Beautiful Game Appreciation

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More X4

Terran miner

Boron scout

Die bug-like machine thing!

May 11, 2022
GTAV still the most fun you can have with your pants on!

Typical day for Trevor> steal electric golf cart>trail bike>lake boat>police boat and as he says 'Party Time'. Try shooting a police helicopter pilot while leaping waves.


(The biggest problem I have is hitting the F12 mid action sequence).


Community Contributor
I love the ability to put custom logos on my ships in X4: Foundations. This one is a little hard to see without looking at the full picture, but it has Shinra's logo from Final Fantasy 7 on it:

When building stations/factories in X4, you get the option to twist and turn the station pieces. This can be used to make quite pretty stations. I use it to try and make my stations fit as much as they can into a given volume and try to put them together in a way that puts the various factories in a line that makes some sense - so nodes that act on raw materials will be near the piers, nodes on the high end of the production loop will be closer to the docks or wharfs where the items ship out. The result is beautiful... mathematically speaking. To the untrained eye, not so much.


<grumble grumble> Didn't get the solar panels perpendicular to the star, guess I'll need to fix that.

If you stand on one of the docks near the center of the station and look up, you see this:
May 1, 2023
GTAV still the most fun you can have with your pants on!
I am tempted to buy GTAV just for sp- but I have read so much bad about the game. Like- was a time the game allowed mods then not and rockstar started perm band people that did noting wrong- some stranger come into their game and drop stuff- you have no control and get band and or rs was taking peoples mega type cash cards they paid extra for. Then kb and mouse controls are bad for flying getting plane off of water or choppers is hard. Or- Newest update removed ~180 cars from the game. Half of the update is unavailable on PC. Newest missions are near impossible for solo play. I have read other things also. Its only $15.00 but I dont want to waste my money. I have all the older GTA games but only played maybe 4 hours between all of them. I have never been in a hurry to buy it being I never really got into the older games and then rs took over a year to bring it gtav to Steam and then read all the crazy stuff. It looks pretty and seems like a lot to do and large world. I think if $5.00 I would not feel bad if not like it etc.

I did buy and am playing Fallout76- soon will add some shots etc. I also bought downloading now Days Gone and Sea of Thieves 2023 Ed.

I finished a playthrough of Doom Eternal. I need push past where I am stuck in Control and try to complete it. FarCry4 I am at a missions I have to stealth creep and take out a bunch of guys at a party- tried a number of times but they hit the alarm mission over and have to try again. I hate the fact I am locked in and cant move on to something else- It will not let me do anything until I complete the mission- makes me want to delete the game. I want to finish it so I can buy play FC5 and 6. Things to do- lol.

Doom Eternal



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May 1, 2023

I am still learning and has a large curve versus fo3-nv-4. I bought it for solo only. A bud on Steam said they have added a lot since it came out and can do most all of it without a subscription. I bought it for $10.00. Said the Pitt is mostly just skins. Is some events I might try and play- they are not PvP and get some rewards and maybe plans for power armor etc. It has less graphics settings than the older games but does not look bad in 4K.


I shot this frog thingy in one of his many eyes- lol.



Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
FarCry4 I am at a missions I have to stealth creep and take out a bunch of guys at a party- tried a number of times but they hit the alarm mission over and have to try again
That sounds like the City of Pain mission where you capture Paul?

If that's it, sneak to the right straight away and go outside the city wall. Follow it around to the back and you'll find a relatively unguarded entrance. Get in there and sneak to Paul's house at the back, where you take the place of a captive and wait for Paul.

Once you capture Paul, the alarm is no longer a threat. Of course, the baddies will still come for you—it's a tough mission for sure.
May 1, 2023
That sounds like the City of Pain mission where you capture Paul?
Thanks Brian.

I cant remember the name of it. I had to sneak into the back of a truck- it brought me to the place of the party and says I need free some captives and capture I think the girls brother but not kill him- I think. I have crept around and killed most all the guys a few times- but end up seen and the alarm go off and fail. I have not tried to go straight after the guy- I guess brother. I guess we are talking same mission. I will try that next time.

