Beautiful Game Appreciation

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May 1, 2023
Saints Row The Third- The Original

One of my all-time fav games. I installed it this morning, DX11- 4k looks sweet. I do not have the remastered remake, I try to avoid them, they are normally bug. Bioshock and BS2, good examples of a nonplayable remakes. SRTT I first played it on W7. Later W10 had audio probs. I had to start run a media player in the back ground for the car sounds to work right. W11 which might have also worked in W10. W11 I had same car sound probs. I went into Nvidia Control Panel- Manage 3D Settings- Program Settings- scroll to click (saintsrowthethird_dx11.exe)- scroll to set Max Frame Rate to 60fps. The car sound works now. The game sadly locks your fps to 60 but is playable. Also when in game go to settings- click turn on vsync or you will have Tearing. Good to go.

I have near 1000 hours on Steam in the game. 2 things I like most about the game.

1- You can play co-op, that alone is not so great because only the host get rewards. What I do like is you and bud can use the entire game as your 1vs1 map and kill each other. I do not mean like a built-in duel mode. I am talking about a normal play-through. You fight run from stalk hunt each other. Can use everything in the game including the factions. Saying, you can see each other's icon and location. If you see faction bots near them and you from far away, you shoot at or near the bots and they attack your co-op bud near them. Also normal game play you can help each other fight bots, or complete quests etc. or fight Genki. After, we are chilling, and one of us gets popped in the head, its on again. Each time you die you spawn back in a different place. The game was not meant to be played like that and is awesome fun.

2- I have like 4 characters. I change them up, or did. I am not sure you can use THQ community site anymore and access your stored characters etc. I have different save games with each so no real matter. Each of my characters are girls. I gave them all different back grounds. In game talking smack was fun- people talking to my characters versus me was funny. The last I made set up, silly me. I cant remember what I named her or history. I did not use her long before I stopped player a few years ago.

Ms Hobo,
I played her the most and completed the game with her. From an earlier save I still play here. She is also my oldest in game character. Ms Hobo- her street name, is now 72 years old. She has been with the Saints for a long while. She is originally from the Ukraine. She is bald from cancer which she beat, sometimes she wears a wig. Hobo was a soldier, a Captain in the Ukrainian army, and was there when Chernobyl exploded. 2 years later she defeated to the states and not long after took over the Saints. Her cancer may have come from Chernobyl. She is older, but she is bad azz. :)




A Black Gal, mid 20s. 45 came from the rough, the hood. 45s name was kind of gave to her and stuck. Her fav drink is Colt 45 Malt Liquor. She is plenty capable and can be ruthless. 45 speaks a little funny, kind of a zombie voice. 45 was hit in the throat with the butt end of a shotgun during a turf battle some years ago and mess up her larynx and or vocal cords.



45 putting the moves on Genki


A Hispanic gal, mid 20s. Kristine, American born. Also very capable. She has always been a playa. Her good looks gets her into anything she wishes, and she knows how to use it and get what she wants, even if that means you dead.


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May 1, 2023
Fallout 3 GOTY

A sweet game. My first Fallout game. I never really knew anything about the series or lore until I seen vids and reviews of FO3 and bought it. I later bought all the earlier games though I may never play them. I do have and played New Vegas and Fallout 4. I like them all. Maybe my first love would be FO3 over NV, but many prefer the opposite. I might go FO4 over FO3 because of the settlements. Its hard though, the DC area in FO3 was pretty awesome.

I do not have any newer screens. I do have older FO3 screens on Steam in 1080p. and a few Animated Gifs :)

The Pint-Sized Slasher-

A creepy and evil lil kid.


And then they grow up.

Pint-Sized- against the Chinese Remnant Ghoul.


Pint-Sized- Megaton Crib

May 1, 2023
Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

One of my all-time fav games. Retail disc game about 7000 hours maybe 50/50 nilla and mod. I have less hours on my Steam account and lost all my retail disc's in a house fire. I wait for Stalker 2. If an EPIC exclusive I might not ever buy it because of the hate for Steam players. Which Steam has more players and online each day than epic ea uplay gog together and nearly as many or more total players than both ps and xbox together, so why hate we Steam players? We are the largest community and have VAC and spend a ton of cash on our games and hardware to play them. And most of these dev companies and or games got their start on PC and or blew up being on Steam. Its silly to treat us Steam players badly.

