Diablo 4

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Is anyone here thats going to play D4 have a clan started? I was thinking about bringing my Destiny 2 clan name over to D4 but i dont know if many of them are going to play it. If there isnt anyone here thats going to make a clan or bring friends from one over, you are all welcome to join mine! (PCG staff too ;)!)


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Tried the Open Beta last night and uninstalled it after leveling sorc to max level 20 (5 levels down from the last beta) Combat was not the same as last time as it felt slower and less hard-hitting even with most of the same skills. The character could mitigate more damage but that does not really help when you can't dish out.

Legendaries drop much less overall and the same with rares, so that made it more boring to progress since you had to upgrade already bad gear. Yes, it is beta, and yes most will get balanced out since they obviously nerfed too much this time but it makes you wonder about a lot of things this close to release.

I see a lot of positives with the game, but unfortunately, the negative is overshadowing it as of now. Something does not sit right for me so I will be a little patient and place my buttock on the fence. If my assumptions prove wrong then it is a big win for the consumers, a win for the company in keeping their integrity, and a win for me because then I'll most definitely jump in the game.


On a Journey
Legendaries drop much less overall and the same with rares, so that made it more boring to progress since you had to upgrade already bad gear. Yes, it is beta, and yes most will get balanced out since they obviously nerfed too much this time but it makes you wonder about a lot of things this close to release.
Legendary drop rate back to how it should be. They not meant to drop like candy. They meant to be rare.

nerfed necro pets, they not face rolling now. Actually need to summon them more. Druid appears to do more damage now. I am not playing, just watching reactions.
Tried the Open Beta last night and uninstalled it after leveling sorc to max level 20 (5 levels down from the last beta) Combat was not the same as last time as it felt slower and less hard-hitting even with most of the same skills. The character could mitigate more damage but that does not really help when you can't dish out.

Were you a necromancer? Thats the only class ive heard complaints about because the summons die quicker now or something.

Druids buff is very noticeable to me, the earth elements deal a lot more dmg than last time.

Loving the beta, fighting ashava in a minute here. Join my clan The Forth Wall ;)


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Legendary drop rate back to how it should be. They not meant to drop like candy. They meant to be rare.
I'm ok with them dropping less, but not dropping at all with the exception of the story-based ones is bad. Even the curiosities vendor does not seem to drop any. The point as I see it with the legendaries is that you can extract the legendary powers and use that on good rolled yellow items. If both yellow and legendaries drop less, then you will have a sucky time progressing. I want to be able to somewhat optimize my items early on and not just race to the endgame.

Were you a necromancer? Thats the only class ive heard complaints about because the summons die quicker now or something.
Druids buff is very noticeable to me, the earth elements deal a lot more dmg than last time. Loving the beta, fighting ashava in a minute here. Join my clan The Forth Wall ;)
I have not played the other classes this beta, last beta I tried all with the exception of the 7dmg druid. I played lightning sorc on veteran this beta and it did not feel good at all. It just felt sloooow since nothing dropped that I could actually use for my character and skills did not feel hard-hitting. The one yellow staff that I could have used I got as a lvl 12 (had to brag about that) against three lvl 21 elites (very "rare" elite spawn the event was called") which of course had that staff drop as a lvl 21 staff...

If D4 launches with success, I'll throw in a clan invite:) I'm waiting to see that the 70bucks will be an investment I can stand behind.

Enjoy the new Ashava bling!
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If D4 launches with success, I'll throw in a clan invite:) I'm waiting to see that the 70bucks will be an investment I can stand behind.

Enjoy the new Ashava bling!

Nice! Ill be in with early access with a couple people so would love to add ya!
Also, i didnt beat Ashava when i wrote that. I waited until the next appearance (6 AM EST) and, after had already lost 3 times prior trying to kill it, it finally dawned on me to go back and try to beat Ashava on WT 1 instead of 2 and huzzah!, Our team beat him in half the time lol.

As for the overall beta... i wound up only playing the Druid due to time constraints being mothers day weekend (in the US), and it has me second-guessing what character im going to start out with. I notice the druids buff, but it still feels underwhelming in big battles or against bosses. Transforming into werebears and wolves is fine enough, having some wolf allies helps too, but...not like Necromancers skellies do. We'll see, i like being a big hairy woodsman cause...thats what i am lol.


On a Journey
Skeletons got nerfed, it was only a matter of time. Why can't balancing ever go up in power, instead they pull out nerf hammer and beat the character that was good down to mediocre.

Its blizz, they constantly fiddle with characters.
its still the same.

that would be weird.

note: new skill tree looks strangely like POE. So much for being the innovators
Blizz hasn't been inovating since late 90s. They take what others have done and make it better, well used to anyway. WoW for example didn't do anything new but they did many things better than Everquest 2, Dark age of camelot etc. It dosn't have to be a bad thing, however i played diablo 4 in the first beta and i am personally not convinced it will be THE game for me this year.


Community Contributor
So we're closing to the release date and I'm quite undecided whether to buy the game. I watched the game on streams and generally disliked some of the elements. Graphics worse than in Diablo 2 Resurrected and combat feels a little underwhelming, but... I haven't played the game myself, so can't make a proper evaluation. Also the marketing campaign on Twitch doesn't convince me. They used some inferior pop music as a background... 😱


On a Journey
I not sure I like how muddy it all looks. and snowy... though beta didn't show much really.