Yah I just checked online- that is the mission. I will try it like you said. I am well armed- I can take down armies- if can stop the alarm ending the mission. :)
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Reactions: Brian Boru
May 11, 2022
I am tempted to buy GTAV just for sp- but I have read so much bad about the game. Like- was a time the game allowed mods then not and rockstar started perm band people that did noting wrong- some stranger come into their game and drop stuff- you have no control and get band and or rs was taking peoples mega type cash cards they paid extra for. Then kb and mouse controls are bad for flying getting plane off of water or choppers is hard. Or- Newest update removed ~180 cars from the game. Half of the update is unavailable on PC. Newest missions are near impossible for solo play. I have read other things also. Its only $15.00 but I dont want to waste my money. I have all the older GTA games but only played maybe 4 hours between all of them. I have never been in a hurry to buy it being I never really got into the older games and then rs took over a year to bring it gtav to Steam and then read all the crazy stuff. It looks pretty and seems like a lot to do and large world. I think if $5.00 I would not feel bad if not like it etc.
I took me a while to get GTAV(then also bought past ones in a deal), but it is a classic. As just a car driving games it's brilliant in terms of controls and the way the cars behave.

I've only played SP. I played the game through and it is interesting shifting between three very different characters, also the missions are good fun. You have to put getaway cars in place, choose the best team for a heist from getaway drivers to hackers, etc. Go in hard or stealth.

It's the sort of game I now play to warm up. The driving is so intuitive, I think where I want the cars to go, and I enjoy handbrake touching slides. Or just driving out on the coast road, Franklin has a special driving skill, like nitro that makes car into a blur.

I enjoy just driving(customise all cars for free when Franklin owns garage/repair shop out by prison).
I'll pick up Trevor or Michael, out driving, point a gun at a driver in a fast car and race. If anyone calls the police all hell breaks out. Plus you can even swim with orcas!

Days Gone is similar(and bikes like GTA4) and now I've got the handle on zombies and better weapons it's also great fun. It's the randomness and chaos in both games I like.

By contrast Death Stranding, more high concept, more cinematic (also post apocalypse like DG), but just seems a bit pointless. Maybe I'll just find some good screenshots in DS.
May 1, 2023
I took me a while to get GTAV(then also bought past ones in a deal), but it is a classic. As just a car driving games it's brilliant in terms of controls and the way the cars behave.
The cars is a lot of what I liked about Saints Row the Third and Mafia 2. In SRTT you can also ride around for hours and hours looking for Genki to kill- he is funny. Mafia 2 was cool- fix up the cars- buy a nice suit drive around :)
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Reactions: Brian Boru
May 11, 2022
Yes they're all good games.

I think GTAV set a sort of benchmark (for non race circuit) driving.

I find open world games amazing anyway but being able to drive a custom car and for it to act realistically, with speed, weight, gravity is satisfying.

I think quite a few Dev teams learnt from it and marketing teams eyed it's sales.


Trying to catch movement in a screenshot.
May 1, 2023
I started playing the Yetis part of Far Cry 4. Its pretty cool. Looks sweet. The Yeti are pretty mean lol.

I broke down and bought Far Cry Primal Apex Ed. and Far Cry 5 Gold Ed + New Dawn Deluxe- all for less than 30 bucks. Maybe over the holidays if a lil better price I will get Far Cry 6 GOTY with all the goodies. Like I need more games. :p

It did not give me the extra copy of FC3 because I already have it- been nice to be able to gift it out but I will survive- still good price and deal imo.
I will add some photos of new to me games soon. I still need post on Days Gone and Sea of Thieves and Control games I have installed.

FC Yetis




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May 1, 2023
Days Gone

I have less than 3 hours in it so far. Days Gone seems like a cool game. I love most anything Zombies. Days Gone runs nice and looks sweet with maxed settings in 4K. I have been completing play throughs of a few other games to free up space on my drive- and bought a few new games lately. So- I will get back to Days Gone and add more screens etc in the future. I have seen on the net lots of upcoming and soon out sweet looking games this 2023 year and 2024. I can barely wait for more 4K goodness. :)





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