Stalker SOC atmosphere was awesome. I played it on most hard settings. Everything in the game could only be killed with headshots, and not always 1 shot kills them, so your aim gets pretty good. The bots and or mutants pretty much 1 shot kill you, or 2 or so hits from a mutant kills you. Headshots have carried over with me to other games. I mostly always aim for the head, though moving fighting and head bob or barrel-drop-rise or a miss shot does happen at times.

I do not have any newer screens- do have a few in 1080p and a few Animated Gifs. I have all of the games but I never completed Clear Sky it bugged at the end, it would not let me progress and finish it. Some mods include all 3 games and the later newer graphics upgrades, and add some cutout stuff, and other things- extra weapons- changes to economy etc. So I have many more included hours in Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.

Fun Stuff :)


I think this is from Complete Mod
1 headshot 1 kill->


This is from Priboi Story mod
The suckers are always fun to fight->

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May 1, 2023
It really is a nice looking game for its age!

yah later with better computer we could up the grass- when before it would hurt performance. like if I played now I will guess I can max everything- well my last system also- it was a 2k 1440p system. out of habbit lower the grass setting. But I have not played the games for like 5 years now. I did have Call of Chernobyl mod on my last system built Dec 2016- which is all 3 games together. Kind of want to install it again on this 4K system. But man, I have spent a lot of hours in stalker games. I do hope Stalker 2 is awesome. A nice long game with large world and beautiful and able to mod it, and not all bug. I almost wish to preorder, but I learn and have been burnt to many times. I now wait read reviews and or for first nice sale.
May 1, 2023
Sorry, another post.

I will say. 1 thing I did not like about most all the Stalker mods was the mod scopes. I always had to wait for another extra mod that changed them back to stock scopes before I would play them. All the mod scopes I seen, the actual view area was about 1/3 the stock scopes and then the lines etc for targeting would take up part of that. If a bot was say behind a tree and leaves etc you might not see its head at all or even much of its body from far away because of the silly small view area scope and large /thick lines in it- and lower magnification on top of that. Some would argue the stock scopes blacked out the sides and the mod scopes look more natural blaa blaa- how is not being able to actually see much of anything more natural and you are using a scope to magnify and for distance to start with. No scope at all and just using iron sites was better than most the mod scopes unless real far away, then you just move closer. Personally, I like sniping from a mile away it was fun for me- but near impossible with most the mod scopes. You notice in vids most using those mod scopes take a few more shots than takes me with stock scope. A lot just spray and pray play- Stalker is not the game for that. But they mostly like them because they was a mod- mod mod mod- so what. what happens to practicality usability or common sense. But but its a mod. yah, whatever. To each his own. Want mod scopes fine. I hope I can mod them to stock like in all the older games.

Stalker Lost Alpha Mod->


I have seen vids of Stalker 2 and seems they have put in or are using mod scopes, so that alone is a reason for me not to buy it and or wait and see if someone makes a stock scope mod for it. Also some of the mods made the game even more crazy hard- like sadists made them- stump your toe you die, drink vodka you die and cant find any health kits. The stock game was not easy as it was- you easy die. Some of the mods tho. I play them a few minutes and delete them- reinstall the game if needed. I never like anything to make you god-like- but gees. I mostly like the mods that more or less made it more pretty- added some cut out stuff. I did not care about a lot of added guns etc, most did not look or work right- same for a lot of added health type stuff.. I did like the mods where you could add extra artifacts but also in most of those mods you needed them to. You learn how to get around in the anomalies and or hunting artifacts. But was easy and many ways to die and often even in the stock game. I do love them games tho.
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May 1, 2023
Doom Eternal

Awesome looking game in its own demonic kind of way, and in 4K. Oh yah. :) Man the jumps. The jumps took me a long while- some took over an hour to master, a little much imo. Its a cool game. I am stuck in a place now though. Not sure how far in I am. I met the Archvile. Am getting my butt kicked trying to end him and his overpowered minions he spawns. I know how I am supposed to take him out but its surely not easy and being chased by all sorts of extra strong and fast demons- some melee some shooting at me- low ammo. I think I should have spent more of my cores on the armor mods. I have not much used the suits fire or freeze or nades. Am not sure if can or how to change from fire to freeze back and forth. But I know it has its uses. This is more a run and gun game for me. I know- I think is called death punch or chain saw etc when out of ammo gives me ammo drops on kill. I never paid attention to stuff on the hud or know when certain things are charged or what or when things can be used. I am to busy running fighting trying to stay alive and trying to make crazy jumps and kill demons to worry about looking all over my hud when trying to survive. Laughing- I am of late more use to slower paced games.

