Diablo 2 Resurrected

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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
It's fully playable as a single player game. No co-op needed. You still have to be always online though to play it. I think that Diablo 2: Resurrected will require a constant connection as well. Anyway D3 is worth these $20. I can confirm it because I decided to buy this package as well. :)

Edit: Pre-load on PC is already available!

Thanks! I bought the bundle last night, I figure for $20 additional I can't go wrong, even if I don't love it.

D2R drops in 2 minutes my time! Im excited, wifey and i gonna play it cooperatively. If anyone does want to do some coop just lmk! Returning to tristram....

Yeah, I'm preloading now; but gods it's slow. Sitting at 76% at the moment. East coast time unlock is at 11:00 AM, so I should be able to play once it's finished downloading. Not thrilled about the online only bit, but I'll just deal with it. This game is a legend.

As a side note for anyone that's used Battlenet before (this is my 1st time), is there a key to take screen shots? Like in Steam we use the F12 key, is there something similar in Battlenet?
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Yeah, I'm preloading now; but gods it's slow. Sitting at 76% at the moment. East coast time unlock is at 11:00 AM, so I should be able to play once it's finished downloading. Not thrilled about the online only bit, but I'll just deal with it. This game is a legend.

Surprise! The game has an offline mode! You can play it without the requirement of constant connection to the internet. It probably requires to connect to Blizzard servers on every launch though.

As a side note for anyone that's used Battlenet before (this is my 1st time), is there a key to take screen shots? Like in Steam we use the F12 key, is there something similar in Battlenet?

The screenshots should be saved in the appropriate folder when pressing PrintScreen: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/28230.


On a Journey
internal battle
1 side: Its diablo 2, buy it now
other side: don't buy games before you seen what they like... wait for reviews by people you trust.

its not out for a few more hours, hind sight tells me servers won't be ready first week? I seen this before.
I need to remember how to play, 20 years ago I knew but now? I be starting again and not sure who to play.

Only videos I watched of this in last 10 years have been speed runs and well, they don't play everything, just what needs to be done.

In the past I played Barb as my PC was crap and a barb could take more hits while PC is lagging. I don't think I will have that problem this time. So not sure who to play as. In D3 I really didn't have a fav class.
Well the server issues are annoying and, like many blizzard games, its a bad start for servers, but i expected this, ive been able to play offline though. Ive had this pre ordered for a while and i knew then that i wouldnt probably invest as much time as i did on the original but its a nice remake to me. But i dont feel bad for the "i took off work for this !?!" crowd because thats just not understand how most games nowadays are on launch day.


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Yep, there are problems with servers. But I expected that on the launch day (and it'll be probably the same in the upcoming weekend). Basically I can log in to the menu and create an online character, but can't create a game afterwards. I played more than two hours in offline mode though and the game is great. :) Thankfully we don't have a repeat from Warcraft 3 Reforged. Once the servers are up and running I won't have any doubts that this game was a good investment.


On a Journey
i bought it earlier, its really dark (guess it is night time) but its not often I have to play in dark to see things.

I played offline, I was going to anyway.

taking time, not in a rush to finish.


Died once already, sorceress was a glass cannon. sux you have to go find body lol. with no armor on. I just made another one. I like shared stash, its where i keep all my money now.

Going to have to look into builds I guess.


On a Journey
I wish there was more zoom lvls, guess you get used to a closer view of characters in other games, only place you see them really is loading screen. Makes me wonder why people complain about the Amazon, you don't see enough detail to care most of time, only on the Character select screen.

I wish it wasn't so dark. lighting. Really, I prefer not to have to turn lights off to see things, i could adjust settings but I could see the grey diablo picture on settings screen, but sometimes in game I have to sit in dark to see anything.

Found builds, realized I needed to start again. New Barb already past the last one.

Wonder if I get sick of the Jungle stage, that was what killed my desire to want to keep playing 20 years ago. got tired of the graphics
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Surprise! The game has an offline mode! You can play it without the requirement of constant connection to the internet. It probably requires to connect to Blizzard servers on every launch though.

The screenshots should be saved in the appropriate folder when pressing PrintScreen: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/28230.

That was a huge & pleasant surprise for me, being able to play offline for the single player game! That made my day. I also found that PrintScreen will take screen shots, but thanks for letting me know as I've never used Battlenet before. I've been using the Nvidia Overlay for screenshots (ALT + F1), both feel a bit awkward, and I know I'm going to die at some point just because I'm trying to take a screen shot.


I haven't gotten very far yet (only level 6), but man, those old feelings are back. That dark-gritty-death around every corner feeling. The music and sound effects are such a huge part of D2.

