Giveaway {Winner Announced!} Win the ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER Twin Fan!

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Apr 20, 2020
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Still have lots of work to do around the house, even after losing my job due to all the coronavirus stuff lol! But I still find time to play games when I can. Would love to win this giveaway! Here goes nothing!
Apr 20, 2020
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Since this whole thing started, I've been working from home, but prior to that my team of 3 and I had to move our entire company over to remote work. That was fun. Now I'm working every day from home between 7:30 and 5 while supporting staff remotely. It takes more time and gets a bit tedious, but I'm just glad I have a job. Hope you all are doing well!
Apr 20, 2020
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Well for what I'm managing to do to keep busy is rather the same as it has been. My job is still considered essential, and my college classes all got transferred to online. Mostly I'd say I'm picking up a few more games that I never got the chance to play like Assassins Creed Unity, and a couple others. Trying to stay active by working out at night with what I have and doing school work after I ger home from work.
Apr 20, 2020
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I've started working on just my laptop so that it doesn't feel like my work spaces and game spaces are the same, just trying to find a division between work and private life.

I'm also playing through some of my backlog: Outer Wilds, Hollow Knight, and more.
Apr 20, 2020
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I caught wind of this giveaway from Twitter.

I've built a couple of computers so a few weeks ago, before all of this quarantine business hit, he had asked me to build him a new computer for him and my niece to use for standard productivity, light gaming, and video editing.

He works at a grocery store in California which puts him in harm's way every time he goes to work. If I win, this GPU will be part of the build I put together for him.

Apr 20, 2020
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In my final year of University so it's been a turbulent couple of months adjusting to the changes. Been spending nearly all my waking hours working on my dissertation so not much problem keeping busy - keeping sane is another question though!
Apr 20, 2020
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Not stuck at home during this lockdown due to the fact of being an "Essential medical professional", but to be honest not being able to go out after work doesn't change my day to day. I'm a Tarkov pleb after work hours :).
Apr 20, 2020
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I have already finished FF7 Remake, Resident Evil 2 Remake, The Witcher 3 (FINALLY) and now I am taking a break by studing Japanese and doing some exercise after this marathon.
I also sit on my balcony for an hour to sunbathe and chill out.
Next video game will be either Persona 5, Last of us or Horizon Dawn.
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