I never liked much reading walk throughs. I try to keep at it until I figure it out or just get lucky and win. I dont know though. I might need read a little. Ive tried and died at least 25x now. Its part of the fun though. Yah, I might get frustrated or even pissed off and stop playing. An hour or a few days or weeks or months later I go back at it. But if stay away to long you forget stuff and or get rusty and have to like retrain yourself. I get it when I get it. I have gotten this far, and I do like the game and its sweet in 4K. Soon I will fire it up and die until I beat it. Then feel relief. Accomplished. Laughing.

4K Ultra- 198 FPS- DLSS [Quality]- DLSS Sharpening 30- Depth of Field On- Depth of Field AA On- other Sharpen 40. My 144Hz monitor is not Gsync certified- but it does work. Some games do run higher than the 144 FPS- nicely to.





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May 1, 2023
An observation- not a complaint.

I have seen a lot of wonderful screens and am going through checking them out and post like etc. Many Games I have not really seen or been interested in until maybe seeing a screen. Then I see many screens posted might interest me maybe would buy, but the poster did not title the screens or post any place the Actual name of the game. Some posts are no text at all. Maybe some place in the post- post the games name so we that do not know every game on Earth know what game we are looking at. A contest- "guess this game" is different, and is meant you do not know until guessed. It is a bit hard to comment on a post about screens- or ask the question "what game is that" and its 25 pages back. Just saying.

Maybe the OP that started the thread could add a little side note- "please title or add in post the game name" so others know what games they are looking at. And maybe we that have posted screens can take a few minutes and go back and check maybe edit our posts and add game titles or game name some place in the post. Thanks for the considerations.
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May 1, 2023
Ms. Hobo reminds me a little of a character I made waaaaaay back in Anarchy Online!

I am laughing- maybe thats Hobos brother or something- after Chernobyl :)

Hobo is fun to play with- and she has that voice with accent. You can pick a few different voices- I gave 45 the deep crazy zombie voice- both are funny to listen to and fits the character of my characters. People playing with me had fun and did actually talk to them versus me. It was funny. I was the puppeteer per say.

Man- seems Steam has removed some of my animated gifs from say halflife games and bioshock games- and team fortress maybe more. I do remember having more on the site - why they decide later to remove content is puzzling. and even from its own game. not like it was porn or over sized- if over sized it would have never uploaded. Then I have been checking sites I have used in past to host my images etc and now some have my content locked- say I have to sub/ pay to get or use it. man thats sick. They could at least let me get what I want and then delete the account instead of trying to hostage me and my content. sure makes me want to pay for their service- Not. they can delete it. Sadly tho- I have lost some cool animated gifs. Even some game sites like this have gone under or deleted stuff from forums- filefront etc. Even sites like MSI and maybe Asus that had or have forums have deleted content. Pretty sad. But is more a robbery if try and force you to pay to access your stuff you was once allowed to add for free imo. Why would I want to pay after that- what will they do next. Scam hit my credit card with what ever cost they feel when they feel- nope.

I do have well over 10,000 screen shots on Steam. There 19 years. I lost a lot of stuff in a fire. Game disc' pc system s and drives- back-up etc. Nothing I will die over but some stuff was pretty cool.
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May 1, 2023
Sorry. I looked harder and thought of changing it to sister then thought it funnier to leave it and radiation and stalker lore or mutants and stuff. no offense meant. The image is small on my 4K unless I click and blow it up. Game looks like a real oldie, a classic.
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May 1, 2023
I remember it kicking my butt and that I kept getting one shotted in the starter area.