I wish there was more zoom lvls, guess you get used to a closer view of characters in other games, only place you see them really is loading screen. Makes me wonder why people complain about the Amazon, you don't see enough detail to care most of time, only on the Character select screen.


Yeah, the "F" key for one level of zoom I didn't really like. I find myself constantly trying to use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in/out. Funny how we get used to different controls in newer games. I also forgot that potions/scrolls don't stack, don't remember that being an issue when I played years ago, so I'm sure I'll adapt. The huge stash is great though, and being able to save equipment for other characters we create is nice.


On a Journey
scroll wheel actually goes through your skills that you have set a Function hot key too , i discovered that tonight. I was trying to work out how you access more than 1 attack at a time, scroll just means I have to not accidentally use that button elsewhere.

First time I play ANY game I am blind the 1st run through and don't notice anything. It improves with time

think i let game play itself for a while, only things I have to kill by myself are the summoners as game doesn't target them for me, it goes after minions and you won't get anywheere doing that. At least resurrected is in a build were skeletons actually do damage.


See what I mean about too dark.

huge stash... 4 tabs. LOL, I played TL2, I had 20 tabs and still ran out of space. At least there doesn't appear to be a character limit so I just make 1 character for charms, 1 for gems, etc. I am not that organised yet. TL2 threw legendaries at me though, I can't see that happening in D2

Maybe If I play at 720p I will be able to see some detail on character?
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On a Journey
I wonder if its intentional or a bug. Every stash has its own bank, even the 3 shared ones have a different amount? Really small edge cases where having 3 different bank totals on 1 account makes sense?

I cheated and altered the darkness so I don't have to be in complete darkness to see what is happening


Community Contributor

See what I mean about too dark.

Maybe the developers were afraid of being accused that the game is not dark enough after Diablo 3? :D I like the new style of D2 though. The developers didn't go on any compromises when comes to atmosphere. It's as gloomy as the original although the general style is a little different. But it was hard to avoid this when transferring the whole game to a 3D engine.

I've chosen Sorceress for my first playthrough and I'm playing offline for now. My subsequent plathroughs (which are certain) will be probably online.
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On a Journey
I got a Necromancer all the way to 2nd act boss and he killed my adds like they weren't there and I had no chance then. When you play a summons build and boss shatters them. what chance do you have? Guess game was pretty easy until that point. MY onlky concern before fight was, will I fit all the drops in my bags... guess I was rushing it.
Sad, he had some nice gear.

Not real sure I like the fact you lose all your gear and everything when you die, its like... yes, I will run back to a boss room and get all my gear, I am sure he will let me put it all on before he kills me again.

I was hoping my merc would tank it for me.
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I discovered something yesterday that I'd completely forgot about: upgrading the equipment your hireling has. I kept wondering why Gwinni kept dying so fast, then right clicked on her image. What a difference that made. I know hirelings are pretty much cannon fodder in boss battles, but I always like having one.


Also, prepare to see this message frequently:

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On a Journey
i was wrong about dying, a dead body will be at feet when you resurrect, its got all your equipment on it. relieved as he had 3 set pieces on (2 of 1 set, 1 of another) so I gave the 2 parts to Barb and I see if I can get farther. I will take notice of resistances. I will use him as a bank for gems, he had them all already. Those 4 tabs didn't last me long

might use necro as a farmer, need to figure out how to get past Duriel with pet build. He in a good place to farm runes at least, Chapter 2.

Barbarian: The game is throwing area 3 (Jungle) mobs at me in Area 1, guess since champion groups die so fast it has to cheat. ratmen, little guys with big knives. I don't miss them and its been 20 years. Could be his gear too. I am prepareing him for the future, 30 poison resist for 1st boss, then build up cold, I don't remember the jungle exactly.

Need to look up rune words, though I only have 4 runes. Of all the things in game, I think the runes look the best. I have 1 useful rune, rest are so so.

So max cash in a tab is 2.5 million so I wonder if thats account limit or just a tab, as that would explain why there are different totals. If you can have max on 10 million on a character (personal tab + 3 bank ones) then I won't be getting there any time soon. Combined total of last 23 hours (I did sleep and um, not just play all day.,.. promise) is only 130k but I have tried almost every class today... almost, not played Amazon or Assassin yet. Collecting gear for a future one. Should make a bank up just for javelins and Bows. Found very little assassin gear.

not as dark now
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Community Contributor
And here's my Sorceress. :) I also had very little problems with the boss at the end of the first act. But second act is a lot harder. I've encountered severe resistance in the sewers of the starting location.



