So many characters, started one called Mage supplies... thought, wonder if I have any necro stuff there... I had forgotten I even got this
He just happens to have reached lvl 14
and uses those things.
game been trying to kill him already, that just make it worse. Seems wearing uniques drives game into trying really hard to kill you. It tries to convince you its not worth the effort some times. It goes a little nuts if you equip a RalOrtTal sheild as that one shield makes it hard for it to hurt some characters. Its what one barb hides behind. rarely takes any damage. Just need to increase damage
Amazon now does up to 653 damage on one hit. No wonder they steal her mana.
I was looking for a chest peice for my bear. I would prefer them all to have their own. My lvl 31 Barb stole his from the trap assassin. She took one look at hell and said pass. Maybe I try her one day. Want to get the melee one there first. She needs 1 more lvl to up her dps by a lot.
I have made a few of the chests recently so there should be some around. The runes fall more often than the items to put them in. Game refused to offer one barb anything better than 60 defense when he was in 210. It must have been based on item level, not fact it was a set item and getting boosted by other items. He now wearing another set. He has no intention of swapping any time soon.
The only characters who have found anything like plate are the women.... Barbs found nothing like that. Neither has paly... but he needs a way to make monsters notice him in battles. He needs same rune word the sword I made has. It only works in scepters and swords. There is a paly scepter type I rarely see and he wants a 3 socket one of those. I haven't seen any socketeable ones. Maybe I should look in Durance of Hate more often.
note: it turns out Paly actually wants sword not mace, he needs a high speed weapon to use the effectively use his attack. Great, was hard enough to find one 3 socket war sword, but now I made it I have seen more war swords so maybe I might. I might let him use it and see if it makes any difference.
Still only seen one 3 socket helm. Had to give one barb a magic find amulet as he was finding nothing. No point farming hell if all you get is potions.
He just happens to have reached lvl 14

and uses those things.
game been trying to kill him already, that just make it worse. Seems wearing uniques drives game into trying really hard to kill you. It tries to convince you its not worth the effort some times. It goes a little nuts if you equip a RalOrtTal sheild as that one shield makes it hard for it to hurt some characters. Its what one barb hides behind. rarely takes any damage. Just need to increase damage
Amazon now does up to 653 damage on one hit. No wonder they steal her mana.
I was looking for a chest peice for my bear. I would prefer them all to have their own. My lvl 31 Barb stole his from the trap assassin. She took one look at hell and said pass. Maybe I try her one day. Want to get the melee one there first. She needs 1 more lvl to up her dps by a lot.
I have made a few of the chests recently so there should be some around. The runes fall more often than the items to put them in. Game refused to offer one barb anything better than 60 defense when he was in 210. It must have been based on item level, not fact it was a set item and getting boosted by other items. He now wearing another set. He has no intention of swapping any time soon.
The only characters who have found anything like plate are the women.... Barbs found nothing like that. Neither has paly... but he needs a way to make monsters notice him in battles. He needs same rune word the sword I made has. It only works in scepters and swords. There is a paly scepter type I rarely see and he wants a 3 socket one of those. I haven't seen any socketeable ones. Maybe I should look in Durance of Hate more often.
note: it turns out Paly actually wants sword not mace, he needs a high speed weapon to use the effectively use his attack. Great, was hard enough to find one 3 socket war sword, but now I made it I have seen more war swords so maybe I might. I might let him use it and see if it makes any difference.
Still only seen one 3 socket helm. Had to give one barb a magic find amulet as he was finding nothing. No point farming hell if all you get is potions.
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