PCG Article Tyler Wilde's hands-on preview of the Dead Space Remake


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Playing the Dead Space remake made me realize I totally misremembered Dead Space | PC Gamer

Good preview article I thought, and it gives me an interest in trying it out when it releases next year. I never played the originals, but this game gives me System Shock vibes, though much darker and violent. From the article I gather that it's designed for a controller as opposed to KB&M, which probably makes some people happy, but is a negative to me. That, and the $60 price tag will probably push me off for a while for at least the first sale.

But it looks like a fun story-based shooter/horror/exploration/survival game (hopefully that's not a new game genre:)).
Its is an old favourite of mine. Originally played it on PS3 but I own it on PC and played about half way through a couple of years ago. To me it didnt feel very dated, but its a game I know quite well so that might colour things.

Watched the trailer and it does look great, only thing thats bothering me is that the gameplay looks almost too much the same as the original, and I was hoping for more of a remake than a remaster.

Not sure if I'll jump in at release because the Callisto Protocol is out in early December, which is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Dead Space with some of the same people involved. That's looking better to me right now.
But it looks like a fun story-based shooter/horror/exploration/survival game (hopefully that's not a new game genre:)).

Thought about it a bit more its kind of a survival horror but a bit more shooty than your early Resident Evil or Silent Hill. I never played Resident Evil 4 but apparently it was a big influence on Dead Space, even if I think its less shooty than that.

I really loved the kind of in game augmented reality UI which would display a hologram over the game world rather than a disconnected menu for inventory and so on, it also had a clever waypoint system that led you straight to your next objective without a mini map. You could just go wherever you want, dont have to follow the critical path if you dont want to, but it wasnt a huge world and being mostly set on a space ship there are a lot of linear corridors.

I'm assuming the remake is similar, but some things could change.

I played a bit of it, but I got annoyed with the enemies consistently spawning behind me.

They get you like that, have to watch those vents!
May 11, 2022
I played 1-2 for the first time in 2019 on PC and loved them both. Phenomenal games. Definitely scratched the System Shock itch but I'm admittedly a total sucker for any game where you're alone on a space station going to sh*t. It's obviously not an immersive sim but I can tell how they started out making SS3 and pivoted to something else after playing Resident Evil. It's rare that a game undergoes a 180 like this and comes out as good as Dead Space.

The weapons are clever too. Being able to rotate the firing pattern according to the limbs you want to cut off is genius and also very "tool like" because they're supposed to be tools.

When they announced the remake I was kinda wondering why bother since the original still look amazing IMO but then I saw the screenshots and yeah, although I don't plan on replaying it so soon, I must say it looks extremely good.
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Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
Definitely scratched the System Shock itch but I'm admittedly a total sucker for any game where you're alone on a space station going to sh*t. It's obviously not an immersive sim but I can tell how they started out making SS3 and pivoted to something else
That System Shock feeling was the first thing to hit me when watching the teasers, and looking at gameplay of the original Dead Space. It's definitely darker and more of a "shooter" than an immersive sim, and doesn't have your namesake (Shodan) taunting the player, but it feels (from what I've seen) that the story and atmosphere set it apart from many shooters. I might even be able to adapt to the check point save system, which is something I wouldn't normally tolerate.

(I had hoped to scratch my "System Shock itch" with the System Shock Remake, but I see the Steam page recently updated the "coming soon" to "Marck 2023".)
May 11, 2022
Dead Space 1 felt extremely industrial.

Dead Space 2 was a lot more varied in terms of living spaces because you're off the ship. I don't remember the checkpoint system to have been especially egregious but there are definitely sections I had to replay quite a few times.

The SS remake pushed back to 2023 is a bummer man dang.