On a Journey

Full set bonus of Hsaures

Chapter 2 is where they hit you with in your resistances. Necromancer only noticed when he lost his army but he was 2nd last 2 die in that fight... merc was last. Shame he couldn't get any threat or anything built up on the boss. But anyway. Next person won't be thinking, do I have enough empty space in bag to take drops... no. well, not completely anyway :)

Paladin was going to break mold and have a different shield in his shot and then I went and found the 3rd part of that set, and I wanted to know what bonus was. Game seemed to be slow to notice I had +20% walking speed and now it has I wish it hadn't. His Armour was plain Jain white until I embued it with mallet and it now 133 defense and has poison resistances on it, one of the few resistances my paladin can't buff against. And so its the only resistance I stack, as With a buff that takes care of either fire, cold or Lighting, Poison is the only weakness I have until I get to lvl 30. That and lack of mana

Paladin build didn't even get an attack until lvl 18 and two of them are lvl 30 so he was slow going for a while. Had to rely on the spells on weapons to have anything to cast. Its all worked out as I spent points on resistance buffs and Vengence's attacks are buffed by those 3 resistance skills. So I went from doing no damage to lots at lvl 18. Just in time for me having to use a resistance buff to stay alive lol. One day...


Druid also through to chapter 2. Maybe 1 day I actually go further. Now only classes not in Chapter 2 are Sorc and she is almost there and Assassin who is still yet to do anything. Apart from fill her bank up with stuff she might use one day. Not sure about her builds. I have a list but I get there.

I hadn't noticed belt had that Defence buff on it, the shield does that too. Not sure abou8t boots. Hardest part is everyone alround same lvls so hard to find good gear if you the 6th character starting and people already equipped their mercs with yellow gear.
Jun 8, 2021
Been using assassin and dumping points in to traps. I just set down a couple wave of flame turrets and then go stand in the corner while they clear the room. Andarial went down super quick this way.


On a Journey
So all my characters are now running everywhere, I thought it was just the boots but its all of them and I was wondering if it was my keyboard stuck down but I would notice a stuck Ctrl Button (holding alt del does nothing) so its maybe a patch today? Its more noticeable on characters that don't have much stamina, I thought they had increased walk speed but no, everyone runs until they run out of stamina... no running away in this game.

its really annoying with boots that give 20% run speed when suddenly you running everywhere, made my paladin swap boots. He needs a better weapon, game takes offense to you using an entire set and goes, okay wise guy, I am going to play hard ball and not let you get it easy. Sometimes you better off not doing it.

I will be curious to hear if anyone else gets it. I expect if they do it might get fixed again soon?


On a Journey
Been using assassin and dumping points in to traps. I just set down a couple wave of flame turrets and then go stand in the corner while they clear the room. Andarial went down super quick this way.
I have started a trapper and discovering "traps" = firebombs and wave turrets, went from not being sure if I would like them to clearing entire rooms in one hit. Makes a Sorceress a little jealous. If anything the "run all the time" bug only made her faster to clear entire zones, less travel time. I wonder if the more chance of being staggered etc while running is being applied to the speed boost, I hadn't noticed.

Grinding the last area on her as I accidentally spent an extra skill point on something and it was meant to go into flame turrets. Nice to play a class I can spend points on right away, Paladin & Druid is mostly normal attacks all the time (Paladin due to mana and Druid because in bear form he does enough already)

I didn't notice that her wrist blades need both str and dex scores to use, I had made a Ass and get her str to certain score just to see it needed same dex and thought, crap, I thought it was Str, and restarted a new assassin just to get her Dex to right score just to find its both and slapped myself for not noticing 1st time. It only delayed twin yellow blades for a few more lvls. Shame I don't have any upgrades for her.

It was while playing trapper I noticed I was always running as she slowed down once bar was empty, then I started looking at my ctrl button or seeing if I could pick another run key maybe. When you never see normal walk speed on a character its hard to tell. It was almost a put off when I saw her speed, as I don't want to move too fast on my PC, its fast enough now.

You can't tell in town, just by looking at the bar anyway. As stamina never moves in town, have to go to a zone and move in 1 direction before the bar decreases too much. Lower lvl characters notice more, my lvl 20 paladin just noticed speed boost, not stamina drain. Was obvious on Paladin as he is slow enough already and suddenly he was zooming around and I am like... why

it didn't help i had just swapped a few parts around on him and I thought, maybe it was the axe... nope, maybe shoes?... nope.. um? he changed zones and went from slow and normal to running everywhere.