Yah. You should have tried some of them sadist type mods. I swear you would almost die if even looked up into the sky or something. Vodka was meant in stock game to lower radiation sickness- some mods you drink it you instant die- and wonder whats going on- what hit or shot me- gees.

Stock game you get use to it. Had a learning curve per say. You learn to keep your distance and or use cover. You also learn only head shots kill anything. Learn to hunt for stashes and goodies and kill bots when is only one for very few and can do it from cover and loot them for better weapons etc. Mutants could easy kill yah to. mutant dog hit yah 2x or so you was dead. Is best to fight the mutants while backing up try and move out the way if jump at you- or again from cover while trying to shoot them in the face/head. Some of the anomalies to- not sure how far its radius is and or some not so easy to see and walk into them while looking around for other things that might kill yah and the anomaly zaps yah. Let's not forget the radiation. Oh yah- and the weapons wear out- you get attacked and go to fire and just get a click and you are dead. You learn to carry back ups because if I remember right SOC stock game did not have upgrades- only mods added that. You get use to it. Your aim gets better and can flow better in game the longer you play.

Stalker games was all a little buggy to. The atmosphere kind of made you overlook it as radiation contamination or something, is kind of the mind set you would get . The game is very immersive- even creepy. I can imagine how even more great the game would have been if the owner dev etc could have made it just like he wished and was not forced to cut stuff or not take more time with it, but as was it was a long time to get what we did get, and is maybe one of the best games of all time- Stalker SOC. The series is good- some say they like CS or COP over the first, but I think SOC was the real stand out and started it all- then the mods. I love Stalker games.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Even some game sites like this have gone under or deleted stuff from forums
Always assume anything you put online is…
♦ going to be deleted
♥ not private
…while today's guys in charge may be good as gold, the guy who takes over the show tomorrow may be anything but. And that's without accidents.

aerial shot

Seems like a good idea—night flight in Far Cry 6:

May 1, 2023
Always assume anything you put online is…
♦ going to be deleted
♥ not private
…while today's guys in charge may be good as gold, the guy who takes over the show tomorrow may be anything but. And that's without accidents.

I understand. I do not so much worry about the individual, its the sites that decide to cut content - pay to run the sites that have the control. Or I guess moderators do not own it, is possible. I know you can get band- kicked and all your stuff deleted.

I just got lucky. Figured out a way to retrieve all my stuff or all I wanted from my locked photobucket account. Mostly my Animated Gifs and even Halflife and Bioshock ones. Woot! Guess I will have to upload a few more things before this great day is over- sweet.

Steam has been adding making changes and can bug sometimes. Not sure why they would delete my Halflife screens I have them all including CS games. All other than Alyx. Steam also shows my playtime in Halflife as only like 10 hours I am sure I have 20x that or more. But I played the game long before they started all these stats and add new features to the client.
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May 1, 2023
Bioshock- The Original

A sweet game- 1 of my all-time favs. I like bio 1 more than 2 and 3, and like 3 more than 2. Bioshock 3 was a great game, but bio1 started it all. The atmosphere and lore of bio 1 kind of tugged at your heart strings per say and was a technical marvel and beautiful game for its day.

I do not have a lot of screens for Bioshock. I do have a very few in 1080p and a few Animated Gifs. I would love to play in 4K, not sure it will even install or play anymore. I avoid remasters/ remakes, and Bioshock 1-2 remaster did not run right for me- was bug. The original games ran fine.


Daddy mad at and trying to get me->


Calm down Daddy. you might pop a seal.


This might be Bioshock 2. I can't remember->


Crazy Splicers->


MSI Z690 Tomahawk WIFI DDR5.. Bios H.A0.. Intel 12700K.. Noctua NH-D15..
2X Crucial P5 Plus 2TB- CT2000P5PSSD8.. MSI MPG A850G PSU.. W11 Home..
Thermalright LGA1700 CPU Anti Bending Pressure Plate..
Cooler Master Universal VGA Graphics Card Holder..
Gigabyte 4070Ti- GV-N407TGAMING OC-12GD..
CORSAIR Vengeance- CMK32GX5M2B5600C36..
2Port USB2.0 Rear Panel Expansion Bracket..
ULANSeN 2.5Gb Lan- B08V1HG47H..
Thermaltake Core V71 Case..
Gigabyte M32U 4K 32"..
Klipsch Promedia 2.1..
Arctic MX-6..
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May 1, 2023
I think that rolling Big Daddy is Bioshock 2

