Diablo 4

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On a Journey
It might depend on demand. I mean. if lots of people play game, they might not feel incentive to make it available on shop. If you only get so many via playing game, then its only a small advantage. I assume its account wide and not per character - though immortal did have things per character to maximise profit. If its per account, you only get so many. If its per character, you might have unlimited... provided you can share items between characters and delete characters to make space for new ones...
I would expect them to become available on shop once demand for game drops.

it also depends how the community reacts. They might want them on shop.

Still tossing up which version to get. A mount would be useful.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
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Community Contributor
Meanwhile the game receives a phenomenal review scores, but the reviewers didn't have access to microtransactions apparently: https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/diablo-iv/critic-reviews. Also the PC Gamer review is in progress: https://www.pcgamer.com/diablo-4-review-in-progress/.

This will probably convince the undecided, so the servers will die on the launch date for sure. :p The only question is how long it'll take for them to get the situation under control. The game has a quite favorable launch date. A lot of people will wait until weekend before playing it. So prepare for two death waves. :p One on June 6th and the second on June 9-11th. I wonder whether there will be an interval between these two dates that will allow to actually play the game. :D


On a Journey
Meanwhile the game receives a phenomenal review scores, but the reviewers didn't have access to microtransactions apparently
funny how review copies never have the bad stuff turned on. Lets give best possible impression and stab players as they run through door.

I hope they have enough servers that there won't be a line up for quests.

Sane me: I think I should give it time to see how it goes
Insane me: But its diablo... wipes drool from keyboard...
lucky insane me doesn't know about the pre order bonus

I hope sane me can win but I have my doubts. I might be somewhere between wave 1 & 2, as I am doing a course and not sleeping Tuesday night, while it is getting to be normal now, doesn't need the added bonuses of me wanting to play game instead... So maybe I survive until Wednesday afternoon before playing... or sitting in a queue

If it actually releases worldwide on 6th and not the 7th here like I expect... all bets are off lol. But I should resist and not be massively distracted by a game.

Part of me thinks I should just buy a 5800x3d now and not wait to see how it goes on a 6 core. Its needed performance for 1440p is unknown. GPU can run it in sleep.

edit: buys game, tries to pre install... its just sitting there calculating size. Looking around, seems it can take a while. Up to 5 minutes.

its about 46gb in size. I may have unticked the 4k texture packs but as I wasn't going to ever run it at 4k, I don't think I will miss them. FSR doesn't help when you can run monitor at its native res at full speed.

having game early just saves time on day its out.
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Community Contributor
Nothing bad in buying the game this early. After the reviews I'm seriously considering this myself. It's truly unique that an AAA game isn't riddled with bugs on release date. Solely for this fact it may deserve for a purchase early on. Damn, TBH I've already decided. I'll buy the game as well since I don't plan on buying Starfield and Stalker 2 on release dates. I keep my fingers crossed for non-invasive microtransactions as they promised. Looks like I'm another victim of the hype... :p And to think I could get the game for free if I waited with my GPU upgrade one month... ;)
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On a Journey
Star Failed will need patches... its a Bethesda game.

I was going to wait until next week but makes no difference when I get it, I can't play till 6th or later. Glad I don't buy many AAA games as I can't afford it. I remember buying PC games 20 years ago and having to judge what they might be based on cover art... since the there weren't many review sites back then - one of those games was Diablo 2, rest were forgotten. At least now I can normally watch reviews unless I jump too soon.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Still on the fence. I have almost 1K hours (much more if you consider the alts) in D3 so it is not like I don't like Diablo. I guess I am between buying it at launch or waiting a couple of weeks after launch to see what people say then. That would be the most logical way to go about it since I am unsure, but then again, it is DIABLO 4!!:) Maybe I have time to become famous and receive a review copy also. I heard rumors Brian Boru wanted to buy me a copy because he loves my green floppy ears.
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Star Failed

I kinda want it to be buggy just so i can call it this lol.

My family is making it a Diablo weekend. Ill be the only one out of us on right when it goes live, but hopefully by dinner that day itll be good so we can all dive in together.

Outside of the Destiny 2 expansion that dropped earlier this year, this is the only other game this year im planning on buying at full price, pre-ordered, for its early access (destinys was just to get destiny). Im ok with this, im hoping but not holding my breath that i can get in right away but i have already came to grips if i cant get in that weekend, i know the danger is there in spending money on something that wasnt fully promised, like most in life right?

For all those here on the fence, ill have a clan going and right now its just me my wife and son lol, if anyone here is flying solo we can link up! Sorry its the destiny clan leader in me


On a Journey
I heard rumors Brian Boru wanted to buy me a copy because he loves my green floppy ears.
grats on 1000 posts @DXCHASE

I think many people might have sore backsides sitting on that fence.

I hope they can resist making it into Immoral 2. I hope one cash cow is enough for them... They need to put down WOW soon. Its starting to smell from here.