D2 uses 4gb of ram while running, I looked yesterday. Total system usage was 15.9gb. CPU doesn't really get hit by this game, its more NVME running at 62c and I can actually hear GPU fan as it never runs below 62c.

D2, you need to be right lvl and have right specs to use gear. TL2 that only applies to lvl 101 gear, anything else... if you have the stats you can use. Leads to lvl 20 characters using lvl 100 weapons :)
I didn't remember that D2 was where it started that if your gear gave you the right stats, you could equip other gear. Wonder how far you can take stacking as on TL2 it got silly to point all gear relied on itself to stay on, was a balance to get it right if you took wrong part of you would suddenly be naked again.

It can have day off today, I expect storms all afternoon :(

Got this just before Anderial last night
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
For any of you folks playing D2, what item would you recommend to have "imbued" by the blacksmith @ the Rouge Encampment; armor or weapon? I'm near the end of Act 1, just entering the Catacombs and still haven't decided on what item to choose.

@Colif - You seem to have created every character, what were your choices on imbuing weapons/armor?


On a Journey
Sigh: Take 2 at this message, I somehow deleted it all

Imbues: Um, maybe rings/Amulets since you can't socket those? If they aren't a choice, go for a pair of boots as they are hardest things to find for everyone. If class has class specific items I would chose one of those. Barbs have hats for instance, Necro have heads they hold in off hand... in theory, i didn't ever see one on Necro but I have seen them since.

I was choosing chest pieces by buying one in chapter 2 on another character and then imbue it once i get mallet
Here is an imbue the Paladin is wearing currently, best result I got from one. Though barb chose a class specific helm to do for his, think he still wearing that.

But Runewords complicate that choice past lvl 17
Sorceress chose a chest and then swapped to below a few lvls late once i realised I had enough for a few different runewords worth doing and so...
My Sorceress is now wearing this

and ignoring the defense score (since its item specific, and Sorceress doesn't want to get touched by anything) , now my Paladin is feeling a little jealous. I just need to get the right runes or make them in cube. I had enough to make 3 so if I could remember who got the 3rd, I would mention them here. Pretty sure Barb got one as he was wearing Paladins chest peice... hey, I can only play 1 at a time, it might as well have best. Hence why they all used same shield, Paladin has a Heraldric Shield now though.

Imbues can make item stats better (like defense above), Runewords just add more stats.

Sorceress is also using

But Paladin doesn't mind as he got this too:

which my Barb likes look of. Its a never ending struggle.

list of early runewords: https://www.almarsguides.com/Computer/Games/Diablo2/Misc/Runewords/Lists/Beginner/

Obligatory shot of Sorc in chapter 2. Maybe I get to chapter 3 one day.
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Jun 8, 2021
Sigh: Take 2 at this message, I somehow deleted it all

Imbues: Um, maybe rings/Amulets since you can't socket those? If they aren't a choice, go for a pair of boots as they are hardest things to find for everyone. If class has class specific items I would chose one of those. Barbs have hats for instance, Necro have heads they hold in off hand... in theory, i didn't ever see one on Necro but I have seen them since.

I was choosing chest pieces by buying one in chapter 2 on another character and then imbue it once i get mallet
Here is an imbue the Paladin is wearing currently, best result I got from one. Though barb chose a class specific helm to do for his, think he still wearing that.

But Runewords complicate that choice past lvl 17
Sorceress chose a chest and then swapped to below a few lvls late once i realised I had enough for a few different runewords worth doing and so...
My Sorceress is now wearing this

and ignoring the defense score (since its item specific, and Sorceress doesn't want to get touched by anything) , now my Paladin is feeling a little jealous. I just need to get the right runes or make them in cube. I had enough to make 3 so if I could remember who got the 3rd, I would mention them here. Pretty sure Barb got one as he was wearing Paladins chest peice... hey, I can only play 1 at a time, it might as well have best. Hence why they all used same shield, Paladin has a Heraldric Shield now though.

Imbues can make item stats better (like defense above), Runewords just add more stats.

Sorceress is also using

But Paladin doesn't mind as he got this too:

which my Barb likes look of. Its a never ending struggle.

list of early runewords: https://www.almarsguides.com/Computer/Games/Diablo2/Misc/Runewords/Lists/Beginner/

Obligatory shot of Sorc in chapter 2. Maybe I get to chapter 3 one day.
I use the stealth chest piece on my assassin as well. The game does have an auto run button that toggles on and off. On my computer it's mouse button 4. I never set it and I don't even remember if I saw that key binding in the controls. I discovered it by accident.