SO lets see
rFantic is in Hell on the final quest. He is fun in hell.
I decided to make a lightning mage and although she beat Anderial it was the closest fight I have had against her and the stickiest I have had since the assassin beat Mephisto. I was out of potions entirely at end. ALready question her future at end of chapter 2. CHain lightning won't work well against durial, maybe I lvl up nova instead for a while. She is early there too. lvl 17. Impatient to get ahead lol. ALmost killed her, she considered going backwards to chapter 1 and grinding to 18.
Big lesson today: the damage charms don't help sorceress Spells. Most of the charms in game are meaningless to her. I noticed when I added some to her and it only did weapon damage. I wonder if the +1 damage items are same, weapon damage, not spell damage. Only ones she needs are extra life, and resistances. Later on I believe there are choices.
So I thought, My paladin needs a chance. Main reason I wasn't playing him was a shield and I have a runed shield now. He hasn't really progressed much tonight, he needed a few levels to be able to equip some of the stuff I have for him, for about half a level my merc was wearing the armour he is now.
He now in plate and his biggest problem is hitting things, although his main attack has a higher hit chance than his basic, and does way more damage. Its not even close in the damage leagues
he doesn't have enough mana regen to use it all the time. Most characters have this problem. Barb laughs and asks what mana is for. I call the small health potions Tomato juice, something to drink in the morning, I rarely use them for their real purpose in game.
Funny thing is all his fire and lightning resist is on 1 item. not that he cares, he has a buff that can max fire, cold or lightning to 80 if need be. Only thing he can't buff out of is poison, hence gear gives him 75.
spending points on the resistances isn't a waste of points as they are all a synergy with my mian attack and add damage to it. So I have many ways to improve his damage besides adding directly to main move. But I think I only have so many points to play with so best hope for +all skills items. Already had a few.
His defence is low, my Lightning mage is almost the same( thinks... she is wearing 1 full set and 3 parts of another, no wonder her defence is high, it hurt her dps) Resistance is a different story.
All his charms were haphazard, no actual damage types in there so I stacked him with fire. All the ones I have only use 1 slot so easy to handle. I try to avoid grand charms unless they add a lot. Such as 1-20 lightning. I am learning as I go, wasn't until fury barb I thought to use 1 damage type instead of all of them. Funny watching things die from poison after you hit them, especially those little things that run around in desert/Hell.
Hardest part is mana. I always wondered what point of the aurus were if you can only have 1 active affect. left mouse button... slaps self. If that doesn't work I just let him use the set I have. Prefer to do it without it though. If I ever get to next difficulty I won't be using that set.
OMG, It makes sense now... i just set it in game, but he will be drinking mana pots like nothing else now. He has set Vengence to left mouse and all other moves on right button, so he can set cold to 75 and go face palm Durial. He might need some anti freeze stats though, or at least half freeze duration.
I think one of his auras regens mana so it keeps him topped up . I just need to get to lvl 30 to get that one. So he only had the basic attack until lvl 18 and before that mana wasn't used for anything, and 3 levels later he was still a struggle. He also needed to borrow gear of others to have a chance.
Main moves don't happen to 30, but mid to late game he gets strong. Might be why sorc so hard to get started as later they destroy. Lightning sorc is great at clearing rooms... makes me wonder about durial as he single target. She lacks single target.
He is at last step of chapter 2 so its just a matter of going in right dungeon, 7 to choose from, I know which is right but loot... I clear them all a few times. Depends on how hard they are to clear. Ran away from one room tonight, I could see it was full before I went in. Merc died in first encounter in one of them... I looked at his armor, he now wearing almost as good as me. Between us we using 6 runewords. I have 4 of them. (I am moving gear between characters so much I lose track of them).
Wonder how long before I see 4 socket items, he really needs this - I have the runes you need.
This still makes me sad just looking at it. Guess I can give it to my other amazon for ranged ability and vendor prices lol
I would lend it to Mainer if I could. My bowazon would have slaughtered with that... sigh. Might make a hybrid that uses both javelin and ranged.
no exciting finds today, even using the gloves I found yesterday. Anderial dropped rubbish.
interesting idea: The only character I have made that had more money than the bank did is a Frenzy barb who never bought any mana potions. At one stage he had more money but I put the balance of another character into bank and now its 460k. I don't know how much gold I have in total. I just leave it the characters for most part, I think assassin may have made more still. She gave 100k to bank before. fRantic on about 350k. I have a few over 200k. One wasted some gambling trying to get boots.
Or could be he still has his imbue quest free and its not dropping really good white gear you see after imbuing some crap. I hate how imbue removes the stats that are on gear, it is great at breaking weapons. My mage I made tonight wasted hers already.
today was try to get the 2 slow classes further into game. Most of them are at least in chapter 3 now.
Amazon - Chapt 4
Assassin - chapter 4
Barb - chapter 4
Druid - Chapter 3
Necro - who?
Paly - Chapter 2
Sorc - chapter 2.
One day I work out how to get a Necro past Durial. My highest one is now my gem stone convertor. Some one needs to make them perfects. He can use his inventory space for everyone. But Paly and one day, a Sorc will get into chapter 3.
Made new character called runes just to store my duplicates. Bottom 2 rune varieties are so common. I should make gem converter convert them as well.
I turned music down as I got sick of music in Jungle. Sad as the Chapter 2 music is cool.
multiple edits later. shouldn't post when tired

If I missed any, deal with it.