Admittedly I am only on the beginner maps, I wanted to learn game before trying the challenges.
Dorf is harder I find. Dorf you make the map, here you just place items on one.
Dorf you have to place things next to other cards to keep going, this you can easily seperate them and only run into problems towards end - This depends on map size too
This game is less about matching the tile to card, and more about setting up mega payoffs from combos. My highest scoring card - Tailor - only pays out big if surrounded by flax fields
there are at least 6 Tailors in this area, everything else is flax or sheep farms which they also profit off. Or tanneries that also profit off the flax/sheep but pay less overall.
Dorf can be frustrating as its about finding the perfect spot for all cards.
Dorf is harder I find. Dorf you make the map, here you just place items on one.
Dorf you have to place things next to other cards to keep going, this you can easily seperate them and only run into problems towards end - This depends on map size too
This game is less about matching the tile to card, and more about setting up mega payoffs from combos. My highest scoring card - Tailor - only pays out big if surrounded by flax fields
there are at least 6 Tailors in this area, everything else is flax or sheep farms which they also profit off. Or tanneries that also profit off the flax/sheep but pay less overall.
Dorf can be frustrating as its about finding the perfect spot for all cards.