What are your all time most played games at the end of 2024?

PCG article here where staff shared their most played Steam games of all time, just thought it would be interesting to check in and see what kind of things we've all been into over the years. We did something similar sometime ago but its been a while and we have some newer members about too who maybe missed the older thread. Also I just like looking at statistics.

Pic taken from GOG Galaxy so includes games from Steam, GOG, Epic, EA, UBI and Xbox. Only going back to 2012, I was 99.9% disc only before that. You can organize your Steam or GOG Galaxy library by hours played and host the image on Imgur or similar and link it here.


According to my Switch profile there's 255 hours in Slay the Spire and 90 in Balatro which would make it onto here.

If I had to guess what would be missing if it was measured in the old days, I had a PS3 save from Skyrim with well over 100 hours on it, Baldurs Gate1 was over 100 hours for sure, Planescape Torment probably pushing 100 as well as Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3. I also played a lot of Warcraft 2, Starcraft, Civilization 2, Championship Manager 2, and International Cricket Captain 2000 over many years so they would well be up there. Going back to the early to mid 90's and late 80's memory is too murky to really say how much I played stuff, and it was all pre PC on Atari ST and ZX Spectrum.

New this year, Against the Storm which hooks me for a while more every time I dig into it, and Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire which I played for the first time.

So what about you? Post up your screenshots and/or tell us about anything that might be missing in another launcher or lost in times before metrics, and about any new entries for you this year. I'm sure some of you have some MMO numbers to talk about, no judgement here! :p
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On a Journey
Mine won't change anytime soon unless I find a game I can play for more time than this:

Grim Dawn is on 1167 hours so its closest (shame I ran out of save slots on steam for characters).
But realistically, I don't know. Most of the games I played for years at an end were before they hit steam so I don't have a record, or in the case of 2 mmo, they never hit steam anyway.
  1. Diablo 2 took up about 3 years from 2002 to 2004
  2. Then I played wow for about 3 years, then
  3. I played Sacred 2 for about 3 years. and then
  4. I played Age of Conan for about 3 years? (not sure when I stopped with it)
After that I got a PS3 and PS4 until I got a PC good enough to play games again... but apart from revisiting TL2 every few years, I never really played a game for an extended time, apart from TDU2 on PS3. And I couldn't tell you how long I wasted on it.

But I can't really prove any of it now. So TL2 is only proof I have.

Most hours I played this year was Last Epoch on 587 hours.
I have been doing 2 courses since February so I really can't afford to fall into a game now.

I don't play lots of games, instead I play a small amount of games for a long time. Its cheaper for sure.

Note: the game I have completed the most wouldn't really have a large play time since it can be finished in 90 minutes - Journey. I guess cumulatively it might.
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Community Contributor

Warframe came at a good time in my life. I was traveling just about every week. I'd just take my laptop on the trip and play it half the night every night in my hotel room. I doubt I'll have another game get all that close to it, although if they had only made one Total War Warhammer game instead of 3, I might have passed it some day.

That anime dating sim game, Crush Crush, was an idle game that I left running in the background non-stop for weeks trying not to have to spend any money on it, which didn't work. But it was a fun game and surprisingly well written. I'd forgotten all about it until now. I think they have a sequel I might try, but it's a paid game instead of free-to-play.


Community Contributor
@ZedClampet Some of those look like early retirement numbers to me, not jealous at all :p
Yeah, for sure, that's helped a lot. Just wait until we post our Steam Year in Review. I may be too embarrassed to post it this year :ROFLMAO:

But when I was traveling, I had the kids finish their homework right after school and we would play co-op, usually Warframe, for hours every night. I got a surprising amount of game playing in then, too. And after they had to go to bed around 10, I kept playing haha


On a Journey
@Colif you didnt mention Journey? I bet youve played that more hours than I have in most games as well.

Note: the game I have completed the most wouldn't really have a large play time since it can be finished in 90 minutes - Journey. I guess cumulatively it might.

I don't know, I wasn't taking any notice. Played on 3 different platforms
  1. PS3
  2. PS4
  3. PC
So maybe but I wasn't counting. I couldn't tell you.

I played Diablo 4 on just as many platforms (same ones in fact) and I can't recall how long I played it for all up.


On a Journey
Ah sorry missed that when I scanned your edit. Diablo 3 Im guessing you mean?
Yes, 3.
I played 4 for about 3 months last year.
I think those are all the games I played the longest.

Probably spend some time in this next year:
once they release it anyway.
Melee games are more comfortable to sit back with a controller for me, but I still play most of it on PC. Theres only one TV in the house and its 90% for streaming and 10% Switch.

Thats a lot of PUBG Frindis!, I really liked the games I played but somehow the adrenaline of getting in the last few was to stressful for what I wanted out of a game and I stopped after a few then never went back. Great game though.


Community Contributor
Melee games are more comfortable to sit back with a controller for me, but I still play most of it on PC. Theres only one TV in the house and its 90% for streaming and 10% Switch.