I just sit on fence and see if any patches released after the official reviews are out turn it into Immortal 2. That is if I don't just go mad and buy it on first day as its Diablo (lol)

If I were to go mad...
given its release date is 6th June and unless they change since D3, that likely means 7th for me... I will be busy that day so no repeating D3 and waiting up all night to play it. Possibly get it late on 7th

Being 18 hours ahead of USA has its downsides. Really depends on if worldwide release happens at same time or is actually regional.

Need to see what classes are like now, they been all over the place prior to release. Necro went from face rolling to not killing anything. I usually start as Barb... I had a lvl 72 Barb in D2 long ago, so I start there... rogue looks interesting.

Not sure I like the open world aspect. World bosses feels so wow.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Is there an actual single player mode or campaign in D4? From what I've seen and read, it seems like this game is made, and balanced, for groups of players rather than the single player. I loved Diablo 1 & 2, but there was always a solid single player mode separate from the online play. Never played Diablo 3, though I picked it up on a package deal when I bought D2 Resurrected (which was probably a waste of money for me).

It seems like the developer has shifted away from single players and concentrated on multiplayer. I'm not knocking it, as I know a lot of people love that type of game, but that type of play just isn't for me.
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On a Journey
I assume there is a campaign but its likely set up in a way that multiple people can play together.
I don't think there is a single player mode as such. D3 was online only at start, seems they want to keep it that way with D4 since its open world. Can't have people not see everyone elses shiny and not want to buy it from store...

we don't know enough yet. Surely review copies are out there by now. I hope we know something before day its out... always a bad sign if they sit on it before then. I don't like buying blind.


Community Contributor
Is there an actual single player mode or campaign in D4?
I'm 99% sure that you can play and finish the game solo. You'll need help from other players to defeat some optional bosses. Besides that, from what I heard, the game relies heavily on story. Another single player feature. Although keep in mind that there's probably no offline mode. You have to stay online the whole time.


On a Journey
I don't like buying blind.
Irony is I bought my current GPU without reading any reviews on it... worst part is I would still be waiting for reviews but anyway. I spent 1600 on a card but I stall on paying whatever Diablo 4 is now... I haven't really looked
$110 for standard edition
$140 for Deluxe Edition
$155 for Ultimate edition...

and people in US complain about 70 lol. Its been a long time since a AAA game been that much here.

It seems release date is 6th June, I thought it was sooner. I will think about buying it next week.

I didn't realise the cosmetics that come with game are for other games

I haven't played a game with a battle pass in it before, what is it exactly?

seems its just cosmetics for the game... the thing to make others spend more.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
$110 for standard edition … people in US complain about 70 lol
It's slightly cheaper in Oz:

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Community Contributor
I haven't played a game with a battle pass in it before, what is it exactly?
Basically you progress in player level (that is separate from your character level) and gain cosmetics related stuff as a reward. There will be free battle pass and paid battle pass. If Blizzard reassurance will become a reality both will reward the player only with cosmetic items. The paid one will simply reward you with more. Think of it like a player progression system in Starcraft 2. You received player icons and other stuff for progressing. Some games reward paid battle pass players with gameplay changing features, but this will not be the case in Diablo 4, unless Blizzard does something stupid in the future. Right now the hype is quite high and almost everyone forgot about Diablo Immortal pay to win mechanisms. It's Blizzard's turn not to ruin this trust once again...
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On a Journey
oh i get it. so free gets 17 levels as a look at what you could get if you paid more hint, and can see the premium rewards on their page but won't ever get them... more incentive to pay. Premium get a gift every level.

There are also XP boosts in there as well, as that levelling thing really sucks right... no one actually wants to play game, it all about end game... you know, the mode that never existed in this game type before POE. I like levelling up, it doesn't all have to be about boss killing.

Its wow lite. What you expect from a company where most of the people who made first 2 games are long gone and they just have mmo staff now.
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Community Contributor
oh i get it. so free gets 17 levels as a look at what you could get if you paid more hint, and can see the premium rewards on their page but won't ever get them... more incentive to pay. Premium get a gift every level.

There are also XP boosts in there as well, as that levelling thing really sucks right... no one actually wants to play game, it all about end game... you know, the mode that never existed in this game type before POE. I like levelling up, it doesn't all have to be about boss killing.

Its wow lite. What you expect from a company where most of the people who made first 2 games are long gone and they just have mmo staff now.
It'll be more or less as you describe it. Let's hope the XP boosts won't be available through battle pass, but who knows? Blizzard promised a lot of things in the past that never got realized, so we have to be cautious.
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On a Journey
Let's hope the XP boosts won't be available through battle pass

Yes, it is.

Season Boosts are one of the primary draws of the Diablo 4 Battle Pass. You can use Season Boosts to accelerate XP gains and level characters more quickly.

When it comes to Season Boosts, it's important to note that you cannot buy Battle Pass Tiers to unlock Season Boosts faster. To get Season Boosts, you actually have to earn them by playing Diablo 4 and advancing through the Season Journey. Also, you cannot purchase Season Boosts outright in the in-game shop.

The devs stress that pay-to-win aspects will not be a part of Diablo 4, and in a post-launch content stream, the devs confirmed that power will not be added through Premium Tiers.
from link in previous post