Hello I am looking for a PC game classic team based or party based rpg where you build a team of charaters, get equipment, lvl ups, do quests etc. Preferably fantasy based with diffrent species and classes, maybe werewolfs, vampires, elfs etc? Something like Divinity original sin 1,2, Baldurs gate, etc.
I already know about games like divinity series, baldurs series, darkest dungeons, dragon age, dragons dogma,fell seal, god wars, gorky 17, hard west, mass effect, pillars of eternity, drakensang, tyranny, valkyria chronicles, wasteland, xcom, the legend of heroes etc.
It can also be something like battle brothers or expedition rome. Any kind of a good game with party teams.
Also best if the game is on steam, but not necessary.
I already know about games like divinity series, baldurs series, darkest dungeons, dragon age, dragons dogma,fell seal, god wars, gorky 17, hard west, mass effect, pillars of eternity, drakensang, tyranny, valkyria chronicles, wasteland, xcom, the legend of heroes etc.
It can also be something like battle brothers or expedition rome. Any kind of a good game with party teams.
Also best if the game is on steam, but not necessary.