Thats a lot of PUBG Frindis!, I really liked the games I played but somehow the adrenaline of getting in the last few was to stressful for what I wanted out of a game and I stopped after a few then never went back. Great game though.
Guido and I played four (I think) games of Fortnite when it first launched, and we finished something like 3rd, 7th, 2nd and then 1st, and I declared myself retired and haven't played it sense. There was also this funny game with little blob people, and we won our first match, and Guido said, "Does this mean you are retiring?" And I did. Always go out a winner :ROFLMAO:

It was just because I was with Guido. There's some popular game they are playing now, and he's won 36 games in a row. It's some sort of card game. Although I did win 20 Forza Horizon 5 races in a row (check hours above)
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Guido and I played four (I think) games of Fortnite when it first launched, and we finished something like 3rd, 7th, 2nd and then 1st, and I declared myself retired and haven't played it sense. There was also this funny game with little blob people, and we won our first match, and Guido said, "Does this mean you are retiring?" And I did. Always go out a winner :ROFLMAO:

It was just because I was with Guido. There's some popular game they are playing now, and he's won 36 games in a row. It's some sort of card game. Although I did win 20 Forza Horizon 5 races in a row (check hours above)
Thats pretty consistent! Never played Fortnite but my kid has been asking about Lego Fortnite so they may yet get me.

I'd be pretty bad at any MMO shooter nowadays, was only ever decent and havent played anything online for years. Only made it to the end that time in PUBG because I was sneaking and hiding, I think this is when it was technically EA as there was only one map then. I'm sure its a very different game now.


Community Contributor
Thats pretty consistent! Never played Fortnite but my kid has been asking about Lego Fortnite so they may yet get me.

I'd be pretty bad at any MMO shooter nowadays, was only ever decent and havent played anything online for years. Only made it to the end that time in PUBG because I was sneaking and hiding, I think this is when it was technically EA as there was only one map then. I'm sure its a very different game now.
I'm terrible at them. Guido starts shooting, and I say, "What's happening?" I'm literally no help at all.

I think we were consistent in Fortnite partially because it was brand new, and no one had any strategy for how to play. Everyone was immediately trying to kill each other, and Guido and I would go off and hide until there was almost no one left.

I don't know if I could get better at shooters with practice, but I strongly suspect that ship has passed. I couldn't complete the Remnant games without Guido. I had solo games I had to give up on.
there are 3 games that just ate away at my gaming time.

Path of exille took the lions share of my free time. Every league pretty much sucked me back into the game and play for a month or 2 before burning out from either lack of progress or getting the rewards i wanted. Each season there was always some significant piece of content or game mechanic that was introduced and made it refreshing to play. Also helped along by some rewards.

Assassins Creed: Odyssey comes a pretty close second. The game world is huge and i bought the gold edition so it came with season pass and even more content. So i was in for the long haul hacking and stabbing my way across greece. i also have valhalla, so i'll probably doing the same thing for 2025...

Age of empires 2: DE had been installed on my machine for nearly a year and i suspect that the vast number of SP campaigns/maps had kept me very very busy. i may have stopped recently after completing all the DE content, but with 3 DLC packs recently given i suspect that i'll be jumping back in and finishing those off as well... Maybe even acquire the other ones for the right price.


Community Contributor
Hehe, I saw Zed's screenshot in the Media section before I found this topic. I knew one had to be somewhere!


(I once calculated my City of Heroes total time at something like 10,000 hours. Also, some hours were spent in X3 before Steam started keeping track.)

From GOG (which is very outdated as far as Steam stats go - it doesn't seem to be able to look at Steam anymore)
  • Witcher 3: 193hrs
  • Cyberpunk: 181hrs

... no judgement here! :p
Wait, what?? I didn't sign anything! ;)

Some of those look like early retirement numbers to me, not jealous at all :p
Well I am!!
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@Johnway I know someone else who is big into Path Of Exile, seems like theyre doing something really right over there as it hooks a lot of people.

@Zloth GOG Galaxy is bad sometimes with losing sync. My post in op is accurate though according to Steam and Xbox, maybe I just caught it at a good time when they were up with Steam updates. It also adds up hours shared between launchers, about 50 of my Crusader Kings 3 hours are in Xbox, and some from Against the Storm.
@Johnway I know someone else who is big into Path Of Exile, seems like theyre doing something really right over there as it hooks a lot of people.

personally, its the new content. Each league is introduces very significant content that is all brand new and has different mechanics. One might be a tower defence game, another is a DOTA style game, a roguelike, a management sim or a farming simulator. All of them come complete with new characters, bosses and audio work and soundtracks. Compare it with the likes of diablo 3 / division 2, all we get are a few mechanic changes to the base game. Rarely any additional content. The division 2 did have some pretty nifty ones like going to Coney island, the zoo and the pentagon, but after that? nothing. All of it was locked behind DLC as well.

I think the other aspect is the crafting mechanic, its not so restrictive to build some decent gear and survive for a good chunk of the game. It gets punishing near the late endgame when only the most optimized builds succeed and thats annoying as it goes against any build might work.

Will i get POE2? eventually i will, but for now let it cook in EA and refine it to make it even better. if its one thing i learnt, playing POE much later reaps rewards. I played POE1 in EA and i was dismissive of the game. Several years later i was stunned at how much it had changed and i've never looked back.
I finally got around to taking a screenshot of my GOG Galaxy overview:


Though it seems the Epic games have a much higher number of hours played than what I would've guessed. For example, I gave up on Loop Hero pretty quickly, so I have no idea where it got 200+ hours from. And Guild of Dungeoneering and Crying Suns can only be that high if it counted all of the hours the game was minimised, as I used to play little bits in between working.

I got another screenshot of just Steam games:


These are probably a lot more accurate. I think only Civ V is much higher because my wife used to play it a ton and used to forget to switch to her own account, as she would just start the game from the desktop shortcut.

I think the most surprising one is Don't Starve Together. More than 100 hours and I'm not sure I've ever even made it through a single winter.

EDIT: I just noticed neither XCOM 2 nor Fallout 4 are on this list. I suspect GOG Galaxy hadn't (completely) synced when I took these screenshots. I'll have to see if I can get a more accurate list later.