PCG Article Four recent PCG articles relating to the RPG genre


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
1- Existing owners won't get The Outer Worlds' new fancypants edition for free, but there's a hefty discount | PC Gamer

I played Outer Worlds and the 2 DLCs after it finally came to Steam, and for the most part I enjoyed it, but I was never really immersed in it as I was in previous Obsidian games. Overall, the story & companion interactions felt a bit shallow to me, and the combat & AI (companion & enemy) just wasn't very engaging and overly simplistic, and I've never really felt the need to replay it, as I would for most Obsidian games that I've played.

This Spacer's Choice remaster appears to primarily be for improved graphics, weather effects, and a level cap increase; none of which the game really needed (in my opinion). And then to charge $60 dollars for the game, or $10 if you already own the base game + DLCs, seems a bit extreme to me. If it were free, like The Witcher 3 remaster was for existing owners, I'd probably try it out, at least for awhile.

Graphics were the least of the game's issues:

Spacers Choice update news from Steam:

2- This gruesome RPG is combining biological horror with the claustrophobic labyrinths of PC gaming's past | PC Gamer

Very reminiscent, in style & UI, of the old Ultima Underworld, Wizardry, and Might & Magic games. I love it when game developers take a chance like this, emulating and older style in a new game.

3- The Witcher remake studio is also making an isometric RPG with turn-based combat | PC Gamer

I love the graphical style and the fact that it's a turn-based isometric RPG, though I'm unsure at this point as to the gameplay. Fools Theory (developer) definitely has some experience in working on 3D Projekt's RPGs, so I'm hopeful that they can make their own.

4- Skyrim mod adds AI voice acting for all the Dragonborn's dialogue | PC Gamer

A Skyrim mod article, but more importantly (to me) is to see how the AI tech is slowly infiltrating into gaming, for mod authors as well as game studios. I'm exited as to the possibilities of what companion mods will eventually be capable of. I think eventually we may want to have a section dedicated to AI articles/news, though it's probably too soon for that now.

PS: I originally meant to post this in the RPG section, but messed up. Maybe one of you moderators can move it there?
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Hibernaculum looks really good in principle. At the time those types of Pre Win 95 dungeon crawlers were really popular my main experience of those was watching an older neighbour play them on his 386. Stuff like Waxworks and Elvira. Playing a modern take on one of those for myself appeals. The guys other stuff seems to be well thought of,

but adventure games are not for me so I'll have to take everyones word for it. Like the art style though.

Thaumaturge goes straight on the wishlist though, every name mentioned in the article has made something that I like. Sounds like a Steam Punk Shadowrun. Really liked those games, but Harebrained schemes combat always felt to me just a little unpolished. If Fools Theory can nail the atmosphere and the combat is close to the standard of the other games theyve worked on then it could be very good.
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Community Contributor
Thaumaturge goes straight on the wishlist though, every name mentioned in the article has made something that I like. Sounds like a Steam Punk Shadowrun. Really liked those games, but Harebrained schemes combat always felt to me just a little unpolished. If they can nail the atmosphere and the combat is close to the standard of the other games theyve worked on then it could be very good.
Huh? Harebrained is doing a different game - that Lamplighters thing. I'm not sure if that's even an RPG.


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