PCG Article Dead Space Remake 2023

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I might be talking about the Line Gun instead of the Force Gun actually. But it seemed powerful enough to blow limbs off from a distance. I use the flamethrower for the little crawly things too because itd be tedious trying to hit those with individual shots instead of blanket fire, and plasma cutter to save on ammo for the ones i love to use the most, but i do wind up using all guns because i burn through my ammo cause ill be startled by a necromorph and just start unloading in all directions lol.
The Line gun is great for taking out two limbs at a time on the weaker necromorphs.

Funnily enough apart from the Contact beam which was good against the wall monsters I didnt really use much of the secondary fire options on most of the weapons. Only time was where I panicked and managed to launch a Line gun lazer trap at the Hunter and it stuck to its leg. So then I had an unkillable monster with lazers shooting out of its kneecaps chasing me around, and I actually died laughing.
Just finished, unlocked new game + so might give that a go after another game or two.

Very enjoyable, didn't spot too many differences to the original except graphically but they nailed the atmosphere.
How did you find the last few chapters?

I found the whole Hunter chase part very tense, mostly because I didnt know which room it was going to spawn into. Soon as the Hunter was gone I kind of relaxed for the rest of the game, wondering if thats just me. Final boss also went down easily but could have been dumb luck.

I think they changed a fair bit around the edges, different secondaries on weapons, security doors, backtracking now possible at any time, some areas were bigger, different mini map, zero G, the point defense sequence, maybe more. Sounds like a lot when I list it out but it didnt ditract from the game feeling just like the best version of the original. I also played a bit of the 2008 game not so long ago so maybe I noticed more because of that.
Oct 19, 2022
How did you find the last few chapters?

Later parts were a bit grindy but the story keeps you moving and I liked the freedom to wander around the ship so covered off the side quests including the master access - probably did that too late.

The hunter was very well done, but having played the original a few times I quickly clocked how to take it out but only when the solution offered itself. When it didn't you just run!!
I seemed to run out of ammo a lot later in the game so had to be aware enough to get everything going but if there was a big battle coming up it was telegraphed by the amount of stuff offered - something new players to the game might not pick up.
The final boss was 2nd go for me, and I'm rubbish at bosses. Played on normal so think another run through will be one difficulty up from that - overall it was nowhere near as frustrating as I recall the original.
Later parts were a bit grindy but the story keeps you moving and I liked the freedom to wander around the ship so covered off the side quests including the master access - probably did that too late.

The hunter was very well done, but having played the original a few times I quickly clocked how to take it out but only when the solution offered itself. When it didn't you just run!!
I seemed to run out of ammo a lot later in the game so had to be aware enough to get everything going but if there was a big battle coming up it was telegraphed by the amount of stuff offered - something new players to the game might not pick up.
The final boss was 2nd go for me, and I'm rubbish at bosses. Played on normal so think another run through will be one difficulty up from that - overall it was nowhere near as frustrating as I recall the original.

Yea actually fighting the Hunter isnt difficult once you know what to do, Stasis and cutting off its legs gives you plenty of time. Its more the tension of not knowing when it was going to appear and lock the room down, and the monsters that spawn in with it while you try to find the way out. I dont know exactly why, but a lot of my anxiety went away once the Hunter was burned up for good. I dont remember feeling like that in teh original at that stage.

Did all the side quests on the way round, the new map and objective markers are really useful for route planning. Didnt pick up all the Master doors though. I was pushing to finish by that point as well, so just went on with it. I'm not sure which weapon upgrades I missed because of that, but that's only for achievements which I only half care about anyway. Still have plenty of saves if the mood takes me.