablo 4 player or Xbox One from North America will be able to party with a player on PS5 from Asia, and a PC gamer from the UK, for example.
So in that case, clans should be everywhere.


On a Journey
too many people playing lol. I was playing druid, it won't let him into 1st major hub... invisible wall stopping him getting in. Stupid game lost track of my quest progress. It was showing a marker for a quest I already finished, then it wouldn't show the map for where I was. I logged out and now can't get back on...
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On a Journey
I got bored. Could be the stages all look the same... muddy or snowy.. so far anyway. Some forests full of ghouls.

I was wrong about side quests... some are escort quests which is a pain... I will need to learn them. Once I know my way around I will take them. I have done one a few times now, I know it... but you can't tell and my guy auto accepts them... i would like a choice.

Game chews virtual memory. Not ram, but page file

it used 90% of virtual memory but max ram got to was 17gb. It shouldn't do that, I have 15gb free still.

So something in game slowly grows page file until you run out of commitments and windows crashes. You can run out of memory and have free ram.