SO I told game, I will swap shields if you give me a unique or better shield than I have
It gave me this
I didn't swap but I thought, I have that chest piece somewhere and when I found It I realized I had seen it at least 4 times and got to point of selling it. Still had it, not worth swapping to.
Game bug: If you set your F1 keys at any time, it remembers... great, but if you change, it only remembers the previous ones. I keep finding bash as an option and I don't want to use it. I hate the mana draining ghosts in hell. I never have any
Game refuses to give him any Armour choices that aren't crap 46 defense bs. He doesn't actually need any, but so far the only character who ever found any plate with 2 sockets was the assassin. Everyone else gets nothing. He wearing 2 parts of a set and the chest is actually 210 defense which is above anything else I have. I guess he wrong person to farm for new armour.
And its pretending like good swords don't exist too. I have better swords but I need mana on kill, on them, to stop having to use potions all day. Guess I should stop being reluctant to buy them but he also has no gold find or magic find so its slow going. Maybe I send out my Axe user and see if he finds any swords
Curent sword gives mana on kill but its damage sucks. And game just offering him same sort of swords he already has, It should be offering war swords by now. 2 or 3 sockets, I have a rune word for each... better than I have used before.
I gave him a war sword but I drink potions too much. Need to find a 16 slot belt that doesn't just have 1 stat on it.
Found 1st triple socket helm tonight. Only 5 runewords for helms, a starter newbie one at 13, 2 that use a rune I haven't seen yet and 2 that are lvl 51 or higher, so I guess I could put gems in it and make the helm better than one I have now... hmm. I need to swap but its 27 poison resistance is noticed when its not there.
Found charm with 21 Fire resistance on it. That is a keeper.
Who ever designed some rooms never ran the mercenaries through them as they stupid and will try to run through walls when there is a door just a little away but since they try t run directly at you I want to stab them in the face, too often... they make me question their intelligence and lack of understanding what doors do.
Certain things in hell are honey to mercenaries and they can't stop selves breaking them almost always leading to a fight... which i can't let them fight alone or I pay 5k to resurrect them again. He needs more fire resitance really... and a brain. Already died once tonight, only other time that happened was when I sent on out in blues. He isn't in blues.
they are a mixed blessing. I feel its intentional as otherwise I wouldn't get into crap all the time. If you could set them to just follow, it would be great. Half the time they fail at that too... the door thing, areas of the sewers under Kurast Bazaar too. If I am just leaving a dungeon and they can't run through a wall, I just leave them there and know they appear as soon as I exit. Shame they randomly disappear just before a boss pack. Whose side are they on again?
He was no use against Izual, I had to fight it for a change.
Not all bad, Amazon got an upgrade
She doesn't throw hers but the one hand is better than she had. Might play her tomorrow, she is missing a few parts. they all share parts, I need to stop that. Only 1 lvl 31 is immune to it. I decided if they get that far they don't share anymore. Need to find more boots/belts in general.