I really need to look into character builds etc before I play... but 1st playthough will be blind anyway. I always miss things the 1st time. It can take a while.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
PCG [Patient Clever Gaming] Oversight Committee is reviewing pending membership applications.

Next full monthly meeting agenda:
1. Develop a 12-step Plan urgently.
2. AOB.

Maybe I have time to become famous and receive a review copy also. I heard rumors Brian Boru wanted to buy me a copy
Yeah, server was down when I tried to buy… shame, that :(

So go with the famous thing, piece of cake for a Dominar.


On a Journey
I find it easier to just ignore what people say outside of the reason I buy anything from them. I don't care what their opinion is on lots of things. It was bad enough when musicians did it. Now everyone has to comment on everything and I just don't care. It can be a turn off as the people who were going to buy your stuff may suddenly disagree with you for no real reason. Lots of people could learn to just not comment on things and we all be happier.


Community Contributor

You know, im already feeling kinda bad for giving blizzard money then Kotick goes and says the things he did in his propaganda-y vanity fair interview. Good thing i know there are good decent people working on games at the studio worth supporting.
I agree. It's a bad idea to punish majority of people because one person related to the studio said something stupid, even if it's a CEO.

Meanwhile the game is already in my library and on my SSD. I doubt that I'll manage to play it during the first week because of server problems, but... here I am! Joining the hype train! :)
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On a Journey
so far its frozen twice. It didn't want to play 1st cut scene and then I hit escape to get options and it froze again. I have only created a character so far.

not sure it likes me using a 6 core cpu, although minimum is 4 core, that isn't runnning graphics at max. I froze just levelling up. I waited and it unfroze but it feels like lag and I can already see myself dying from it if it happens mid fight.

freezing got better.

I really don't know who to play as. I normally start on Barb but I chose rogue. Not really a magic user, would have gone necro but they nerfed it. I swapped to Druid though I still don't like not knowing where I am going lol.

useful sites
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On a Journey
hitting escape still brings freeze. Opening any menu I haven't before causes freeze. Entering a dungeon and then reentering open world also make it think about it... so mainly zoning and menu use. I think its because characters stored online and I am not exactly close to them, even with 120mb/s dl speed.


Level 12 Necro. Pets not shown in photo. He is looking down, might need to take screenshot from load screen.

Necro still easier mode, all I have to do is keep summoning them when they die. That mainly happens on bosses. I play necro to see more of game and then backtrack.

Lots of things I don't understand still.

Already been taunted by players. I just ignore them. I probably need a better weapon but its not like I hit anything. Mostly ranged.

the action wheel, obviously for console players, was really hard to find in game. I had to cheer some guys in one quest, had to work out how to do it.

TH charts seem to lack one makers cards... I commented in thread.

With all the freezes, my avg FPS in D4 is 13.2. When its not frozen it runs fine. I hope they can fix the freeze, reminds me of another game that used to show a load screen on entering houses, drove me mad. But that was on hdd, not nvme.

Afterburner shows speed it runs when not frozen

loading screens run at 30.

One complaint, its really hard to see a white cursor in the snow. I kept not being sure where it was on screen, not handy when being attacked. It should be set to inverse. Its how I have my mouse.
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Community Contributor
hitting escape still brings freeze. Opening any menu I haven't before causes freeze. Entering a dungeon and then reentering open world also make it think about it... so mainly zoning and menu use. I think its because characters stored online and I am not exactly close to them, even with 120mb/s dl speed.
These are complete game freezes that force to close the game or only a second or two performance freezes?

Edit: Ok, I've read the rest of the post. So these are performance freezes.
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On a Journey
5 minutes to load a stage isn't a 1 or 2 second performance freeze.

it might be me being in Australia that is cause. Not sure its my PC as such.

some times I think its frozen just for it to come back.

Game is totally fine until I open a menu or transition between maps. No problems in combat.

note: seems freezes might be caused by me not downloading the high res texture pack. So I get that now, another 40gb. It helps on 1440p which is what I am running.

not sure i like all the cut scenes. Guess I watch them once and skip from then on. Wonder if there is an option to turn them off once you completed campaign once.

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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I am not exactly close to them, even with 120mb/s dl speed
They surely have a CDN in Oz, probably Sydney.

white cursor in the snow
Should be a setting somewhere to use your Windows mouse.

5 minutes to load a stage isn't a 1 or 2 second performance freeze
Nor is it an optimization issue, that's too long. Check if your GPU vendor has a D4 driver patch.

characters stored online
What else is stored online? That's probably the issue, servers aren't behaving yet.

Seems nuts they don't store it all locally, is there a reason for only online?
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Community Contributor
Seems nuts they don't store it all locally, is there a reason for only online?
Characters stored locally in an online only game? :) This would open the road to manual modification of characters and lots of hacks that would ruin the experience for other players. Diablo 3 and Diablo 2 Resurrected in online mode also store characters on the servers. The latter has an offline mode though in which the characters are stored locally.