some jewels can add damage to weapons, so not all bad. Think I am just down on them as I only seen low lvl ones.
Got 2 characters through to Hell today, 2nd Barb who was inevitable, and
who wasn't really planned but every time I play her I have to remember how, and she likes hell, more than my new Barb does anyway. Might be her 51% fire resistance which is her lowest resist right now. She way over 75 in lightning. Hardest problem with her is mana. MIght be her ability to wipe entire packs if she does have mana
She up to Diablo like my other Barb is
High council easy if you kite them away and don't fight 3 at once + minions. Mephisto was easy after them, merc didn't even die from poison which is a first.
Barb got to hell and all the demons ganged up on his merc and killed him almost right away... I was like.. why.
Guess I should get assassin through or play someone else. I need better runes before I can make the shield the pally needs (my excuse). I could play my mage, forget where she is up to.
So far its only melee in Hell. Guess I should try to change that.
several hours pass...
she had a fun time on Mephisto but the council were easy - I took my advice and fought them one at a time. Fire based attacks in chapter 4 shouldn't work really but they sort of do.
Assassin isn't melee, she doesn't do a lot of damage with claws but traps are her thing.
Not sure who next into Hell is. I tried Pally again, he seems squishy. He at least got past the stage he was stuck in. Needs better gauntlets. Seems a common problem actually. Think I still need to find a better paly weapon for him to actually hurt things, often the mobs will attack my merc as she does more damage. He kept the archer figuring don't need two paly buffs... and ranged when he isn't helps.
Paly can actually do damage, he just lacks the mana to use his main attack constantly. he can 1 hit kill things with vengence, but he can't use it all the time. Not yet...must need gear or something still. its just his build, almost all his main skills are lvl 30... maybe i just grind chapter 2 for a while. He might not hit chapter 3 much before 30. Or I play others and hope to find better stuff for him.
I want to try another Druid build, Maul bear is sort of boring. Its not hard tro play. just uninteresting
Amazon seems most likely to meet Diablo first. Her resistances are perfectly suited to area she is in, only stress is mana. I don't seem much mana leech gear, maybe that is use for gem stones. Skulls in swords leech life & mana. I don't like the damage range of one of her attacks, 1 to 540. I wish I could boost the minimum. Too much range. No idea how many 1's I get. I don't use that attack anyway, I have better choices. I used that skill to buff another.
I tried my original Necro again, basically relearn him and give his summons 1 skill he had ignored, resistances. Boost that a few lvls maybe to see if they can survive the cold on Durial. I also have 2 parts of a set for him but he needs to be lvl 25 to use one part. So he isn't in a rush either.
I have a pair of Demon leather gloves I want to imbue, Defence of 33 before being imbued.
just need to get someone to kill that guy again, current character near area struggling to even start the zone. She might need a few more lvls. Ice mage.