He might be rolling but to make the A-G's you have to drop frames, like every 4th and even a few more to get the file size down. So not all animations may be seen or properly. He might be rolling though. On my 4K they are a bit smaller than on lower res. I cant tell if run or roll and my arm is in the way. He is mad for sure. Big Daddys was fun to fight. The splicers was funny.
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May 1, 2023
Red Dead Redemption 2

A cool game. Looks sweet in 4K. I have not finished it. Not far in really. I change up between many of my games, or what I have installed. Some, I play start to finish. I might delete them after a play through or keep installed and go back for achievements or screens or make videos.

Red Dead 2- It is a popular game. Some say the greatest ever. Best play best looking no bugs, best best best. I think its a lil janky. Like trying to pick up stuff in normal 3rd person, over half the time you cannot. Its better to switch to 1st person then you can pick stuff up. You can change 1st-3rd on keyboard with V key, I had to search the net to find that trick. In game its called cam view not 1st 3rd view. I never mess with said cam view options in games, its different in diff games and can actually change the cam all over the screen in some, so I avoid it. I figured it out though. The game has 2 full pages of key binds, a lot for keyboard and mouse imo. You cant always get your horse to move. You have to get off and try to walk it, but is same key for mount and walk- you might mount over and over before you can get it to walk. Bots saying come on- whats your problem etc. You want to smack em, lol. Bow drops bobs like you are a weak girl. At first, I was not sure how to get quests, or if had a quest list or where to find what quest you are on. I found it after searching the net. Also I thought the game was bug. You complete something, or even die, the game spawns you in a new place and my weapons was gone. I had to remember to walk near or get on my horse, then can access my inventory and all my gear is found again. Oh yah, the lever action rifle- you have to manually cycle it after each shot, or you go to fire and just get a click, or if still aiming or something or another. So you have to hit the fire key 2x, even then it might fire off a shot when you was trying to recycle. Every other game I have ever played the gun auto cycles itself for you.

All in all from what I have played its cool. Has a learning curve but all games do. I like the Old West and anything guns. I wish I lived in those days, maybe a law man or WW2 era and was a soldier/ fighter-pilot and survive. So, I will get deep into this game soon enough. :)



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May 1, 2023
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

My first was R-E 5 I think it was and would lock you in place when fire your weapon. The newer games are better imo and allow you to move and fire at same time. I completed a play through. I might reinstall and try another play mode for a few more achievements.

4K with pretty much maxed settings is lovely for a creepy eerie setting.

Creepy people try to adopt me->


Creepy Dolls->


Other creepy Things->

May 1, 2023
Resident Evil Village

Another nice yet Creepy game. :) I got both R-E Biohazard 7 and Village with all DLC' in a nice sale package. I finished a play through. I will try for more achievements.

4K Most settings maxed and Ray Trace on @125 to 135 FPS. I like.

Even more Creepy Dolls. Maybe these are the lost souls of the dolls in Bio7.



No, I will not chip in and donate myself for dinner->


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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@Lil Dyslexic doG RDR2 I like most of the reload animations for the guns, but they have done some adjustments. The handguns reload much faster than in real life, but I think it also works for the game as it makes it a bit more fast-paced. It is interesting though how some animations in the game are VERY slow at times like opening stuff in cupboards as it makes it kind of unnecessary since you'll be doing it hundreds of times. I'm not a fan when game companies add bloat content as a way to add hours to the game experience so they can brag about the game having hundreds of hours with content when a lot of that content isn't necessarily fun to do.

I play some Red Dead Online from time to time whenever they have some 2x money on professions. The horses in the game look amazing and trying to find the right costume for my character so it fits the color of the horse is fun.

RE7: Biohazard is scary as hell! I'm still at the beginning area after you open the door to the mansion. I'm a big wuss, so it will just take some time before I pop the man in the head and run for the door with the three figurines as I don't know what will be on the other side. The interiors look great and tons of details around like the ones you shared. A lot of ambient sound that is scary, even outside you can hear the wind howling and sometimes it rains. Definitely not the most hospitable place in a game world.


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